Maribel Casas-Cortés
Maribel Casas +
Sebastian Cobarrubias a transatlantic
couple involved in political work with different collectives such as the
Chicago Direct Action Network, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, the Mexico
Solidarity Network, la Agencia de Asuntos Precarios. They are currently PhD
candidates in Anthropology and Geography respectively at the University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where they participated in the Social Movements
Working Group, and co-founded the Counter Cartographies Collective (3Cs). 3Cs serves as an interface challenging the
division of intellectual and activist work by engaging in radical mapping
projects. M+S have written about 3Cs experience in the edited volume on
militant research Constituent Imagination
and in Brumaria. Other writings
include work in the Atlas of Radical
Cartography and Activist Research
Newsletter. They also collaborate under the name of ‘Translocal
Productions’ in several venues, such as translation work with Transform and the
online collective Notas Rojas, as well as popular education workshops at
Universidad Rural Paulo Freire. Based currently in Madrid, they are doing
research on “precarity”, migration and the construction of the European Union;
this work includes projects with and focusing on social movements’ analyses,
especially those developed by activist research collectives and radical