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2042 references found.

Journal text

"... au-delà des limites du cadre rectangulaire"

( differences & representations , Michaela Pöschl , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

"... beyond the limitations of the rectangular frame"

( differences & representations , Michaela Pöschl , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

"A magyar faj DNS-éböl származik kiválasztottsága"

( ostwärts, kultur! , Magdalena Marsovszky , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

"Dome, strani dome"

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Jana Dolečki , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

"Kunst im öffentlichen Raum" in Hamburg

( pre_public , Rahel Puffert , Dec. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

"L'auteur comme producteur" de Benjamin: Une relecture dans l'Est postcommuniste

( artists as producers , Boris Buden , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

"Lost in Translation" - Transcultural Translation and Decolonialization of Knowledge

( borders, nations, translations , Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez , June 1, 2008 )

audio list

"Not only Producing Radical Content, but Producing it in a Radical Way"

The Practices of Suburbia and Subtextos and the Spanish Independent Publishing Ecosystem

( audio list , May 8, 2024, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

"Nous sentons notre liberté"

( publicum , Linda M. G. Zerilli , June 1, 2004 )

Blog post

"Occupez ! Partout où vous voudrez !"

Théâtre de L’Odéon, Paris, mars 2021.

( Blog post , Brice Le Gall , March 26, 2021 )

Depuis une dizaine de jours, plusieurs lieux culturels sont occupés pour exiger notamment le retrait de la réforme de l’assurance chômage. Cette mobilisation répond à la colère et parfois au désespoir de millions de travailleurs privés d’emplois en France. Alors que sur la dernière année écoulée, les associations caritatives ont recensé plus de 1 million de nouveaux pauvres et une augmentation d’environ 30% du nombre de bénéficiaires de l’aide alimentaire, le gouvernement persiste à imposer une réforme du chômage aussi injuste que cynique. D’après la plupart des estimations, celle-ci conduira à une baisse drastique du montant des allocations pour au moins 830 000 personnes. Les travailleurs les plus fragiles sont parmi les plus impactés par la réforme : L’allocation chômage d’un(e) salarié(e)  payé(e) au SMIC s’élèvera désormais à 667 euros (au lieu de 985 euros selon les règles de calculs de 2017). Cette réforme sera complétée en octobre 2021 par un durcissement des conditions pour ouvrir ses droits.

Blog post

"The Irrepressible Lightness and Joy of Being Communist"

Translocal Lecture Series on the Political Philosophy of Toni Negri

( Blog post , Aug. 1, 2023 )

The audio-archive of the lecture series is online. The links to the recordings can be found in this blog-post or via

Journal text

"We feel our freedom"

Imagination and Judgment in the Thought of Hannah Arendt

( publicum , Linda M. G. Zerilli , June 2, 2005 )

Journal text

"Wir fühlen unsere Freiheit"

Einbildungskraft und Urteil im Denken Hannah Arendts

( publicum , Linda M. G. Zerilli , June 1, 2004 )

Journal text

"¡Mueve te!" Bewegungen im Kunstwerk als Positionierungen im Feld

( mundial , Jens Kastner , Feb. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

"ٕاعادة مد الجسور مهمة صعبة"

( the languages of the banlieues , Abdoulah Bensaid (Musik à Venir) , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

"ٕقواعد اللعبة تسمح لنا باللعب في حياتنا"

( the languages of the banlieues , Françoise Dibotto Soppi , June 1, 2013 )

Blog post

#unteilbar - For an Open and Free Society: Solidarity, not Exclusion!

( Blog post , Oct. 2, 2018 )

A dramatic political shift is taking place: racism and discrimination are becoming socially acceptable. What yesterday was considered unthinkable and unutterable has today become a reality. Humanity and human rights, religious freedom, and the rule of law are being openly attacked. This is an attack on all of us.

Journal text

(Europa-)Kulturpolitik in Polen

( ostwärts, kultur! , Eva Grangier , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

(European) Cultural Policy in Poland

( ostwärts, kultur! , Eva Grangier , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Blog post

(Solidarity against the) Criminalisation of migration and border crossing services

( Blog post , , Dec. 8, 2014 )

On March 17th 2014 the trial against eight persons accused of “Schlepperei/human smuggling in the frame of a criminal association” started at Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt. On the December 4 shortly before midnight the sentences were passed.

Blog post

-1/0/1 gettoattack

Taktik, Hyperaktivität und Hülse

( Blog post , Sept. 23, 2024 )

Isabell Lorey liest das erste Kapitel aus der Neuauflage von: Gerald Raunig, Wien Feber Null, transversal texts 2024:

audio list

-1/0/1 gettoattack

Taktik, Hyperaktivität und Hülse

( audio list , Sept. 25, 2024, 6 p.m. )

Blog post

100 Geflüchtete protestieren in Neuburg an der Donau

( Blog post , refugee protest , Feb. 12, 2015 )

Am Dienstag, 10.02.2015 gingen ca. 100 Geflüchtete gegen die deutsche Asylpolitik und die Bedingungen in der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft in Neuburg an der Donau auf die Straße. Mit selbstgebastelten Plakaten und Bannern zog die dreistündige Demonstration von der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft zum Landratsamt und dem Neuburger Rathaus. Die Geflüchteten äußerten dort lautstark ihren Unmut über die miserablen Bedingungen, forderten ein Ende der Lagerpflicht, „gleiche Rechte für alle“ und prangerten das Lagersystem als Gefängnissystem an.

Journal text

1968 and after

Some Comments on Singularity and Minoritarian Politics

( on universalism , Katja Diefenbach , April 1, 2007 )

Blog post

20 Jahre eipcp - PARTY LIKE IT'S 1999

( Blog post , Dec. 14, 2019 )

Am sagenumwobenen 31. Dezember 1999 soll an mehreren Orten zugleich ein Institut gegründet worden sein, das nie Institution werden wollte. Mitten aus der entstehenden Bewegung, die sich im „Feber Null“ zu Gegenschwarzblau und den Donnerstagsdemos ausweiten sollte, entstand das European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies. 56 Ausgaben des multilingualen Webjournals transversal, 30 Bücher von transversal books, an die 20 Konferenzen und Workshops, 11 mehrjährige und unzählige kleine Projekte in verschiedenen Teilen Europas später ist es Zeit für ein Fest. Zum 20-jährigen Jubiläum des eipcp feiern wir am 14. Dezember in der Kunsthalle Exnergasse im WUK „Party like its 1999“.

Blog post


( Blog post , Ari Joskowicz und Hito Steyerl , Sept. 24, 2024 )

Anlässlich der Neuauflage von Gerald Raunigs Buch Wien Feber Null veröffentlicht transversal texts diesen aktualisierenden Dialog zwischen Hito Steyerl und Ari Joskowicz.

Blog post

31 Films by Oliver Ressler

( Blog post , Sept. 15, 2020 )

The artist and filmmaker Oliver Ressler ( has started a YouTube Channel with his films on global capitalism, forms of resistance, social alternatives, racism and the climate crisis. He will add one film every week, available for free. There will be 31 films altogether.
Subscriptions and sharing:

Journal text

7 Propositions for the Impossibility of Isolation

or, the Radical Empiricism of the Network

( inventions , Erin Manning , Jan. 1, 2011 )


8M - Der große feministische Streik

Konstellationen des 8. März

( book , Verónica Gago, Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar, Susana Draper, Mariana Menéndez Díaz, Marina Montanelli, Marie Bardet / Suely Rolnik , Oct. 29, 2018 )

Verónica Gago, Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar, Susana Draper, Mariana Menéndez Díaz, Marina Montanelli, Marie Bardet / Suely Rolnik | 11 2018


8M Constelación feminista

¿Cuál es tu lucha? ¿Cuál es tu huelga?

( book , Verónica Gago, Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar, Susana Draper, Mariana Menéndez Díaz, Marina Montanelli, Suely Rolnik , Nov. 10, 2018 )

Verónica Gago, Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar, Susana Draper, Mariana Menéndez Díaz, Marina Montanelli, Suely Rolnik | 05 2018

Blog post

8M – The great feminist strike


( Blog post , Isabell Lorey , March 6, 2019 )

Isabell Lorey’s introduction to the book 8M - Der große feministische Streik. Konstellationen des 8. März connects the Latin American feminist strikes with the actual feminist movements in Europe.

Journal text

A Callcenter In London - A Montage

( precariat , Marion Hamm , April 1, 2005 )

Blog post

A Discussion on the Bulgarian Literary and Publishing Landscape

( Blog post , Lina Dokuzović (ed.), Todor Hristov, Tsvetelina Hristova, Stanimir Panayotov , Dec. 21, 2022 )

This discussion looks at Bulgarian literature, publishing, its challenges, how it exists as a peripheral space and how people resist those challenges through new forms of inventive publishing. Departing from an anecdote about a pivotal shift in the Bulgarian literary context that took place in 2016, the authors reflect on the historical context to elaborate how this came to be and highlight the significance of numerous contemporary experimental, resistant, and non-traditional publishing practices.

audio list

A Discussion on the Bulgarian Literary and Publishing Landscape

( audio list , June 7, 2023, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

A Few Fragments on Machines

( machines and subjectivation , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

A Few Thesis about the Art(ist) as Government

( artists as producers , Ivana Momcilovic , March 1, 2005 )

Journal text

A Five Weeks Introduction to Democracy

( knowledge production and its discontents , Leonardo Kovačević , June 1, 2009 )

Blog post

A Grammar of Freedom

Preface by Antonio Negri

( Blog post , Antonio Negri , May 9, 2021 )

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of May 15, 2011, transversal texts publishes Toni Negri’s “A Grammar of Freedom” in Italian, English, German and Spanish. The text is the preface to Raúl Sánchez Cedillo’s new book, Lo absoluto de la democracia / Das Absolute der Demokratie, published simultaneously in Spanish and German as a cooperation between transversal texts and the new Málaga-based imprint subtextos.

Journal text

A Normal State Does NOT Rule in Austria

( experiment austria , Kulturpolitische Kommission , June 1, 2000 )

Journal text

A Prejudice in the Culture

( ostwärts, kultur! , Nebojša Jovanović , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Blog post

A Review of Kuba Szreder’s The ABC of the Projectariat

Manchester University Press, 2021

( Blog post , Marc Herbst , May 5, 2022 )

On the jacket quote of Kuba Szreder’s The ABC of the Projectariat, theorist/video artist Hito Steyerl says that the book creates “an alphabetical list– trusting that this mess will be easier to sort out once articulated aloud.” The mess that Szreder effectively sorts out is that pile of contradictions that appear when aiming to make art through the work of institutions. Specifically, to Szreder’s interests, this is the mess that appears when dialing in on how political or socially transformative artwork does and does not function through the current neo-liberal cultural order.

Journal text

A Rift in Empire?

The Multitudes in the Face of War

( space of empire , Brian Holmes , June 1, 2003 )

Journal text

A Rising Tide of Contradiction

( institution , Brian Holmes , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

A Strategy of Deployment

Reflections on the play “Liebesforschung”

( practices of transmuting signs , Ljubomir Bratić , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

A Tangent that Betrayed the Circle

On the Limits of Fidelity in Translation

( borders, nations, translations , Boris Buden , June 1, 2008 )

Journal text

A War of Words: A Review of Muhammadgate

( polture and culitics , Simon Sheikh , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

A War-Machine against the Empire

( hybrid?resistance , Gerald Raunig , May 1, 2002 )

Blog post

A call for intergalactic solidarity actions everywhere to end the destruction of the ZAD

( Blog post , , April 11, 2018 )

We are writing with the smell of tear gas rising from our fingers. The springtime symphony of birdsong is punctuated by the explosive echo of concussion grenades. Our eyes are watering, less from the gas than the sadness; because our friends’ homes, barns and organic farms are being destroyed. Bulldozers, supported by 2500 riot police, armored vehicles, helicopters and drones, are rampaging through these forests, pastures and wetlands to crush the future we are building here on the to the zad (The zone à defendre).

Blog post

A collective refusal

An appeal by researchers involved in the production of knowledge on migration

( Blog post , Gruppo ricercatrici e ricercatori migrazioni , Oct. 31, 2014 )

Day after day we keep receiving updates on that uncanny war which is ongoing in the Mediterranean: updates on how many migrants were rescued and how many have died since the beginning of “Mare Nostrum,” the “military and humanitarian” operation that the Italian government enlisted in the Mediterranean as a response to the shipwreck of October 3, 2013. At that time, the island of Lampedusa was swamped by a wave of dead bodies - of women, men, and children. We are asked to form our opinion on Italian and European policies – those policies made also in our name - based on the statistics of deaths.

Journal text

A day is as long as a year

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Faraz Gondal , Oct. 1, 2014 )

audio list

A feminist kairos

( audio list , June 28, 2023, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

A la cuarentena de la cuarentena

Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, y «yo»

( Around the Crown , Catherine Malabou , March 23, 2020 )

Journal text

A qui appartient l’universalisme ?

( on universalism , Nora Sternfeld , March 1, 2007 )

Journal text

A r/c tivism in Physical and Virtual Spaces

( real public spaces , Marion Hamm , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

A r/c tivism in physikalischen und virtuellen Räumen

( real public spaces , Marion Hamm , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

A r/c tivisme dans des espaces physiques et virtuels

( real public spaces , Marion Hamm , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

A r/c tivismo en espacios físicos y virtualesa

( real public spaces , Marion Hamm , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text


On Coloniality, Feminization and Migration

( unsettling knowledges , Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez , Nov. 1, 2010 )

Journal text


Kolonialität, Feminisierung und Migration

( unsettling knowledges , Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez , Nov. 1, 2010 )

Journal text


( mundial , Gerald Raunig , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text


( real public spaces , Aldo Milohnic , March 1, 2005 )

Journal text


( real public spaces , Aldo Milohnic , March 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Academy Effects

( institution , Beatrice von Bismarck , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Achicharramiento de los dedos

( flee erase territorialize , Tina Leisch , Feb. 16, 2013 )

Journal text

Activism and Participation in Twentieth Century Art

( kunst 2.0 , Stella Rollig , March 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Activisme antiprécaritaire

( precariat , Gerald Raunig , June 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Activismo contra la precariedad

( precariat , Gerald Raunig , June 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Activist Club or On the Concept of Cultural Houses, Social Centers & Museums

( new productivisms , Dmitry Vilensky , March 27, 2009 )

Journal text

Activist Club, oder: Über das Konzept von Kulturhäusern, Sozialzentren und Museen

( new productivisms , Dmitry Vilensky , March 27, 2009 )

Journal text

Activist Sense. Affektive Medienpraktiken während des G20-Gipfels in Hamburg

( Technecologies , Christoph Brunner , March 22, 2018 )

Journal text

Activist Sense: Affective Media Practices during the G20 Summit in Hamburg

( Technecologies , Christoph Brunner , March 22, 2018 )

Blog post

Activist Urbanism for a Solidary City

Book presentations and discussion

( Blog post , May 9, 2022 )

Vienna (23.05.) - München (26.05.) - Augsburg (27.05.) - Köln (28.05.) - Stuttgart (31.05.) - Berlin (01.06.) - Hamburg (03.06.)

Journal text

Actualisation de l'espace. Le cas Oda Projesi

( artists as producers , Maria Lind , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Actualisation of Space: The Case of Oda Projesi

( artists as producers , Maria Lind , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Blog post

Actualize your Imagination as Narrative and as Infrastructure

An interview with Stefania Milan on media, tech and data activism

( Blog post , Stefania Milan / Raimund Minichbauer , Sept. 14, 2018 )

Focusing on contemporary perspectives of media, tech and data activism, the interview with Stefania Milan discusses their roles within social movement ecologies, the political positions between prefigurative radical activism and reformist participation in ‘multi-stakeholder decision-making’ processes, and the broader question concerning the relationship between social media and protest against the backdrop of the rising critique of commercial platforms.

Journal text

Actualizing Poststructuralist Theory

Actualizing Poststructuralist Theory

( inventions , Isabell Lorey, Roberto Nigro, Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Add Value to Contents: the Valorisation of Culture Today

( creativity hypes , Esther Leslie , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Addentro al modo della modulazione: le fabbriche del sapere

( knowledge production and its discontents , Gerald Raunig , Aug. 25, 2009 )

Journal text

Adrift through the circuits of feminized precarious work

( precariat , Precarias a la deriva , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Aesthetic Techniques and Political Effects

( artists as producers , Friedrich Tietjen , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Aesthetic-emancipatory dispositives

Several questions and a few answers on the exhibition project a work that can't shake off what it reflects

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Andrei Siclodi , Feb. 19, 2011 )

Journal text

Aesthetics of Resistance?

Artistic Research as Discipline and Conflict

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Hito Steyerl , Jan. 1, 2010 )

Journal text

Affektive Arbeit

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Nancy Folbre , Aug. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Affirmation im Verlust

Zur Frage der Zeugenrede

( zeugenschaften , Stefan Nowotny , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Affirmation in Loss

On the Question of Testimony

( zeugenschaften , Stefan Nowotny , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Afirmación en la pérdida

La cuestión del discurso del testigo

( zeugenschaften , Stefan Nowotny , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

African Roots of US University Struggles

From the Occupy Movement to the Anti-Student-Debt Campaign

( unsettling knowledges , Silvia Federici , Jan. 1, 2012 )

Blog post

After Audience, Vienna, 9 June 2018

Eine Konferenz des eipcp im Rahmen des Projekts Midstream / A conference convened by the Midstream project

( Blog post , eipcp , May 22, 2018 )

Mit / with Manuel Borja-Villel (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid), Christoph Brunner (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), Boris Buden (eipcp permanent fellow), Lucie Kolb (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Basel), Solvita Krese (Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art Riga), Brigitta Kuster (Humboldt-Universität Berlin), Isabell Lorey (Universität Kassel), Kelly Mulvaney (University of Chicago), Stefan Nowotny (Goldsmiths, University of London), Gerald Raunig (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste), Stella Rollig (Belvedere Wien), Ruth Sonderegger (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien). Moderation: Monika Mokre (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Luisa Ziaja (Belvedere Wien)

Blog post

After Representation before Study (1)

( Blog post , Isabell Lorey , Dec. 21, 2021 )

Ich möchte mit Rousseau beginnen – mit dem Autor des Gesellschaftsvertrags, seiner Schrift von 1762, in der er eine Republik ohne Repräsentation entwirft: das vereinte Volk der männlichen Bürger kann nicht vertreten werden. Nicht zu trennen davon ist das misogyne Frauenbild, mit dem Rousseau entscheidend dazu beigetragen hat, es zu Beginn der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft zu etablieren. Rousseau ist zugleich auch derjenige, der mit seiner Repräsentationskritik sehr deutlich für das Fest, das Feiern plädiert hat. Das republikanische Fest – das er nicht minder streng heteronormativ betrachtet – kann paradoxerweise erste Aspekte für eine repräsentationskritische Form von Demokratie liefern, die ohne Volk auskommt und von der Heterogenität und der Verbundenheit der multitude, der beliebigen Vielen aus gedacht ist.

Blog post

After Representation before Study (2)

( Blog post , Ruth Sonderegger , Dec. 22, 2021 )

Am Anfang war eine bürgerliche Öffentlichkeit. Sie hat ihre Ausschlüsse Schritt für Schritt auf- beziehungsweise abgearbeitet. Schließlich durften alle mitmachen. Selbst bei dem, was zunächst das Privileg weniger westeuropäischer Männer mit Geld und Immobilien war: Hochkultur, Wahlen, politische Ämter und dergleichen mehr. Das war zu viel des Guten. Die Sache ist gekippt und nun – spätestens nach dem langen Mai von 1968 – werden alle durch partizipative Aktivierung ausgebeutet und vermessen. Was kann danach noch kommen?

Blog post

After production (of your own satisfaction)

( Blog post , Brigitta Kuster , Dec. 23, 2021 )

Das Kino hatte schon immer eine Obsession mit dem Publikum. Daher will ich für meine Überlegungen zu „after audience“ vorwiegend das Kino und audiovisuelle Medien heranziehen. In der Frühzeit des Kinematographen und der Kintopps witterten Bildungsreformer, Sittenwächter und Zensoren im Kino bereits zu seiner Frühzeit etwas Unanständiges oder Ungeheuerliches – nicht so sehr wegen seiner Inhalte, sondern wegen seiner ganz und gar heterotopischen Qualität als sozialer Raum. Dieser verhieß gerade infolge seiner Verwischungen, Vermischungen und Verdunkelungen die Entstehung neuer Formen von Erfahrung, von Sehen und Gesehenwerden jenseits bürgerlich-kultureller Einhegung.

Blog post

Aftermath of the eviction of Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule on 11 January, 2018

( Blog post , Jan. 30, 2018 )

It has been a long and intense morning with hundreds of demonstrating on the streets of Kreuzberg to protest against the eviction of the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule, against German racist and neocolonial asylum and migration policies, Fortress Europe, and deportations.

Journal text

Against Opportunistic Criticism

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Damir Arsenijević , Nov. 1, 2007 )

Blog post

Against the Bodies: Notes on Isolation and State Repression in Greece

( Blog post , Sofia Bempeza, Diana Manesi , March 15, 2021 )

In the afternoons she* takes notes on the social, affective and political impact of the pandemic in Greece, while her* body, her* friends, her* lovers and fellow accomplices are affected in many ways. As the lockdown months go by she* feels an urgency to tackle the challenges of the recent political and social order directed against the bodies. At the moment greek society experiences not only a deep social division due to the perennial austerity but also a “new” political order coming forth through the impacts of the pandemic.

Journal text

Against the war, a European assembly

( disarm* , Collettivo Euronomade , April 1, 2022 )

Journal text

Aktivismus und Partizipation in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts

( kunst 2.0 , Stella Rollig , March 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Aktualisierung des Raums: Der Fall Oda Projesi

( artists as producers , Maria Lind , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Akıldan sağduyuya

Evrenselciliğin eleştirisine katkı

( on universalism , Hakan Gürses , Feb. 14, 2006 )

Journal text

Algunos fragmentos sobre las máquinas

( machines and subjectivation , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Ali neoizem obstaja?

( art sabotage , Oliver Marchart , Dec. 5, 2002 )


All Incomplete

( book , Stefano Harney and Fred Moten , Oct. 10, 2022 )

Stefano Harney / Fred Moten, Minor Compositions | 2021


Journal text

All or None?

( art sabotage , autonome a.f.r.i.k.a. gruppe , Dec. 5, 2002 )

Journal text

Alla ricerca del Commonwealth

( inventions , Antonio Negri , Jan. 1, 2011 )


Alle Macht der selbstorganisierten Wissensproduktion

( book , edu-factory , Nov. 27, 2019 )

edu-factory | 12 2019

Journal text

Alle oder Keiner?

( art sabotage , autonome a.f.r.i.k.a. gruppe , Dec. 5, 2002 )

Journal text

Alles nur Theater? - Alles nur Politik.

( protest , Oliver Marchart , Aug. 1, 2001 )


Allseits unvollkommen

Plantokratie und schwarzes Studium

( book , Stefano Harney und Fred Moten , Sept. 1, 2022 )

Stefano Harney und Fred Moten | 10 2022

audio list

Allzeit unvollständige Playlist

Allseits unvollkommen 3

( audio list , Oct. 30, 2022, 8:31 a.m. )

Journal text

Alrededor del giro lingüístico del capitalismo

( machines and subjectivation , Christian Marazzi / Isaac Marrero , April 28, 2005 )

Journal text

Am 1. März sprechen wir Sprachstreik!

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , 1. März - Transnationaler Migrant_innenstreik , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Ambivalent Hybridities

( hybrid?resistance , Stefan Nowotny , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Ambivalente Hybriditäten

( hybrid?resistance , Stefan Nowotny , May 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Ambivalentne hibridnosti

( hybrid?resistance , Stefan Nowotny , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Amintirile unei video-activiste

( practices of transmuting signs , Joanne Richardson , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

An Experiment in Subjectivity

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Arat , June 1, 2013 )

Blog post

An Open letter in the Dark

( Blog post , The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination , Oct. 31, 2014 )

We are sorry it has taken so long to get back to you, but this letter has not been an easy one to write and things have been difficult here. We are also sorry that what began as a letter has perhaps become a long “manifestos against a world that we hate”.

Blog post

An invisible happy birthday!

( Blog post , eipcp , March 10, 2017 )

On March 10, 2007, citizens, social and cultural collectives and invisible creatives occupied the building Nosquera 9 and 11 in Málaga to begin an adventure that is celebrating its tenth birthday this month. In a context of touristification and rampant speculation in the city center of Málaga, during the early years of an urban planning model that claimed (and claims) to be cultural, which grants spaces and resources solely to large-scale museum and red-carpet festival operations, La Casa Invisible was born.

Journal text

Anarchist Consensual Democracy

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Ralf Burnicki , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Anarchistyczna Demokracja Konsensualna

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Ralf Burnicki , Aug. 6, 2005 )

Journal text

Anarhistička demokratija konsenzusa

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Ralf Burnicki , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Anmerkungen zur edu-factory und zum kognitiven Kapitalismus

( knowledge production and its discontents , George Caffentzis / Silvia Federici , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Another European Crisis?!

Myth, translation, and the apparatus of area

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Jon Solomon , July 7, 2012 )

Journal text

Anstelle der Öffentlichkeit?

( publicum , Simon Sheikh , June 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Anthropologie und Theorie der Institutionen

( progressive institutions , Paolo Virno , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Anthropology and Theory of Institutions

( progressive institutions , Paolo Virno , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Anthropophagischer Protagonismus

( cultura migrans , Luzenir Caixeta & Rubia Salgado, MAIZ , Oct. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Anti-Canonization. The Differential Knowledge of Institutional Critique

( do you remember institutional critique? , Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Anti-Kanonisierung. Das differenzielle Wissen der Institutionskritik

( do you remember institutional critique? , Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 3, 2006 )

Journal text

Anti-Precariousness Activism

( precariat , Gerald Raunig , June 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Anticanonización. El saber diferencial de la crítica institucional

( do you remember institutional critique? , Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 4, 2006 )

Blog post


Der Schriftsteller Michael Köhlmeier redet über Demokratie und demonstriert dabei vor allem paradigmatischen Intellektuellendünkel

( Blog post , Jens Kastner , Dec. 10, 2014 )

Es gibt eine Verherrlichung des „Volkes“, in einigen Teilen der (antiimperialistischen) Linken ebenso wie in ethnologischen und anthropologischen Theorieansätzen. Sicher. Aber muss man, um dies zu thematisieren, gleich ein Maximum an klassistischem Ressentiment auffahren und historische Tatsachen verdrehen, wie der Schriftsteller Michael Köhlmeier es in seinem Text „Was wir meinen, wenn wir von Demokratie reden“ tut?

Journal text

Antiprekaritarni aktivizam i Mayday parade

Antiprekaritarni aktivizam i Mayday parade

( precariat , Gerald Raunig , June 18, 2004 )

Journal text

Antiprekaritärer Aktivismus

( precariat , Gerald Raunig , June 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Antropologia e teoria delle istituzioni

( progressive institutions , Paolo Virno , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Antropología y teoría de las instituciones

( progressive institutions , Paolo Virno , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Apetitos extremos

La colonialidad del ver y las imágenes-archivo sobre el canibalismo de Indias

( postcolonial displays , Joaquín Barriendos , Aug. 2, 2008 )

Blog post

Aphrodite* / her* geographies, her* complices, her* intersexions

( Blog post , Oct. 30, 2020 )

Open Call to participate in the queer-feminist Festival Aphrodite* 2020 with films/videos by women* and LGBTQI*+ artists from the Balkan countries who live or have lived in Greece.

Journal text

Application de la loi

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Félix Guattari , Oct. 2, 2014 )

Journal text

Approfondir la théorie

L’école du maître qui manque

( an-academy , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 3, 2010 )

Journal text

Appunti sull'Onda anomala, il g8 dell'università, la repressione e ciò che (presumibilmente) ci attende

( knowledge production and its discontents , Andrea Benino , Aug. 25, 2009 )

Journal text

Aprendiendo del virus

( Around the Crown , Paul B. Preciado , March 28, 2020 )

Blog post

Aprendiendo del virus

( Blog post , Paul B. Preciado , March 28, 2020 )

La gestión política de las epidemias pone en escena la utopía de comunidad y las fantasías inmunitarias de una sociedad, externalizando sus sueños de omnipotencia de su soberanía política.

Journal text

Après 1968

Remarques sur la singularité et la politique minoritaire

( on universalism , Katja Diefenbach , April 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Après la dernière révolution

Notes sur Belgrade

( space of empire , Teodora Tabacki , April 1, 2003 )

Blog post

Après les arbres, c’est un homme qui tombe dans la forêt de Sivens

( Blog post , La coordination du 25 octobre , Oct. 31, 2014 )

Ce qu’il y a de stupéfiant dans l’affaire du barrage de Sivens depuis plus d’un an, c’est la scandaleuse disproportion entre les prétendues finalités de ce projet et les moyens mis en oeuvre par les autorités tarnaises pour l’imposer. [...] Dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, vers 2 heure du matin, Rémi, 21 ans, est tombé sous les tirs de cet État de droit. Selon divers témoignages, il aurait reçu en tir tendu (ce qui est formellement interdit) une grenade de dés-encerclement à l’épaule.

Journal text

Arbeit Wissen Prekarität

( precariat , Franco Berardi Bifo , July 7, 2004 )

Journal text

Arbeit an der Gemeinschaft

( artists as producers , Christian Kravagna , Jan. 1, 1999 )

Journal text

Arbeiterkollektive während der Spanischen Revolution

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Salomé Moltó , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text


( precariat , Iram Ghufran and Taha Mehmood , April 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Arbetarundersökningarna och deltagande undersökningar

( militante untersuchung , Marta Malo de Molina , April 2, 2004 )

audio list

Arkzin, its Legacy and Contemporary Importance

( audio list , Feb. 21, 2024, 10:43 a.m. )

Blog post

Art and Activism

(Against Groys)

( Blog post , Jens Kastner , Dec. 3, 2014 )

Boris Groys, philosopher and art theorist, has recently published a text entitled ‘On Art Activism’ (e-flux) or ‘Kunstaktivismus’ in German (Lettre International) in two reputable journals. In this text he makes a claim that can only really be described as being totally false.


Art and Contemporary Critical Practice

Reinventing Institutional Critique

( book , Gerald Raunig / Gene Ray (eds) , April 28, 2015 )

Gerald Raunig / Gene Ray (eds), mayfly | 2009

Journal text

Art and Knowledge: Towards a Decolonial Perspective

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Therese Kaufmann , March 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Art and Politics in Moscow: A Politically Ambiguous City

( hybrid?resistance , Oleg Kireev , July 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Art and Repugnance

( kunst 2.0 , F.E. Rakuschan , Feb. 1, 2002 )


Art and Revolution

Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century

( book , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Gerald Raunig, Semiotext(e) / MIT Press | 2007

Journal text

Art et politique à Moscou

( hybrid?resistance , Oleg Kireev , June 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Art in the Era of Globalization

( mundial , Georg Schöllhammer , Jan. 1, 1999 )

Journal text

Art, Space and the Public Sphere(s).

Some basic observations on the difficult relation of public art, urbanism and political theory

( pre_public , Oliver Marchart , Jan. 11, 2002 )

Journal text

Art: Radical Political Imagination

( do you remember institutional critique? , brumaria , May 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Arte y conocimiento: rudimentos para una perspectiva descolonial

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Therese Kaufmann , March 19, 2011 )


Arte y revolución

Activismo artístico en el largo siglo xx

( book , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 23, 2024 )

Gerald Raunig, Traficantes de Sueños | 2024

Journal text

Arte: la imaginación política radical

( do you remember institutional critique? , brumaria , May 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Artikulacija protesta

( mundial , Hito Steyerl , March 14, 2003 )

Journal text

Artist as Teacher?

( an-academy , Boris Buden in conversation with Cornelia Sollfrank, Dmitry Vilensky and David Riff , Oct. 1, 2010 )

Journal text

Artistas que buscan su lugar en los campus de Estados Unidos

artistas que buscan su lugar en los campus de Estados Unidos

( an-academy , Dan S. Wang , Oct. 25, 2010 )

Journal text

Artistes comme intellectuels publics

( artists as producers , Simon Sheikh , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Artistic Internationalism and Institutional Critique

( do you remember institutional critique? , Jens Kastner , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Artistic Research and Fieldwork as Social Practice

( an-academy , Cornelia Sollfrank in conversation with Gavin Renwick , April 3, 2008 )

Journal text

Artists Looking for a Place on Campus in the United States

Artists Looking for a Place on Campus in the United States

( an-academy , Dan S. Wang , Oct. 25, 2010 )

Journal text

Ascenso y caída del nuevo institucionalismo

Perspectivas de un futuro posible

( progressive institutions , Nina Möntmann , Aug. 19, 2007 )

Journal text

Así como tú me quieres Yo no quiero ser de ti

( publicum , Maria Galindo , June 2, 2005 )

Journal text

Athens: Metropolitan Blockade - Real Democracy

( #occupy and assemble∞ , Dimitris Papadopoulos, Vassilis Tsianos & Margarita Tsomou , July 28, 2012 )

Journal text

Attempt to Think the Plebeian

Exodus and Constituting as Critique

( the art of critique , Isabell Lorey , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Au lieu du public?

( publicum , Simon Sheikh , June 1, 2004 )

audio list

Audio-Assemblage after "The Trial"

( audio list , May 3, 2023, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

Auf dass die Ewigkeit uns umarme

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Toni Negri , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Auf dem Weg zum „Gipfel der soziologischen Kunst“

Pierre Bourdieus selbstreflexive Praxis im Licht des fotografischen Archivs

( bourdieu in algeria , Beatrice von Bismarck , Feb. 7, 2008 )

Journal text

Auf der Bühne des Politischen

( publicum , Oliver Marchart , June 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Auf der Schwelle instituieren

( Municipalismos monstruo , Francesco Salvini , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

Auf der Suche nach dem Common Wealth

( inventions , Antonio Negri , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Aufnehmen statt sterben lassen!

Die Faschisierung Europas stoppen

( Around the Crown , , March 18, 2020 )

Journal text

Aufstieg und Fall des -„New Institutionalism“.

Perspektiven einer möglichen Zukunft

( progressive institutions , Nina Möntmann , Aug. 15, 2007 )

Journal text

Aus dem Krieg desertieren

( disarm* , Sandro Mezzadra , March 17, 2022 )

Journal text

Aus dem Rahmen fallen

( differences & representations , Michaela Pöschl , May 1, 2003 )

Blog post

Aus den Kreisläufen des Rassismus

Kamion. Zeitschrift. Heft Nummer 1.

( Blog post , March 27, 2015 )

Die neue Kamion#1 'Aus den Kreisläufen des Rassismus' fragt nach den Verhältnissen von Rassismus und Ökonomie, so wie sie sich in ihren Verfahren und Aktivitäten gegenwärtiger Zirkulation präsentieren. Die Fragen der Logistik, beziehungsweise logistischer Formen des Kapitalismus, nehmen eine zentrale Stellung ein. Die Autor_innen suchen nach widerständigen Aktualisierungen, das heisst nach Möglichkeiten die Schließung von Subjektivitäten und Körpern zu sabotieren und zu queren um einen materiellen Beitrag gegen den permanenten Zugriff zu leisten.


Aus der Praxis im Dissens

( book , Rubia Salgado / maiz , Sept. 1, 2015 )

Rubia Salgado / maiz, transversal texts | 09 2015

Journal text

Ausgrabungen von Gedächtnis

Der Wert des Wortes „Testimonio“ in Guatemala

( zeugenschaften , Santiago Cotzal , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Autogestión de trabajadores en Yugoslavia

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Todor Kuljic , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Autonome Räume der Deregulierung und Kritik

Ist eine Kooperation mit neoliberalen Kunstinstitutionen möglich? // 1 //

( progressive institutions , Branka Ćurčić , June 3, 2007 )

Journal text

Autonomous Spaces of Deregulation and Critique

Is a Cooperation with Neoliberal Art Institutions Possible? // 1 //

( progressive institutions , Branka Ćurčić , June 2, 2007 )

Journal text

Avant la représentation

( differences & representations , Angela Melitopoulos , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Añadir valor a los contenidos: la valorización de la cultura hoy

( creativity hypes , Esther Leslie , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Babblings from France or Babel in the Île-de-France

( the languages of the banlieues , Marc Hatzfeld , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Babilon moj roden kraj

( talks on translation , Rada Iveković / Boris Buden , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Babils de France

( the languages of the banlieues , Marc Hatzfeld , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Barrial Geographic

Technecología y parodia en las prácticas de resistencia a la gentrificación del barrio de Lagunillas (Málaga)

( Technecologies , Álvaro Ruiz , Jan. 24, 2018 )

Journal text

Batalla, cotidiano y futuro de las licencias libres

Unas notas desde el proyecto editorial Traficantes de Sueños

( aufstand der verlegten , Traficantes de Sueños , June 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Beauty of a legally questionable nature?

( pre_public , André Eric Létourneau , Dec. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Before the Representation

( differences & representations , Angela Melitopoulos , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Begehren als Durchquerung multipler Herrschaftsverhältnisse

Begehren als Durchquerung multipler Herrschaftsverhältnisse

( inventions , Antke Engel , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Bei Nichteinhalten der Regel …

Bio-Art, Sicherheit und Markt

( art and police , Tiziana Terranova , June 2, 2007 )

Journal text

Benjamins "Der Autor als Produzent": Eine Re-Lektüre im postkommunistischen Osten

( artists as producers , Boris Buden , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Between Habermas and Rancière: The Democracy of Political Translation

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Nicole Doerr , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Bewegungen, Institutionen und neue Militanz

( instituent practices , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Beyond the Breakdown

Three Meditations on a Possible Aftermath

( Around the Crown , Franco „Bifo“ Berardi , March 31, 2020 )

Blog post

Beyond the Breakdown

Three Meditations on a Possible Aftermath

( Blog post , Franco „Bifo“ Berardi , March 31, 2020 )

All of a sudden, what we have been thinking for the last fifty years has to be rethought from scratch. Thank god (is god a virus?) that we have an abundance of extra time now because the old business is out of business.

Journal text

Bibelstunde: Die Empire-Debatte

( space of empire , Pinguin , Jan. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Bicycle Machines

( machines and subjectivation , Gerald Raunig , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Biometric film images

A new mode of audiovisual records affecting reality?

( Technecologies , Brigitta Kuster , March 5, 2018 )

Journal text

Biometrische Filmbilder

Eine neue Weise, in der audiovisuelle Aufzeichnungen die Wirklichkeit berühren?

( Technecologies , Brigitta Kuster , March 5, 2018 )

Blog post

Biopolítica: somatocracia y medicina social (desde Latinoamérica)

( Blog post , Patricio Lepe-Carrión , Aug. 27, 2020 )

En octubre de 1974, Michel Foucault visitó la Universidad del Estado de Guanabara (que después sería la de Río de Janeiro) en Brasil, donde dictó una serie de seis conferencias en el Instituto de Medicina Social. En la segunda de ellas, titulada «Nacimiento de la medicina social» (Foucault, 2001b), es donde aparece por primera vez la noción de biopolítica. El concepto no era de su invención, lo tomó prestado del filósofo sueco Rudolf Kjellén, y tampoco fue una categoría de batalla al interior de su obra, puesto que lo abandonó muy temprano para dar paso a la idea de gubernamentalidad.

Journal text

Bodies in Alliance and the Politics of the Street

( #occupy and assemble∞ , Judith Butler , Sept. 7, 2011 )

Journal text

Bodies, Things, and Social Machines

( the language of things , Gerald Raunig , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Border Camp // Strasbourg // 19 au 28 juillet, 2002

( hybrid?resistance , Harald Kuemmer , April 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Border Camp // Strasbourg // July 19 to 28, 2002

( hybrid?resistance , Harald Kuemmer , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Border as Method, or, the Multiplication of Labor

( borders, nations, translations , Sandro Mezzadra / Brett Neilson , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Bourdieu : Photographier la co-temporalité

( bourdieu in algeria , Christian Kravagna , Dec. 8, 2007 )

Journal text

Bourdieu, postkolonial: Anmerkungen zu einem Oxymoron

( bourdieu in algeria , Nirmal Puwar , Feb. 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Bourdieus Fotografie der Gleichzeitigkeit

( bourdieu in algeria , Christian Kravagna , Dec. 8, 2007 )

Journal text

Bourdieu’s Photography of Coevalness

( bourdieu in algeria , Christian Kravagna , Dec. 7, 2007 )

Journal text

Broderies hétérolingues

( the languages of the banlieues , Anne Querrien , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Bucaneros en el mar de signos

Biopiratería y políticas de traducción

( borders, nations, translations , Tom Waibel , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Burning Fingers

( flee erase territorialize , Tina Leisch , Feb. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Burying the Death of the Author

( artists as producers , Ulf Wuggenig , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text


( cultura migrans , Søren Grammel , Jan. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Bäume des Wissens. Anthropologie, Kunst und Politik

Melville J. Herskovits und Zora Neale Hurston – Harlem um 1930

( unsettling knowledges , Christian Kravagna , Jan. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Büros für soziale Rechte: Erfahrungen politischer Organisation und Aussage in Zeiten der Prekarität

( monster institutions , Silvia López, Xavier Martínez, Javier Toret , April 2, 2008 )

Blog post

CAMPAÑA #CuentaAtrasVillana fin de Goteo

( Blog post , July 26, 2023 )

La Villana de Vallekases un *centro social autónomo y autogestionado* basado en el apoyo mutuo, el sindicalismo social y la acción directa.

HOY comienza la #CuentaAtrasVillana y tenemos 10 días llegar al OPTIMO, ¿nos ayudas?


Blog post

CFP Mutating ecologies in contemporary art: machinic capitalism, molecularized selves & subsistential territories

( Blog post , Feb. 13, 2020 )

IV International Symposium
Barcelona, postponed to Oct, 2020

MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Coordinated by Christian Alonso (University of Barcelona)
Keynote by Gerald Raunig (Zürich University of the Arts, eipcp European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies)
Deadline for submissions: February 28th, 2020, 8pm GMT

Journal text


( artists as producers , Bojana Cvejic , Jan. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital

( Around the Crown , Rob Wallace, Alex Liebman, Luis Fernando Chaves, Rodrick Wallace , April 1, 2020 )

Blog post

COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital

( Blog post , Rob Wallace, Alex Liebman, Luis Fernando Chaves, Rodrick Wallace , April 1, 2020 )

COVID-19, the illness caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the second severe acute respiratory syndrome virus since 2002, is now officially a pandemic. As of late March, whole cities are sheltered in place and, one by one, hospitals are lighting up in medical gridlock brought about by surges in patients.

Blog post

COVID-19. Critique in Sick Times

( Blog post , María Antonia González Valerio and Rosaura Martínez Ruiz , April 16, 2020 )

It becomes impossible to think when COVID-19 turns into a synonym for one’s own death or, worse, for the death of a loved one or the hundreds of thousands of strangers, which is also painful. Uncertainty and anxiety cloud understanding and stifle speech. In spite of this, it is essential to think and to listen.

Blog post

Call for Papers ICOPA 16, Quito, Ecuador

Experiences of resistance and discussions on abolitionism from Latin America

( Blog post , International Conference on Penal Abolition , Aug. 19, 2015 )

The International Conference on Penal Abolition (ICOPA) is a bi-annual gathering of activists, academics, journalists, practitioners, people currently or formerly imprisoned, survivors of state and personal harm, and others from across the world who are working towards the abolition of imprisonment, the penal system, carceral controls and the prison industrial complex.

Blog post

Call for the Immediate Evacuation of Moria

( Blog post , Sept. 12, 2020 )

At a time when 12,500 refugees and asylum seekers are wandering homeless on the roads and hills of Lesbos, when those intoxicated and injured in the fire in Moria are prevented by the police from reaching the hospital in Mytilene, when solidarity groups bringing basic necessities are blocked by the forces of order or attacked by far-right groups, when the Greek government‘s only response to this emergency is national-security
We, as European citizens, can no longer remain silent.

Blog post

Call out for an EMERGENCY solidarity action at the Serbian-Hungarian border

( Blog post , No Border Serbia Collectif , Sept. 15, 2015 )

Since yesterday, when Hungary attempted to close its borders, by bringing army and heavy police force at the newly built fence, and the new law criminalising migrants has stepped into force, up to 5000 migrants have been stuck at the border. This is a call out to all activists, for an emergency intervention at the border – we need people to show solidarity with those stuck at the Horgoš 2 border crossing.

Blog post

Call: To Greece with love

( Blog post , , March 14, 2015 )

The hour of the lord, writes the Apostle Paul, comes like a thief in the night. This line is taken from a letter to the Thessalonians, a community where today’s Saloniki in Greece is located. An incredible coincidence – as today we are also faced with a new era, one that has broken out rather suddenly with its origin in Greece. The challenges of this new era do not simply depend on one government’s ability to fulfil voters’ expectations, because the great changes that are approaching and which were ushered in by the Greek elections cannot be handled by a government, and certainly not by one government alone.

Journal text

Cambiar el mundo sin tomar el poder

( alternative economics, alternative societies , John Holloway , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Caminar atravesando muros

( extradisciplinaire , Eyal Weizman , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Can Witnesses Speak?

On the Philosophy of the Interview

( zeugenschaften , Hito Steyerl , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Caring Labor

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Nancy Folbre , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Caring ecologies

( Technecologies , Francesco Salvini , April 10, 2019 )

Blog post

Caring ecologies / Ecologías que cuidan

( Blog post , Feb. 2, 2022 )

A partir de una colaboración más larga sobre las ecologías del cuidado en Trieste, el trabajo colectivo de y su inspirador trabajo sobre el cuidado, Marta Malo ha estado traduciendo "caring ecologies" de francesco salvini del inglés al español. Esperamos que estas reflexiones sobre el cuidado, el compromiso, lo público, los comunes, las subjetividades y lo contemporáneo constituyan hoy un texto aún más rico y útil para inventar ecologías del cuidado en el contexto del repentino y frágil presente que habitamos hoy.

Blog post

Caring ecologies 1 - Almost a manifesto

( Blog post , Francesco Salvini , Feb. 10, 2019 )

If it weren't so long, this text would (like to) be a manifesto. It is not an analytical essay that interprets a site or a critical history of the movement lead by Franco Basaglia. Rather it is a deriva, an unplanned itinerary through and with a number of reflections, events, and objects I have encountered in my relationship with the contemporary healthcare system of Trieste. It is a result of a long engagement with the agents that inhabit and build this system every day, with the memories of a collective practice of care, the artefacts and places that constitute the material possibility of a practice of caring with each other, an engagement with what Franco Rotelli (2013, Cogliati 2018), one of the protagonists of the Trieste's trajectory and director of the Mental Health Department of Trieste during the 1980s and the 1990s, has called una città che cura, a city that heals, a city that cares.

Blog post

Caring ecologies 2 - Threshold, Perceptions, Translation

( Blog post , Francesco Salvini , Feb. 19, 2019 )

What runs through the text, or so I hope, is an investigation of the ambivalences of a more than institutional ecology of practices, knowledges, objects, and relations. An ecology that lives along the limits between society and the state, that sits on the edges and connects different modes and experiences of institutional care, but also an ecology that makes it a practice to stay with the trouble, in the middle of the complexities and difficulties of social reproduction.

Blog post

Caring ecologies 3 - Catalogue, Transition, Enterprise

( Blog post , Francesco Salvini , Feb. 27, 2019 )

“If you are a nurse, we can understand each other, not like with these sociologists!” Federico jokes (or not?) with Irene. In their conversations, there is a shared set of knowledge and competencies, not only linguistic, but, more importantly, in the concrete experience of modes of action and logics that govern the ecology of care. We are in the core of the caring ecologies of Trieste, the Distretto Sanitario (Healthcare District) located in the old general hospital, now almost dismantled (another, more modern one is up the hill, in a less central area).

Blog post

Caring ecologies 4 - Compost, Reclamation, Conclusion

( Blog post , Francesco Salvini , April 10, 2019 )

“Stand up and walk around your desk. And go out of your office, and feel the fresh air of the city.” Gardener, psychiatric nurse, artist, long-time social co-operator, and president of the Trieste Association of Artisans Giancarlo Carena is often theatrical when he tries to explain the singularity of Trieste’s social cooperatives movement. He starts by arranging the narrative around your perceptions, to make you settle in the analytical journey that he asks you to undertake with him. “How can a place where such horrible things happened in the past today be a space that triggers beautiful projects?” he asked me in 2014 when we first met walking in the blossoming gardens of the former asylum.

Journal text

Carstvo (Empire), Sjeverozapad i ostatak svijeta

( mundial , Ulf Wuggenig , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Carta abierta sobre nuestra retirada del teach-in sobre Ucraina

( disarm* , Dmitry Vilensky , March 12, 2022 )

Journal text

Cartografía y máquina de guerra

Desafíos y experiencias en torno a la investigación militante en el sur de Europa

( militante untersuchung , Javier Toret / Nicolás Sguiglia , April 26, 2006 )

Journal text

Cartography and War Machines

Challenges and Experiences around Militant Research in Southern Europe

( militante untersuchung , Javier Toret / Nicolás Sguiglia , April 26, 2006 )

Blog post

Casa Invisible defies eviction with the announcement of an international conference with the Museo Reina Sofia

( Blog post , Regina Sotorrío , Dec. 10, 2021 )

The center makes a show of force against the City of Malaga with an event that will be attended by Reina Sofia director Manuel Borja-Villel, the former director of the Centre Pompidou Paris, artists including Rogelio López Cuenca, and European policymakers.

Blog post

Casa Invisible is here to stay!

Against the eviction of the Invisible, against Mall-aga, against the compliant city

( Blog post , Gerald Raunig , July 23, 2018 )

For over eleven years Casa Invisible has been a guarantor of alternative cultures and ecologies of care in Málaga, and it has also been a social machine for everything that is incompliant in the middle of the compliant city. Last week Málaga’s city administration ordered its eviction within 15 days. But: La Invi se queda …

Journal text

Ce que nous devons aux « Sans-Papiers »

( flee erase territorialize , Etienne Balibar , Jan. 1, 1996 )

Journal text

Centros sociales: monstruos y máquinas políticas para una nueva generación de instituciones de movimiento

( monster institutions , Pablo Carmona, Tomás Herreros, Raúl Sánchez Cedillo, Nicolás Sguiglia , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Change the World Without Taking Power

( alternative economics, alternative societies , John Holloway , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Changing the Production Apparatus

Anti-Universalist Concepts of Intelligentsia in the early Soviet Union

( new productivisms , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 1, 2010 )

Blog post

Charter for Europe

( Blog post , June 30, 2014 )

In March 2014, more than a hundred activists from various parts of Europe gathered in Madrid for the conference ‘El nuevo rapto de Europa: deuda, guerra, revoluciones democráticas’. The conference participants developed both the foundations and a preamble for a Charter for Europe. In the following months, a first version of this Charter was composed via mumbles, skype-conferences, wikis and diverse other virtual communication channels and spaces. This version is planned to proliferate and get distributed over the next few months to discuss and further develop it. Rather than considering this proposition as a text for a future constitution, it is supposed to operate as an impulse for a potential constituent process in Europe — in a way, it is already a component of such a process.

Journal text

Che significa oggi autonomia?

( real public spaces , Franco Berardi Bifo , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Cheerleading radical

( hybrid?resistance , Robert Foltin , May 1, 2002 )


Choix d'un passé

Transnationale Vergegenwärtigungen kolonialer Hinterlassenschaften

( book , Brigitta Kuster , Sept. 1, 2016 )

Brigitta Kuster, transversal texts | 09 2016

Blog post

Citizens of Nowhere, Imitate! [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36]

( Blog post , Eran Schaerf , Oct. 30, 2020 )

[1] Sie fragt ihn, was er gerade machen würde und er erzählt ihr von dieser Geschichte, die auseinanderfällt und dabei immer mehr Fußnoten hinterlässt, zu einem Textkörper, der zu imaginieren bleibt. Sie ist sich der Bedeutung von Fußnoten nicht sicher und fragt ihn, ob Fußnoten Brunnenvermeldungen seien. Sogleich merken sie, dass mit dem Wort Brunnenvermeldungen etwas nicht stimmt, und brechen in Lachen aus. Sie kennen das schon: ein Wort aus einer anderen Sprache hat sich in ihre deutschsprachige Unterhaltung hineinübersetzt.

Blog post

City Plaza will not bend

( Blog post , Refugee Accommodation Space City Plaza , June 10, 2017 )

Statement of #CityPlaza squat against the threat of eviction.

Journal text

Clandestine Publics

( publicum , Stefan Nowotny , March 1, 2005 )

Blog post

Class Composition & Its Discontents

Interview with Stevphen Shukaitis on Art, Politics, and Strategy

( Blog post , Jens Kastner , June 4, 2017 )

An interview departing from Stevphen Shukaitis' latest book The Composition of Movements to Come: Aesthetics & Cultural Labour After the Avant-Garde.

Journal text

Colectivo de trabajadores durante la Guerra Civil española

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Salomé Moltó , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Blog post

Colombia: "The Government is Killing Us"

( Blog post , Betty Ruth Lozano Lerma , May 17, 2021 )

“The government is killing us” is the cry of SOS issued by Colombian youth in the face of the repression unleashed by the government against the peaceful mobilization that started April 28, the day a national strike was called by all the country’s union federations. The population took to the streets in massive night and that night a wave of police violence was unleashed against protesters who had established permanent blockades in strategic points of the city, attacking them with bullets in order to generate terror and discourage protest.

Blog post

Comandante Brus Li isst Sushi

Gegen die Re-Essentialisierung von Ausdrucks- und Protestformen

( Blog post , Jens Kastner , Oct. 24, 2016 )

Sind Dreadlocks bei Weißen kulturimperialistisch? Offenbart der Protest gegen die Prekarisierung in Europa bloß die Heuchelei der Protestierenden, die ihre Privilegien nicht reflektieren? In den letzten Jahren sind verschiedentlich Stimmen laut geworden, die aus der Perspektive der postcolonial studies und des Critical Whiteness-Aktivismus Behauptungen dieser Art aufgestellt haben.

Journal text

Comentarios sobre el texto de Branka Ćurčić

( progressive institutions , Boris Buden , April 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Commentary on the Text by Branka Ćurčić

( progressive institutions , Boris Buden , July 22, 2007 )

Journal text

Common Notions, Part 2: Institutional Analysis, Participatory Action-Research, Militant Research

( instituent practices , Marta Malo de Molina , Aug. 3, 2004 )

Journal text

Common notions, part 1: workers-inquiry, co-research, consciousness-raising

( militante untersuchung , Marta Malo de Molina , April 26, 2004 )


Commoning Care & Collective Power

Childcare Commons and the Micropolitics of Municipalism in Barcelona

( book , Manuela Zechner , Sept. 8, 2021 )

Manuela Zechner | 10 2021

Journal text

Communication Guerilla - Transversality in Everyday Life?

( art sabotage , autonome a.f.r.i.k.a. gruppe , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Concept d'émancipation post-émancipateur

La multitude selon Negri comme concept d'émancipation post-émancipateur

( space of empire , Boris Buden , April 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Conceptualizar la autonomía, instituir en un lugar

( instituent practices , Jens Kastner , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Conceptualizing autonomy, localizing instituting?

( instituent practices , Jens Kastner , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Confine come metodo, ovvero, la moltiplicazione del lavoro

( borders, nations, translations , Sandro Mezzadra / Brett Neilson , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text


The molecular-revolutionary force of the new municipalismos in Spain

( Municipalismos monstruo , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text


La fuerza molecular revolucionaria de los nuevos municipalismos en España

( Municipalismos monstruo , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

Conjunction, Disjunction, Gift

( inventions , Brian Massumi , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Constellation - Dispersal - Association

( artists as producers , LIGNA , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Constellation - Dispersion - Association

( artists as producers , LIGNA , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Constituent Power. Toni Negri's Double Attentiveness

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Isabell Lorey , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Constructing audiences, defining art. Public Art and social research

( pre_public , Larissa Buchholz / Ulf Wuggenig , Jan. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Construire le commun : une ontologie

( inventions , Judith Revel , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Contra la clase creativa

( creativity hypes , Alberto De Nicola / Carlo Vercellone / Giggi Roggero , Nov. 30, 2007 )

Journal text

Contra la guerra, construyamos una asamblea europea

( disarm* , Collettivo Euronomade , March 25, 2022 )

Journal text

Contradictory Images

( mundial , Christian Höller , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Contro la creative class

( creativity hypes , Alberto De Nicola / Carlo Vercellone / Giggi Roggero , Nov. 30, 2007 )

Journal text

Contro la guerra costruiamo un’assemblea europea

( disarm* , Collettivo Euronomade , March 22, 2022 )

Journal text

Cooperación libre

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Christoph Spehr , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Corona Effects

After Prevention, Just In Time: Digitalization and Contact Phobias

( Around the Crown , Isabell Lorey , May 2, 2022 )

Journal text

Cortes Digitales

Cortar carne-tecnología-información-amalgamas

( Technecologies , Katrin M. Kämpf / Christina Rogers , March 5, 2018 )

Journal text

Cosas de fantasmas y relaciones de fuerzas

¿Qué pasa con las mercancías?

( machines and subjectivation , Katja Diefenbach , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Blog post


( Blog post , Antonio Negri , April 15, 2013 )

Postface of Gerald Raunig, Factories of Knowledge, Industries of Creativity, Semiotext(e) / MIT Press 2013

Journal text

Covid-19 und die Kreisläufe des Kapitals

( Around the Crown , Rob Wallace, Alex Liebman, Luis Fernando Chaves, Rodrick Wallace , April 1, 2020 )

Journal text

Creative Industries as Mass Deception

( creativity hypes , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Blog post

Criminalization of climate activists and cultural producers in the Czech Republic

( Blog post , Oliver Ressler , Dec. 20, 2019 )

Oliver Ressler is one of 90 people who participated at a blockade of Bílina coal mine in Northern Bohemia in the Czech Republic in June 2018, against who the company Severočeské doly (“North Bohemian Coal Mines”) filed a lawsuit at the City Court in Chomutov. With legal repression, they think they can silence protests against coal mining.
There is a fundraising campaign running to cover the cost of the court case and attorneys, so please feel free to share and donate:

Blog post

Crisis of humanism, critique of humanitarian reason

A conversation with Miguel Mellino

( Blog post , Miguel Mellino , Jan. 18, 2016 )

Can we conceive of any universal idea of man, or of so-called rights, of man without the anticolonial struggles, without the struggles and resistances of slaves, without the movements of decolonization or of national liberation in the whole world, without the struggles of women, without the antiracism of black or non-occidental women? It is something that generally remains unsaid when people speak of “human rights” in mass political and televised debates. And yet it is something that would help to revise the material and discursive limits of European humanism. In Europe, this deficiency is very pronounced. The thread that unites humanism, racism and colonialism is not clear in public debate... The point is not to perform a mea culpa about the colonial past of Europe, but rather to understand the material legacy of colonialism in the material constitution of postcolonial European social and political space.

Journal text

Critical Thought as Solvent of Doxa

( kritik , Loïc Wacquant , Jan. 20, 2001 )

Journal text

Criticality or truth?

( kritik , David Riff , Aug. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Criticism without Crisis: Crisis without Criticism

( do you remember institutional critique? , Boris Buden , Jan. 2, 2006 )

Journal text

Criticizing Institutions?

( institution , Katya Sander , Feb. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Critică fără criză: criză fără critică

( do you remember institutional critique? , Boris Buden , Jan. 2, 2006 )

Journal text

Critique and Category

On the restriction of political practice through recent theorems of intersectionality, interdependence and critical whiteness studies

( kritik , Isabell Lorey , Oct. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Critique and Truth

For a New Mode of Critique

( the art of critique , Alex Demirović , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Critique as Counter-Hegemonic Intervention

( the art of critique , Chantal Mouffe , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Critique as a way of overcoming quixotism

On the development of critique in Marx

( the art of critique , Karl Reitter , April 2, 2008 )


Critique of Creativity

Precarity, Subjectivity and Resistance in the ‘Creative Industries’

( book , Gerald Raunig, Gene Ray and Ulf Wuggenig (eds) , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Gerald Raunig, Gene Ray and Ulf Wuggenig (eds), mayfly | 2011

Journal text

Critique post-coloniale

( hybrid?resistance , Hito Steyerl , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Critiquer des institutions?

( institution , Katya Sander , Feb. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Crossing the Border?

Hybridity as Late-Capitalistic Logic of Cultural Translation and National Modernisation

( polture and culitics , Kien Nghi Ha , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Crítica como intervención contrahegemónica

( the art of critique , Chantal Mouffe , Aug. 31, 2008 )

Journal text

Crítica paradójica

( the art of critique , Ulf Wuggenig , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Crítica sin crisis, crisis sin crítica

( do you remember institutional critique? , Boris Buden , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Crítica y verdad

Para una nueva modalidad de la crítica

( the art of critique , Alex Demirović , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Cuando el arte deviene vida

Artistas investigadoras y biotecnologías

( extradisciplinaire , Claire Pentecost , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Cuando la cucharilla se convierte en cuchillo

Sobre el uso de las palabras y las cosas como creación de relaciones

( the language of things , Klaus Neundlinger , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Cuerpos, cosas y máquinas sociales

( the language of things , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Cultegration and Borderdoom: New Frontiers of Democracy in the EU

( polture and culitics , Yann Moulier Boutang , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Cultural Studies – a Translational Perspective

( talks on translation , Doris Bachmann-Medick / Boris Buden , June 19, 2008 )

Journal text

Cultural Translation: Why it is important and where to start with it

( under translation , Boris Buden , June 5, 2006 )

Journal text

Culture Jamming and Advertising Techniques

( art sabotage , Christoph Behnke , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Culture Jamming und Reklametechnik

( art sabotage , Christoph Behnke , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Culture and Crime

( cultura migrans , Hito Steyerl , Oct. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Cultégration et enferfrontièrement: Les nouvelles frontières de la démocratie dans l’Union Européenne

( polture and culitics , Yann Moulier Boutang , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Blog post

DAILY RESISTANCE #10 – out now!

( Blog post , Daily Resistance , Nov. 9, 2022 )

Our issue #10 is devoted to the Refugee Movement from O-Platz/Ohlauer School (Berlin) and all movements around the world. With activists*, who were part of the protest camp and the occupation of Ohlauer School, we spoke about the 10th anniversary of the O-Platz occupation and reflect on this particular time, its forthcomings as well as current and future activism. Since it’s also the 10th issue (the first was delivered in March 2016) of DAILY RESISTANCE, we brought together old and new comrades to talk about the beginnings of the newspaper, the importance of own media for the Refugee Movement, collaborations and future plans.

Blog post


Freitag, 13.8.2021 Herderpark in Simmering (U3 Enkplatz) 15.30- 24h

( Blog post , Aug. 9, 2021 )

500 Jahre nach der Zerstörung Tenochtitlans, der Metropole des Aztekenreiches, werden Zapatistas - aufständische Mayas aus dem lacandonischen Regenwald - und andere Vertreter*innen indigener Organisationen nach Europa kommen um mit uns gemeinsam über Wege zu einem guten Leben für alle zu beraten.



Maschinischer Kapitalismus und molekulare Revolution, Band 1

( book , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2015 )

Gerald Raunig, transversal texts | 01 2015



Makinesel kapitalizm ve moleküler devrim

( book , Gerald Raunig , Feb. 20, 2020 )

YORT | 2019

Journal text

DVD precarity

( precariat , P2P Fightsharing , July 7, 2004 )

Blog post

Daily Resistance – call for distributors

( Blog post , Daily-Resistance-Team , July 1, 2018 )

Daily Resistance is looking for distributors. Daily Resistance is a periodical newspaper on actual paper written by activists with and without migration experience aimed to reach people in refugee camps (

Journal text

Dalli all'untore!

O del ritorno della colonna infame ai tempi della quarantena digitale

( Around the Crown , Laboratorio Occupato Morion , March 12, 2020 )

Blog post

Dance the Derivative!

Some notes on the end of economy, the reinvention of political economy, and Randy Martin’s last book Knowledge LTD

( Blog post , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 8, 2015 )

Eight years after the beginning of subprime crisis it seems more than urgent to develop new approaches of economic theory, on the basis of the further hightening of social inequality between Northern and Southern regions and emerging signs of the transformation of machinic capitalism towards sharpened authoritarianisms.


Dark Becomings

( book , Artan Sadiku and Stanimir Panayotov , Nov. 15, 2024 )

Artan Sadiku and Stanimir Panayotov | 11 2024


Das Absolute der Demokratie

Gegenmächte, Körper-Maschinen, transdividuelles Netzwerksystem

( book , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , May 2, 2021 )

Raúl Sánchez Cedillo | 05 2021

Journal text

Das Babelfights-Syndrom. Kinoki Lumal

( differences & representations , Hito Steyerl , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Das Empire, der Nordwesten und der Rest der Welt

( mundial , Ulf Wuggenig , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Das Gedächtnis des Körpers kontaminiert das Museum

( extradisciplinaire , Suely Rolnik , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Das Gemeinsame konstruieren. Eine Ontologie

( inventions , Judith Revel , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Das Land ist für uns alle gleich

Gespräch mit Numan, geführt von Bue Rübner Hansen

( flee erase territorialize , Numan Muhammad , Feb. 1, 2013 )


Das Leben der Kunst

Transversale Linien der Sorge

( book , Bojana Kunst , Sept. 15, 2023 )

Bojana Kunst | 09 2023

Journal text

Das Prinzip der Verschwiegenheit und die Schwierigkeit von Institutionskritik im Kosovo

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Sezgin Boynik , Sept. 8, 2007 )

Journal text

Das Regieren durchlässiger Grenzen. Country Europa – ein Projekt von Marcelo Expósito und Verónica Iglesia

Country Europa – ein Projekt von Marcelo Expósito und Verónica Iglesia

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Isabell Lorey , June 30, 2011 )

Journal text

Das Reich der Sinne

Polizei-Kunst und die Krise der Repräsentation

( art and police , Hito Steyerl , June 2, 2007 )

Journal text

Das Transversale und das Unsichtbare

( mundial , Susan Kelly , Jan. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Das Unternehmen Kunstinstitution im Spätkapitalismus

( do you remember institutional critique? , Nina Möntmann , Jan. 1, 2006 )


Das große Gefängnis

( book , Birgit Mennel / Monika Mokre (Hg.) , July 1, 2015 )

Birgit Mennel / Monika Mokre (Hg.), transversal texts | 07 2015

Journal text

Das mestiere der Krise – Vereinnahmung und Autonomie

Notizen aus der Universidad Nómada

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Francesco Salvini / Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , Jan. 19, 2011 )

Journal text

Das munizipalistische Manifest. Anstehende Aufgaben

( Municipalismos monstruo , mac<sup>1</sup> , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

Das unendlich Kleine

( pre_public , André Rottmann , March 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Das Öffentlichsein des Intellekts

( publicum , Paolo Virno , Jan. 1, 2001 )

Blog post

Das übrige t

( Blog post , Dec. 4, 2023 )

Isabell Lorey liest das erste Kapitel aus Eran Schaerfs Gesammeltes Deutsch

Journal text

De la connaissance à la croyance, de la critique à la production de subjectivité

( the art of critique , Maurizio Lazzarato , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

De la perte généralisée de sens: Hégémonie et langue globale

Traduire le silence de la plebe

( polture and culitics , Rada Iveković , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

De la traduction permanente

( under translation , Rada Iveković , June 1, 2002 )

Journal text

De l’imperceptibilité de la mémoire

( unsettling knowledges , Brigitta Kuster , Jan. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Death Throes of the Publication Industry?

Experiences of a Small Multitude

( aufstand der verlegten , Isabell Lorey, Otto Penz, Gerald Raunig, Birgit Sauer, Ruth Sonderegger , June 1, 2014 )

Blog post

Defend Esc, defend the city of commons and solidarity!

( Blog post , Esc Atelier , Jan. 20, 2016 )

We find out with dismay that a provision of the management of the Municipality of Rome calls for the eviction of the self-managed atelier Esc. We also discover that dozens of other social centres and cultural associations are facing this measure.
All this is a very serious mistake, that hits to the heart of the virtues that still survive in the city of Rome, that has always stood out for an unequalled proliferation of self management, mutualism, and independent cultural production.

Blog post

Defend the artistic integrity of Park Fiction: Save Golden Pudel Club!

( Blog post , Park Fiction Komitee , April 21, 2016 )

We, the undersigned, support the struggle to defend the integrity of the art project Park Fiction and to keep the Golden Pudel Club as a part of the park and Gesamtkunstwerk Park Fiction.

Journal text

Del conocimiento a la creencia, de la crítica a la producción de subjetividad

( the art of critique , Maurizio Lazzarato , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Del criticismo a la crítica y a la criticabilidad

( kritik , Irit Rogoff , Jan. 30, 2003 )

Journal text

Del rap al slam: músicas de mestizaje

( practices of transmuting signs , David Querrien / Kevin Vrolant / Anne Querrien , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Del saber de la autogestión a la autogestión del saber

( instituent practices , Cátedra experimental sobre producción de subjetividad , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Democracia Consensual anarquista

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Ralf Burnicki , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Democracia Inclusiva

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Takis Fotopoulos , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Democracia inclusiva

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Takis Fotopoulos , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Blog post

Democracy today is wild and constituent

( Blog post , Antonio Negri / Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , March 27, 2015 )

The comrades who have given life to Podemos say: we have managed to move past the limits of the horizontality of the movement, so rich yet often ineffective. We managed to do this with a political gesture of self-constitution, organization and representation. We had the intelligence to understand that the space between the municipal and the general elections, between May and the end of the year, was our only chance to “break the lock of ‘78”: during election periods the adversary is forced to spread out into the territory; constitutional guarantees work better than under other conditions and thus become possible zones of rupture of the current regime, so deeply discredited and divided. Moreover, at the end of 2015 the capitalist front will perhaps be busy preparing its attack, regrouping after having responded to, and possibly demolished, viciously, our resistance. Such would the historic window of opportunity again be closed for a long time.

Journal text

Demokracja inkluzywna

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Takis Fotopoulos , Aug. 6, 2005 )

Journal text

Demokratie übersetzen

Sozio-multitudinärer Widerstand und radikale Demokratie im Empire

( under translation , Dieter Lesage , May 4, 2006 )

Journal text

Demotivational Training

( precariat , Guillaume Paoli , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text


( precariat , Guillaume Paoli , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Den Produktionsapparat verändern

Anti-universalistische Intellektuellen-Konzepte in der frühen Sowjetunion

( new productivisms , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 1, 2010 )

Journal text

Den Tod des Autors begraben

( artists as producers , Ulf Wuggenig , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Der Aufstand der Massen, reverse mode.

( protest , Gerald Raunig , Aug. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Der Autor als Verräter

( artists as producers , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Der Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts: Das Recht auf Leben

( Around the Crown , Montserrat Galcerán Huguet , March 24, 2020 )

Journal text

Der Habitus des Kritischen

Über die Grenzen reflexiver Praxis

( bourdieu in algeria , Helmut Draxler , March 1, 2008 )


Der Haushalt als Versuchslabor

Feministische Kämpfe um Mieten, Haus- und Heimarbeit

( book , Luci Cavallero und Verónica Gago , Jan. 26, 2023 )

Luci Cavallero und Verónica Gago | 02 2023

Journal text

Der Kampf für den sozialen Wandel und seine Ankunft in den Institutionen

( Municipalismos monstruo , Montserrat Galcerán Huguet , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

Der Kampf um freie Lizenzen, ihr Alltag und ihre Zukunft

( aufstand der verlegten , Traficantes de Sueños , June 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Der Mann der Grenze

Ein Gespräch mit Oujdi geführt von Yassine Zaaitar.

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Oujdi | Yassine Zaaitar , July 24, 2015 )

Journal text

Der Mann mit dem negativen Bescheid

Ein Interview geführt von Yassine Zaaitar

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Anonym | Yassine Zaaitar , July 24, 2015 )

Journal text

Der Mann ohne Chancen

Gespräch mit Amine, geführt von Lisbeth Kovacic und Birgit Mennel

( flee erase territorialize , Amine Germaine , Feb. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Der Traum von der regierbaren Stadt

Zu Pest, Policey und Staatsraison

( art and police , Isabell Lorey , June 2, 2007 )

Journal text

Der doppelte Sinn der Destitution

( extradisciplinaire , Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Der durchkreuzte Ort der Partei

( space of empire , Oliver Marchart , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Der flexible Charakter

Für eine neue Kulturkritik

( machines and subjectivation , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Der globalisierte Alltag

( cultura migrans , Maria Mesch , Oct. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Der „semiotische Pluralismus“ und die neue Regierung der Zeichen

Hommage an Félix Guattari

( the language of things , Maurizio Lazzarato , June 1, 2006 )



Capitalismo maquínico y revolución molecular. Vol. 2

( book , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 12, 2023 )

Gerald Raunig / Subtextos | 2023

Journal text

Desenterrando Memorias

El Valor de la Palabra “Testimonio” en Guatemala

( zeugenschaften , Santiago Cotzal , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Desertar de la guerra

( disarm* , Sandro Mezzadra , April 1, 2022 )

Journal text

Deserting the War

( disarm* , Sandro Mezzadra , March 29, 2022 )

Journal text

Desire as Crossing Multiple Power Relations

Desire as Crossing Multiple Power Relations

( inventions , Antke Engel , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Destituierung, Instituierung, Konstituierung … und die de/formierende Macht affektiver Besetzung

( extradisciplinaire , Alice Pechriggl , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Destituir, instituir, constituir … y el poder de/formante de la carga afectiva

( extradisciplinaire , Alice Pechriggl , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Destituting, Instituting, Constituting ... and the De/Formative Power of Affective Investment

( extradisciplinaire , Alice Pechriggl , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Destitution, institution, constitution... et la puissance (dé)formatirice de l’investment affectif

( extradisciplinaire , Alice Pechriggl , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Blog post

Deutscher Exzeptionalismus

( Blog post , Gabriele Dietze , Jan. 7, 2016 )

An ‚Tagen wie diesen‘ scheint es mir wichtig, die Fähigkeit, zu staunen, sich zu wundern, zu kultivieren. Allzu schnell normalisieren sich unwahrscheinlichste Politikwechsel, wie derjenige der massenhaften Aufnahme muslimischer Flüchtlinge in Deutschland Ende 2015, in veralltäglichte politische Prozesse. Dabei gäbe die Tatsache, dass eine solche Schubumkehr in einem Land möglich ist, das im europäischen Vergleich neben Ungarn und Polen 2011 die höchsten Quoten islamfeindlicher Einstellung aufzuweisen hatte, Anlass zum Überdenken politischer Potenzialitäten. Radikale Transformation ist möglich, auch wenn sie, wie im zu diskutierenden Fall, ‚von oben‘ kommt.

Journal text

Die Angst vor dem Elfmeter

Vom Versuch eine andere Gesellschaft zu realisieren

( instituent practices , Frank John, Efthimia Panagiotidis, Vassilis Tsianos (PRECLAB Hamburg) , July 16, 2007 )

Journal text

Die Antwort liegt in der Übersetzung

( talks on translation , Tomislav Longinović / Boris Buden , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Die Anwendung des Gesetzes

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Félix Guattari , Oct. 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Die Artikulation des Protestes

( mundial , Hito Steyerl , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Die Autonomie des lebendigen Wissens in der metropolitanen Universität

( instituent practices , Gigi Roggero , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Die Bedeutung der Regionen überdenken

Übersetzung und Katastrophe

( borders, nations, translations , Jon Solomon , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Die Bedingung des Öffentlich-Werdens

( real public spaces , Stefan Nowotny , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Die Dynamik des politischen Ereignisses

Subjektivierungsprozesse und Mikropolitik

( inventions , Maurizio Lazzarato , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Die Einsätze der Übersetzung

( under translation , Stefan Nowotny , June 5, 2006 )

Journal text

Die Forderung nach einem normalen Leben

Interview mit Adalat Khan geführt von Niki Kubaczek

( flee erase territorialize , Adalat Khan , Feb. 28, 2013 )

Journal text

Die Freiheit des Übersetzers im Zeitalter prekärer Mobilität

Geisteswissenschaften, Regionalwissenschaften und Logistik

( Remembering Gastarbeiters: Labour and Migration in the Age of Neoliberalism , Jon Solomon , July 23, 2018 )

Journal text

Die Grenze als Methode, oder die Vervielfältigung der Arbeit

( borders, nations, translations , Sandro Mezzadra / Brett Neilson , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Die Grenze überqueren?

Hybridität als spätkapitalistische Logik der kulturellen Übersetzung und der nationalen Modernisierung.

( polture and culitics , Kien Nghi Ha , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Die Innenstadt bereisen: form follows fiction

( space of empire , Timo Meisel /Wanda Wieczorek , June 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Die Institution der Kritik

( do you remember institutional critique? , Hito Steyerl , Jan. 7, 2006 )

Journal text

Die Klugheit, Welten zu erschaffen

Strategische Wirklichkeit und die Kunst der Undercommons

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Stevphen Shukaitis , Feb. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Die Kritik verkörpern

Einige Thesen. Einige Beispiele

( kritik , Marina Garcés , June 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Die Kunst sich schuldig zu machen ist die Politik des Widerstands

( hybrid?resistance , Boris Buden , July 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Die Kunst, andere Welten zu schaffen

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Giovanna Zapperi , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Die Landschaft der Posttransformationsinstitutionen in Zagreb und ihre politischen Wirkungen

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Leonardo Kovačević / Vesna Vuković , Nov. 17, 2007 )

Journal text

Die Linke braucht einen politischen Gegner

( experiment austria , Chantal Mouffe , Jan. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Die Los-Angelesierung von London

Drei kurze Wellen in den Kreativitäts- und Kultur-Mikroökonomien von jungen Menschen in Großbritannien

( creativity hypes , Angela McRobbie , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Die Maschine

( machines and subjectivation , Maurizio Lazzarato , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Die Metropole und die so genannte Krise der Politik

Die Erfahrung von Esc

( monster institutions , Atelier Occupato ESC (Rome) , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Die Mikrophysik des Vergleichs

Für eine Dislozierung des Westens

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Naoki Sakai , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Die Missgeschicke der „Künstlerkritik“ und der kulturellen Beschäftigung

( creativity hypes , Maurizio Lazzarato , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Die Mitte der transversalen Texte

Programm eines Werdens, das nie zum Verlag werden will

( aufstand der verlegten , eipcp , June 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Die Pariser Commune 1871

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Alain Dalotel , Aug. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Die Politik der Condividualität

( Technecologies , Marco Deseriis , March 5, 2018 )

Journal text

Die Ressourcenkrise und ihr Verhältnis zu den globalen Auswirkungen der Wissensökonomie

( unsettling knowledges , Lina Dokuzović , Jan. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Die Rolle der Opposition ist bereits besetzt.

( experiment austria , Isolde Charim , Jan. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Die Rote Zora - Ein Video von Oliver Ressler

28 min., dt./engl., 2000

( protest , Søren Grammel , Oct. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Die Rückeroberung der Subjektivität

( institution , Marius Babias , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Die Selbstkonstituierung der Flüchtlingsbewegung als politisches Subjekt

( flee erase territorialize , Ilker Ataç , Feb. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Die Sorbonne gegen die Zentauren

( knowledge production and its discontents , Elsa Dorlin , April 1, 2009 )

Journal text

Die Sprache der Dinge

( under translation , Hito Steyerl , June 5, 2006 )


Die Sprachen der Banlieues

( book , Birgit Mennel / Stefan Nowotny (Hg.) , Nov. 2, 2014 )

Birgit Mennel / Stefan Nowotny (Hg.), transversal texts | 11 2014

Journal text

Die Sprachen der „Banlieues“

( the languages of the banlieues , Birgit Mennel / Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 1, 2013 )


Die Stadt als Stätte der Solidarität

( book , Niki Kubaczek und Monika Mokre (Hg.) , Jan. 18, 2021 )

Niki Kubaczek und Monika Mokre (Hg.), transversal texts | 02 2021

Journal text

Die Subsistenzperspektive

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Maria Mies , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Die Transnationalisierung der Öffentlichkeit

( publicum , Nancy Fraser , March 1, 2005 )


Die Undercommons

Flüchtige Planung und schwarzes Studium

( book , Stefano Harney / Fred Moten , Jan. 1, 2016 )

Stefano Harney / Fred Moten, transversal texts | 01 2016

Journal text

Die Universal Embassy: ein welt-offener Ort

( real public spaces , Tristan Wibault , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Blog post

Die Ursprüngliche Räumung

( Blog post , Niki Kubaczek , Feb. 16, 2022 )

Es ist Dienstag morgen, 1. Februar 2022 um 8:30Uhr. Mehrere hundert Polizist:innen dringen in eines der drei besetzten sogenannten „Grätzel“ der lobaubleibt-Bewegung ein. Es werden Zäune aufgestellt und unter Polizeibewachung das Camp abgerissen, Menschen festgenommen und mehrere hundert Bäume noch am selben Tag gefällt.

Journal text

Die Verinnerlichung des Institutionskritikdiskurses und sein unglückliches Bewusstsein

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Suzana Milevska , Nov. 18, 2007 )

Blog post

Die Verwandlung einer trauernden Jugend in eine kämpfende Jugend

Interview mit Jacques Rancière geführt von Joseph Confavreux

( Blog post , Jacques Rancière / Joseph Confavreux , June 1, 2016 )

Der Philosoph Jacques Rancière, Denker der Gleichheit, erwägt, was die Bewegung der „Nuit Debout“ und die Mobilisierung gegen das Arbeitsgesetz auszeichnet, was sie trägt, aber auch wo ihre Grenzen sind.

Journal text

Die Welt verändern, ohne die Macht zu übernehmen

( alternative economics, alternative societies , John Holloway , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Die WochenKlausur

( pre_public , Pascale Jeannee , Jan. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Die Zeit in der Zeit der Gastfreundschaft

( Remembering Gastarbeiters: Labour and Migration in the Age of Neoliberalism , Ana Hoffner , July 23, 2018 )

Journal text

Die Zukünfte des Munizipalismus

Feminisierung der Politik und demokratische Radikalisierung

( Municipalismos monstruo , Montserrat Galcerán Huguet / Pablo Carmona Pascual (Ahora Madrid) , Jan. 19, 2017 )

Blog post

Die Zürcher Gessnerallee als Plattform für rechte Ideologien?

( Blog post , Ein Publikum | , March 4, 2017 )

Ohne uns! Aufruf zum Publikumsstreik und zum strategischen Desinteresse an der Doppel-Veranstaltung «Die neue Avantgarde» am 10.03. und 17.03.17 in der Zürcher Gessnerallee

Journal text

Die afrikanischen Hintergründe der Universitätskämpfe

Von der Occupy-Bewegung zur Kampagne gegen Studierendendarlehen

( unsettling knowledges , Silvia Federici , Jan. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Die allgemeine Desemantisierung: Globale Sprache und Hegemonie

Das Schweigen der Plebs übersetzen

( polture and culitics , Rada Iveković , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Die anarchistische Konsensdemokratie

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Ralf Burnicki , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Die doppelte Dienstleistung

( pre_public , Gerald Raunig , Dec. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Die doppelte Kritik der parrhesia

( institution , Gerald Raunig , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Die eigenwillige Freiwilligkeit der Prekarisierung

( precariat , Brigitta Kuster , June 6, 2006 )

Journal text

Die größten Kritiker der Elche sind heute welche

oder: Ist eine „atopische Kritik“ möglich?

( the art of critique , Hakan Gürses , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Die gute Regierung der Zapatistas

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Oliver Ressler / Tom Waibel , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Die inszenierte (Un)Sichtbarkeit

( art sabotage , Suzana Milevska , Jan. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Die jugoslawische Arbeiterselbstverwaltung

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Todor Kuljic , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Die kollektiven Phantome freisetzen

( art sabotage , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Die neoliberale Institution Kultur und die Kritik der Kulturalisierung

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Dušan Grlja / Jelena Vesić, Prelom kolektiv , Nov. 10, 2007 )

Journal text

Die neuen Leiden des jungen CW [Cultural Worker]

Oder: Kulturpolitische Verantwortung im Zeitalter des globalisierten Neoliberalismus

( mundial , Elisabeth Mayerhofer / Monika Mokre / Paul Stepan , Sept. 1, 2002 )


Die neuen Munizipalismen

Soziale Bewegung und die Regierung der Städte

( book , Christoph Brunner, Niki Kubaczek, Kelly Mulvaney und Gerald Raunig (Hg.) , Sept. 2, 2017 )

Brunner, Kubaczek, Mulvaney, Raunig (Hg.) | 09 2017

Journal text

Die neuen Produktivismen

( new productivisms , Marcelo Expósito , Sept. 27, 2010 )

Journal text

Die politische Form der Koordination

( instituent practices , Maurizio Lazzarato , June 1, 2004 )

Blog post

Die politische Neuerfindung der Stadt

( Blog post , Niki Kubaczek / Gerald Raunig , Nov. 6, 2017 )

Anlässlich des Erscheinens von 'Die neuen Munizipalismen' veröffentlicht transversal texts hier das Vorwort.

Journal text

Die postjugoslawische Bedingung institutioneller Kritik: Eine Einführung

Über Kritik als gegenkulturelle Übersetzung

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Boris Buden , Nov. 1, 2007 )


Die sanfte Stadt

( book , Kike España , Sept. 1, 2021 )

Kike España | 10 2021


Die schönen Kriegerinnen

Technofeministische Praxis im 21. Jahrhundert

( book , Cornelia Sollfrank (Hg.) , Aug. 13, 2018 )

Cornelia Sollfrank (Hg.) | 08 2018

Journal text

Die vielen Gesichter des „Civis“

Ist BürgerInnenschaft übersetzbar?

( borders, nations, translations , Stefan Nowotny , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Die Ökologie der Institutionskritik

( do you remember institutional critique? , Stephen Zepke , Oct. 19, 2007 )

Journal text

Die Übersetzer_in als Mikroprozessor_in

( aufstand der verlegten , An Anonymous Iranian Collective , June 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Die „gute Botschaft“ der Prekarisierung

Zur Symbolik von SuperheldInnen in Zeiten der postfordistischen Zeichenflut

( practices of transmuting signs , Efthimia Panagiotidis , Feb. 1, 2007 )


Dieser Krieg endet nicht in der Ukraine

Argumente für einen konstituierenden Frieden

( book , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , Jan. 18, 2023 )

Raúl Sánchez Cedillo | 02 2023

Blog post

Dieser Krieg endet nicht in der Ukraine. Argumente für einen konstituierenden Frieden

Buchpräsentationen mit Raúl Sánchez Cedillo im Februar/März 2023 (in Kooperation mit medico international)

( Blog post , Feb. 18, 2023 )

Raúl Sánchez Cedillo präsentiert sein neues, gerade bei transversal texts in deutscher Übersetzung erscheinendes Buch Dieser Krieg endet nicht in der Ukraine. Argumente für einen konstituierenden Frieden ( in einer Reihe von Veranstaltungen in Deutschland und Österreich.

Journal text

Dieser Rebell. Das Leben verändern, es nicht nur retten

( Around the Crown , Lucía Naser , April 2, 2020 )

Journal text

Diferencias y antagonismos

Protocolos para una historia política del arte en el Estado español

( militante untersuchung , Marcelo Expósito , Jan. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Diffusing Polarizations: Language and Translation at the Time of the Gujarat Riots

( translating violence , Rita Kothari , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Digging up Memories

The Value of the Word “Testimony” in Guatemala

( zeugenschaften , Santiago Cotzal , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Digital Cuts

Cutting flesh-technology-information-amalgams

( Technecologies , Katrin M. Kämpf / Christina Rogers , March 5, 2018 )

Journal text

Digitale Schnitte

Fleisch-Technologie-Informations-Amalgame zerschneiden

( Technecologies , Katrin M. Kämpf / Christina Rogers , March 5, 2018 )

Journal text

Dingsprache und Sprachmagie

Zur Idee latenter Wirksamkeit bei Walter Benjamin

( the language of things , Kathrin Busch , Dec. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Disertare la guerra

( disarm* , Sandro Mezzadra , March 11, 2022 )

Journal text

Disiplin-dışı Soruşturmalar: Kurumların Yeni Bir Eleştirisine Doğru

( do you remember institutional critique? , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Diskusije o Imperiju

( space of empire , Pinguin , Jan. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Displaying Postcoloniality. On the project for a Museum of the Living Present on the Island of Réunion

An interview between Charlotte Martinz-Turek and Françoise Vergès

( postcolonial displays , Charlotte Martinz-Turek / Françoise Vergès , June 18, 2008 )

Journal text

Dispozitive estetice emancipatoare

Mai multe intrebări și câteva răspunsuri cu privire la proiectul expozițional O muncă ce nu scapă de sub incidența reflecției pe care o produce

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Andrei Siclodi , Feb. 19, 2011 )


Disputas sobre el sujeto

Cosecuencias teóricas y políticas de un modelo de poder jurídico: Judith Butler

( book , Isabell Lorey , Jan. 1, 2017 )

Isabell Lorey, La Cebra | 2017

Journal text

Disrupting Europe

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Loredana Polezzi , June 1, 2013 )



Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution

( book , Gerald Raunig , July 30, 2022 )

Gerald Raunig / Minor Compositions | 2022

Blog post

Dissemblage: an Interview with Gerald Raunig

( Blog post , Dec. 22, 2022 )

Acid Horizon publishes a podcast with Gerald Raunig on themes from his new book Dissemblage.

Journal text


( Technecologies , Gerald Raunig , March 20, 2018 )

Journal text


( Technecologies , Gerald Raunig , March 20, 2018 )

Journal text


( Technecologies , Gerald Raunig , March 20, 2018 )



Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution

( book , Gerald Raunig , March 1, 2016 )

Gerald Raunig, Semiotext(e) / MIT Press | 03 2016



Capitalismo maquínico y revolución molecular. Vol. 1

( book , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 30, 2023 )

Gerald Raunig / Subtextos | 2023

Journal text

Dobrotvorni rad

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Nancy Folbre , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Dobry Rząd Zapatystów

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Oliver Ressler / Tom Waibel , Oct. 10, 2006 )

Journal text

Documentarism as Politics of Truth

( differences & representations , Hito Steyerl , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Does Neoism Exist?

( art sabotage , Oliver Marchart , Dec. 5, 2002 )

Journal text

Dokumentarismus als Politik der Wahrheit

( differences & representations , Hito Steyerl , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Dominación, competición y explotación

una introducción a la socialización del capital (y cómo nos falla ahora)

( machines and subjectivation , Simon Sheikh , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Domination, Competition and Exploitation

An Introduction to the Socialization of Capital (and How It Fails Us)

( machines and subjectivation , Simon Sheikh , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Double Service

( pre_public , Gerald Raunig , Dec. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Du rap au slam : les musiques du métissage

( practices of transmuting signs , David Querrien / Kevin Vrolant / Anne Querrien , March 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Durch Wände gehen

( extradisciplinaire , Eyal Weizman , May 1, 2007 )

audio list


Angela Melitopoulos at the conference QUEER TOSQUELLES

( audio list , Nov. 6, 2024, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

Dérive à travers les circuits de travail précaire féminisé

( precariat , Precarias a la deriva , April 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Déserter la guerre

( disarm* , Sandro Mezzadra , March 14, 2022 )

Journal text

D’autres pensées sur la traduction culturelle

( borders, nations, translations , Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

EUroland and the economy of the borderline

( ostwärts, kultur! , Marion von Osten , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

EUroland und die Ökonomie der Grenze

( ostwärts, kultur! , Marion von Osten , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Ecologías que cuidan

( Technecologies , Francesco Salvini , April 25, 2019 )

Journal text

Economia Participativa

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Michael Albert , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Economía participativa

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Michael Albert , July 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Ecstasy. Empire. Immanence

( space of empire , Katja Diefenbach , June 16, 2006 )

Journal text

Ecstasy. Empire. Immanence

( space of empire , Katja Diefenbach , June 25, 2003 )

Journal text

Ecstasy. Empire. Immanenz

( space of empire , Katja Diefenbach , April 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Effets universitaires

( institution , Beatrice von Bismarck , April 1, 2004 )

Blog post

Ein Anfang von Streik

Max Heinrich und Helvetia Leal über Geschichte(n) des Kunststreiks von Sofia Bempeza

( Blog post , Max Heinrich / Helvetia Leal , May 27, 2021 )

Ein Streik ist eine Verweigerung, eine Unterbrechung, ein Aussetzten. Ein „Nein, so nicht!“-Sagen oder -Denken, ein Innehalten, Reflektieren, Sich-Zeit-und-Raum-Nehmen. Aber auch Organisieren, vielleicht Kämpfen, in jedem Fall Ausdruck eines grundlegenden Dissens. Einen Streik macht man am besten gemeinsam, solidarisch über das eigene Feld hinaus, und in seinem Herzen steht das Sorgetragen. Somit besteht der Dissens mit diskriminierenden Strukturen. Mit prekären Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnissen, die durch die Pandemie noch einmal verschärft worden sind. Mit Sexismus, Rassismus, Antisemitismus, Trans-, Bi-, Inter- und Homophobie, aber auch mit der Aneignung und Verwertung dienstbarer Kritikalität in und von neoliberalen Institutionen. Im Allgemeinen: mit den Produktions-, Kommunikations- und Sichtbarkeitsverhältnissen in einem durch und durch kapitalistischen (kulturellen) Feld.

Journal text

Ein Experiment in Subjektivität

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Arat , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Ein Riss im Empire?

Die Multituden angesichts des Krieges

( space of empire , Brian Holmes , June 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Ein Tag ist so lange wie ein Jahr

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Faraz Gondal , Oct. 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Ein Vorurteil in der Kultur

( ostwärts, kultur! , Nebojša Jovanović , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Ein sehr vorsichtiger Streik um sehr viel Fürsorge (Vier Hypothesen)

( precariat , Precarias a la deriva , Feb. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Eine Einführung in die Demokratie in fünf Wochen

Kroatiens StudentInnen und ihr Grabenkampf mit Aussichten im Frühjahr 2009

( knowledge production and its discontents , Leonardo Kovačević , June 1, 2009 )

Blog post

Eine Frage noch

( Blog post , Eran Schaerf , July 1, 2018 )

Das Radio befindet sich, mit Rosalind Krauss gesprochen, in einer Post-Medium Condition, sagte Bernhard Siegert an dem Roundtable zum Ende der Konferenz Radiophonic Cultures – Sonic Environments and Archives in Hybrid Media Systems in Basel. Daraufhin fragte Colin Lang: Wenn das Radio sich in seiner Post-Medium Condition befände, was war es davor, also bevor es in diesen Post-Zustand geraten ist?

Journal text

Eine Politik der Kämpfe in Zeiten der Pandemie

( Around the Crown , Sandro Mezzadra , March 14, 2020 )

Journal text

Eine Tangente, die den Kreis verrät

Über die Grenzen der Treue in der Übersetzung

( borders, nations, translations , Boris Buden , June 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Eine performative Bewegung

( precariat , Paolo Virno , April 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Einige Fragmente über Maschinen

( machines and subjectivation , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Ekonomia uczestnicząca

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Michael Albert , Aug. 6, 2005 )

Journal text

El "pluralismo semiótico" y el nuevo gobierno de los signos.

Homenaje a Félix Guattari

( the language of things , Maurizio Lazzarato , June 1, 2006 )

Journal text

El 1. de marzo hablamos en una lengua de huelga!

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , 1. März - Transnationaler Migrant_innenstreik , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

El arte de crear otros mundos

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Giovanna Zapperi , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

El chiste y la acción innovadora

( creativity hypes , Paolo Virno , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

El doble sentido de la destitución

( extradisciplinaire , Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

El hombre sin suerte

Entrevista a Amine, realizada por Lisbeth Kovacic y Birgit Mennel

( flee erase territorialize , Amine Germaine , Feb. 16, 2013 )

Journal text

El imperio de los sentidos

Policía como arte y crisis de la representación

( art and police , Hito Steyerl , June 2, 2007 )

Journal text

El lenguaje de las cosas

( under translation , Hito Steyerl , June 1, 2006 )

Journal text

El manifiesto municipalista: tareas pendientes

( Municipalismos monstruo , mac<sup>1</sup> , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

El medio de los textos transversales

Programa de un devenir que nunca querrá convertirse en editorial

( aufstand der verlegten , eipcp , June 29, 2014 )

Journal text

El mestiere de la crisis – Captura y autonomía en el capitalismo cognitivo

Notas desde la Universidad Nómada

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Francesco Salvini / Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , Feb. 19, 2011 )

Journal text

El rudo museo de Louise Lawler

( do you remember institutional critique? , Rosalyn Deutsche , June 1, 2006 )

Journal text

El sueño de la ciudad gobernable

Peste, policía y razón de Estado

( art and police , Isabell Lorey , June 2, 2007 )

Journal text

El trabajo afectivo

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Nancy Folbre , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

El traductor como microprocesador

( aufstand der verlegten , An Anonymous Iranian Collective , June 1, 2014 )

Journal text

El «club activista» o sobre los conceptos de casa de cultura, centro social y museo

( new productivisms , Dmitry Vilensky , March 27, 2009 )

Journal text

Empieza el siglo XXI: el derecho a vivir

( Around the Crown , Montserrat Galcerán Huguet , March 24, 2020 )

Blog post

Empieza el siglo XXI: el derecho a vivir

( Blog post , Montserrat Galcerán Huguet , March 24, 2020 )

With this pandemic, the 21st century begins. A century in which defending the right to live will be a priority.

Journal text

En Autriche, rien n'est "normal"

( experiment austria , Kulturpolitische Kommission , June 1, 2000 )

Blog post

En Espagne, un «réseau de villes-refuges» se met en place

( Blog post , Ludovic Lamant , Sept. 10, 2015 )

Auf Initiative Barcelonas mobilisieren sich „empörte“ Städte, um mehr Geflüchtete aufzunehmen, und lancieren Solidaritätskampagnen. Ihre Ziel: Den Druck auf die rechte Regierung von Mariano Rajoy aufzubauen, die sich im Vorfeld der allgemeinen Wahlen in das Thema verbeißt.

Journal text

En Route to the "Summit of the Art of Sociology"

Pierre Bourdieu's Self-Reflexive Practice in the Light of the Photographic Archive

( bourdieu in algeria , Beatrice von Bismarck , Feb. 7, 2008 )

Journal text

Encarnar la crítica

Algunas tesis. Algunos ejemplos.

( kritik , Marina Garcés , June 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Ende des ästhetischen Wohlfahrtsstaates?

( kunst 2.0 , Ulf Wuggenig , June 5, 2001 )

Journal text

Enterrer la mort de l'Auteur

( artists as producers , Ulf Wuggenig , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Entrar y salir de la institución: autovalorización y montaje en el arte contemporáneo

( progressive institutions , Marcelo Expósito , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Entraînement à la démotivation

( precariat , Guillaume Paoli , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Entre Habermas y Rancière: la democracia de la traducción política

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Nicole Doerr , June 1, 2013 )

Blog post

Entre dos derechos iguales, decide la fuerza

( Blog post , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , Aug. 3, 2020 )

En estas semanas se están aclarando los envites políticos de la pandemia del coronavirus, no sólo en el Reino de España, sino en Europa y en el sistema atlántico. Lo que era probable se está confirmando: bajo los diferentes estados de alarma, las medidas de confinamiento y la gestión de la “desescalada”, las élites están aprovechando el recurso a la fuerza mayor para imponer sus agendas de acumulación extractiva de capital; para eliminar contrapesos democráticos; para introducir medidas de restricción de la protesta y de ejercicio de un biopoder “soberano” tanto sobre quienes pueden y tratan de conservar su salario volviendo al trabajo, arriesgando su salud y la de los demás, como sobre quienes quedan fuera del acceso a rentas salariales o rentas del trabajo durante la pandemia.

Journal text

Entre sueños: Virno, Gould y Benjamin en la mesa de montaje

( the language of things , Marcelo Expósito , June 26, 2007 )

audio list

Entretien Avec Anne Querrien

transversal audio, 24 min., French

( audio list , April 5, 2023, 6 p.m. )

audio list

Eran Schaerf: Gesammeltes Deutsch

( audio list , Nov. 8, 2023, 8:25 a.m. )

Journal text

Erase them! - The image as it is falling apart into looks

Video, 8 min., 2013

( flee erase territorialize , Brigitta Kuster (Video, 8 min) , Feb. 16, 2013 )

Journal text

Erase them! Eurodac and Digital Deportability

( flee erase territorialize , Brigitta Kuster / Vassilis S. Tsianos , Feb. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Erase them! Eurodac und die digitale Deportabilität

( flee erase territorialize , Brigitta Kuster / Vassilis S. Tsianos , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text


Über das Neue in der Geschichte und die Politiken der Äußerung

( inventions , Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 1, 2011 )

audio list

Ergotherapy, Vagabondage, and Instituent Care

Isabell Lorey at the conference QUEER TOSQUELLES

( audio list , Oct. 30, 2024, 6 p.m. )

Blog post

Es ist Krieg in den artifiziellen Städten...

Die räumliche Imagination des Feindes

( Blog post , Andrea Kretschmann , Feb. 21, 2017 )

Der Krieg ist schon längst eine Frage der Städte geworden, und in diesem Sinne verlagert dieser sich auf neue Territorien. Dabei ist zu berücksichtigen, dass die Räume, in die militärische Apparate intervenieren, immer vorgestellte Räume sind, die in sozialen Prozessen fernab der betreffenden Regionen hervorgebracht werden. Ein wesentliches Element dieser Raumproduktionen ist gegenwärtig die artifizielle Stadt. In nie dagewesenem Maße vermittelt sie sozialräumliche und kulturelle Aspekte desjenigen Territoriums, auf dem der Gegner zu Hause ist. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass diese Aspekte nicht authentisch oder neutral sind sondern immer schon mit kultureller Bedeutung über die gegnerischen Räume versehen.

Blog post

Escaping Facebook

( Blog post , Raimund Minichbauer , April 2, 2019 )

From the book Facebook entkommen transversal texts publishes here the English translation of the introduction.

Journal text

Ese rebelde. Cambiar la vida y no sólo salvarla

( Around the Crown , Lucía Naser , March 20, 2020 )

Journal text

Espace public de proximité

( real public spaces , Andrea Membretti , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Espacios autónomos para la desarticulación y la crítica

( progressive institutions , Branka Ćurčić , June 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Est-ce que le Néoisme existe ?

( art sabotage , Oliver Marchart , Dec. 5, 2002 )

Blog post

Estamos para nosotras! Siete tesis por una práctica radical de los cuidados

( Blog post , Marta Malo , Jan. 28, 2021 )

In Aufnahme und Weiterführung ihrer früheren militanten Forschung mit dem queer-feministischen Kollektiv Precarias a la Deriva und anderen aktivistischen Zusammenhängen der Sorgepraxis formuliert Marta Malo sieben Thesen zu einer radikalen Praxis der Sorge in der Mehrzahl.

Journal text

Ethnos oder Demos?

( ostwärts, kultur! , Stefan Nowotny , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Ethnos or Demos?

( ostwärts, kultur! , Stefan Nowotny , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Etudier la (les) théorie(s) à l’école supérieure des Beaux Arts ?

Sur l’analyse de la culture et de la société du capitalisme cognitif

( an-academy , Klaus Schönberger , Oct. 2, 2010 )

Journal text

Euro-Slovenian Necrocapitalism

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Marina Gržinić , Feb. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Euro-Slowenischer Nekro-Kapitalismus

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Marina Gržinić , Feb. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Europa unterbrechen

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Loredana Polezzi , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Europa, Baustelle der Übersetzung

( talks on translation , Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes / Boris Buden , March 1, 2008 )

Blog post

Europe at crossroads

Welcome or Detention?

( Blog post , Nov. 1, 2015 )

Europe is in movement, Europe needs to move - Moving Europe!

Blog post

Europe et réfugiés : l’élargissement

( Blog post , Étienne Balibar , Sept. 21, 2015 )

In ganz Europa macht sich die Prognose breit, welche die Kanzlerin Angela Merkel für ihr Land formuliert hatte: „Diese Ereignisse werden unser Land verändern“. Ich meinerseits würde sagen, sie werden Europa verändern. Aber in welchem Sinn?

Journal text

Europe – A Construction Site of Translation

( talks on translation , Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes / Boris Buden , March 1, 2008 )

Blog post

Every beginning is dividual

Introduction to DIVIDUUM. Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution, Part 1

( Blog post , Gerald Raunig , March 29, 2016 )

Semiotext(e) / MIT Press has announced the publication of Gerald Raunig’s new book DIVIDUUM. Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution, Part 1:

Journal text

Everyday Crisis in the Empire

( precariat , Beat Weber , March 1, 2004 )

Blog post

Eviction of Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule Berlin, 11.01.2018 – Call for solidarity

( Blog post , Jan. 9, 2018 )

The GHS is supposed to be evicted on the 11th of january, 8 o’clock in the morning. The only offer made to the inhabitants was somewhat questionable and stands in the tradition of the so-called‚'Oplatz agreement'. This is another attempt by the Berlin senate and the district government to divide and conquer the refugee movement.
7:45 rally: Ohlauer Straße /Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule
8:30 demo

Journal text

Evropa, prevodilačko gradilište

( talks on translation , Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes / Boris Buden , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Evropsko-slovenski nekrokapitalizem

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Marina Gržinić , Feb. 1, 2008 )

Blog post

Exclusionary Acts: The Un-Making of Black German Agency in Transnational Black (German) Studies 1/3

( Blog post , A Conversation between Nicola Lauré al-Samarai and Peggy Piesche. With paintings by Thenjiwe Niki Nkosi , Dec. 1, 2017 )

This is the first part of a longer conversation between Nicola Lauré al-Samarai and Peggy Piesche. By discussing Black Studies in Germany and the US, the consumption of Blackness and the reproduction of exclusionary settings, they aim at opening up a critical transnational debate on forging strategies to create im-pertinent epistemologies and inter/personal politics of doing, both inside and beyond academia. The second of three parts was published on on December 15th, 2017.

Blog post

Exclusionary Acts: The Un-Making of Black German Agency in Transnational Black (German) Studies 2/3

( Blog post , A Conversation between Nicola Lauré al-Samarai and Peggy Piesche. With paintings by Thenjiwe Niki Nkosi , Dec. 15, 2017 )

This is the second part of a longer conversation between Nicola Lauré al-Samarai and Peggy Piesche. By discussing Black Studies in Germany and the US, the consumption of Blackness and the reproduction of exclusionary settings, they aim at opening up a critical transnational debate on forging strategies to create im-pertinent epistemologies and inter/personal politics of doing, both inside and beyond academia. The first part was published two weeks ago and the third of three parts was published - as well on - on December 29th, 2017.

Blog post

Exclusionary Acts: The Un-Making of Black German Agency in Transnational Black (German) Studies 3/3

( Blog post , A Conversation between Nicola Lauré al-Samarai and Peggy Piesche. With paintings by Thenjiwe Niki Nkosi , Dec. 29, 2017 )

This is the third and last part of a longer conversation between Nicola Lauré al-Samarai and Peggy Piesche. By discussing Black Studies in Germany and the US, the consumption of Blackness and the reproduction of exclusionary settings, they aim at opening up a critical transnational debate on forging strategies to create im-pertinent epistemologies and inter/personal politics of doing, both inside and beyond academia. The first and the second parts were published over the last weeks on

Journal text

Exemplary Violence in the War on Terrorism

( space of empire , Zach Formwalt , Aug. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Experiences Without Me or the Uncanny Grin of Precarity

( creativity hypes , Brigitta Kuster / Vassilis Tsianos , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Experiences Without Me, oder: Das verstörende Grinsen der Prekarität

( creativity hypes , Brigitta Kuster / Vassilis Tsianos , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Experiences without me o la perturbadora sonrisa de la precariedad

( creativity hypes , Brigitta Kuster / Vassilis Tsianos , Jan. 1, 2007 )

audio list

Experimenting with Networks, Technologies and Political Hurdles on their Origins and Current Challenges

( audio list , March 6, 2024, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

Exponiendo la poscolonialidad. Sobre el proyecto de Museo del Presente Vivo en Isla Reunión

( postcolonial displays , Charlotte Martinz-Turek / Françoise Vergès , June 19, 2008 )

Journal text

Exterritorien und Lager.

Juridisch-politische Räume im "War on Terrorism"

( space of empire , An Architektur , June 25, 2003 )

Journal text

Exterritories and Camps.

Juridical-Political Spaces in the "War on Terrorism"

( space of empire , An Architektur , Feb. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Extradisciplinary Investigations. Towards a New Critique of Institutions

Towards a New Critique of Institutions

( do you remember institutional critique? , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Extradisziplinäre Forschungen. Für eine neue Institutionenkritik

( do you remember institutional critique? , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Extreme Apetites

The coloniality of seeing and archive-images on the cannibalism of the Indies

( postcolonial displays , Joaquín Barriendos , Aug. 15, 2008 )

Journal text

Extreme Gelüste

Die Kolonialität des Sehens und die Bilder-Archive des Kannibalismus der Indias

( postcolonial displays , Joaquín Barriendos , Aug. 15, 2008 )


Facebook entkommen

Interviews mit Jaya Klara Brekke, Florencio Cabello, Ramona-Riin Dremljuga, Vladan Joler und Stefania Milan

( book , Raimund Minichbauer , Aug. 14, 2018 )

Raimund Minichbauer | 08 2018

Journal text


( machines and subjectivation , Gerald Raunig , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Failure to comply

bioart, security and the market

( art and police , Tiziana Terranova , Oct. 19, 2007 )

Journal text

Falscher Pragmatismus!?

( ostwärts, kultur! , Nebojša Vilic , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

False Pragmatism!?

( ostwärts, kultur! , Nebojša Vilic , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Falta de obediencia

bioarte, seguridad y mercado

( art and police , Tiziana Terranova , June 2, 2007 )

Blog post

Feminismus und neuer Internationalismus

Interview von Juliana Hernández und Julià Martí mit Veronica Gago

( Blog post , Veronica Gago, Juliana Hernández, Julià Martí , Feb. 23, 2019 )

Veronica Gago, argentinische Sozialwissenschafterin, Autorin von La razón neoliberal und Aktivistin des NiUnaMenos-Kollektivs diskutiert zentrale Aspekte der Konsolidierung der aktuellen feministischen Netzwerke auf globaler Ebene.

Journal text

Feministinnen in Russland protestieren gegen Putins Krieg

( disarm* , Feminist Anti-War Resistance , March 2, 2022 )

Journal text

Feministische Netzwerke analog/digital

( artists as producers , Christina Nemec , March 1, 2005 )

Blog post

Ferries not Frontex!

10 points to really end the deaths of migrants at sea

( Blog post , The Alarm Phone , April 27, 2015 )

On April 20, the Joint Foreign and Home Affairs Council of the EU released a ten-​point action plan outlining their response to the recent deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. Many other proposals have also been made over the last few days. We are activists who have been involved in the struggles against the European border regime for several years and who have been in touch on a daily basis with hundreds of people who have crossed the Mediterranean through Watch The Med and the Alarm Phone project. Faced with the hypocrisy of the “solutions” that have been proposed so far, we feel compelled to undermine their falsity and attempt to open up an alternative space for reflection and action.

Journal text

Fidelidad, traición y autonomía

( institution , Gregory Sholette , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Fidelity, Betrayal, Autonomy

( institution , Gregory Sholette , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Fidélité, trahison, autonomie

( institution , Gregory Sholette , April 1, 2004 )

Blog post

Fierce Care

Politics of Care in the Zapatista Conjuncture

( Blog post , Manuel Callahan / Annie Paradise , Dec. 4, 2017 )

Immediately following the killing of Colby Friday last August (2016) in Stockton, California by Stockton Police officer David Wells, Dion Smith went to the spot where Colby had been slain, and with several others refused to leave —watching over the spot and protecting the makeshift community memorial for two weeks until Colby’s body was laid to rest. Of her own action, Dion says: “We wanted to show the community that we care. They can’t just kill us.” Dion’s own son, James Rivera Jr. had been killed by two Stockton Police officers and a San Joaquin Sheriff Deputy six years earlier. Colby’s mother, Denise Friday, who lives two hours away in Hayward, returns to the spot regularly, to sit and engage neighbors, refusing erasure and the fear that comes when police attempt to impose narratives and silence. These acts of vigil occurred alongside other community gatherings and speak-outs, spaces where mothers come together to seek and define justice. These are the quiet moments of care beneath the defiant clamor of protests and the arrests. They are visible reminders of a community of struggle that refuses the criminalization imposed on it.

Journal text

Filmic Counter-Information

( differences & representations , Thomas Tode , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Filmische Gegeninformation

( differences & representations , Thomas Tode , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Filmische Reflexionen zum Nationalsozialismus und seinen Folgen

( differences & representations , Rosa Reitsamer , March 1, 2005 )

Journal text


( flee erase territorialize , Tina Leisch , Feb. 1, 2013 )

Blog post

First Edition: “No Future” 23 June – 4 July 2016 Athens & Cythera Island

( Blog post , Performance Biennial , May 17, 2016 )

The first edition of the Performance Biennial will take place on 23 June to 4 July in Greece. Emerging from DIY self-organised cultural practices appearing during these past years in Athens, in a present without a future, this event seeks to critically interrogate the role of performance, historically and in the present, in relation to political and social materialities and imaginaries. Playfully subverting the term ‘biennial’ into a self-organised practice, the event will test self-instituted forms of culture and politics. Under the title “No Future” this guerrilla biennial will bring together forms of artistic, political and theoretical practice and discourse questioning the potential of a collective refusal to a referred futurity.

Blog post

Flatness instead of Depth. Against the New Praise of Verticality

( Blog post , die kamion , March 27, 2015 )

It seems, there is nowadays an accumulation of diverse voices, who push the call for verticality. For example, the tendency to describe (pseudo)horizontal post-Fordist modes of production, and their valorisation of affects, cooperation and communication, as ubiquitous; and subsequently denunciating any form of horizontal exchange. And when once again the lack of depth in contemporary cultural thinking is emphasized, it is mostly to recycle an old topos. The recurring lamenting of the superficiality of the world, which makes us mediocre and produces new forms of assimilation, is nothing other than the boring repetition of a cultural-pessimistic figure, which consistently affirms the old elites or the desire for new elites.

Journal text

Fleksibilna ličnost

za novu kulturalnu kritiku

( machines and subjectivation , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2001 )

Blog post

For Bert: An Essay on Being-Under and Being-Around

( Blog post , Gerald Raunig , April 17, 2019 )

The coexistence of art and philosophy, the concatenation of social and conceptual machines, the combination of art and thought that operated and still operates in and around Bert Theis is not limited to a practice of speaking, discussing, and philosophizing as communication, or to the artist’s more or less obvious knowledge of philosophy, ancient or current. Rather, it is a mode of subjectivation that also has to do with invention and disobedience. (See also the exhibition Arcipelago Bert Theis:

Blog post

For Toni. An early and very personal remembrance

( Blog post , Sandro Mezzadra , Dec. 16, 2023 )

We mourn the loss of Toni Negri, who passed away on the night of December 15-16, 2023, and publish here an obituary of his friend Sandro Mezzadra.

Blog post

For Zak: The responsibility for our grief

( Blog post , Collective text , Sept. 29, 2018 )

The last few days, we have been witnessing with emotion and rage the developments in relation to the violent, unexpected, and unjust death of queer activist and drag performer Zak Kostopoulos in the centre of Athens.

Blog post

For a European Residency Permit

International Solidarity Day in Ventimiglia

( Blog post , Progetto 20k , July 1, 2018 )

Progetto 20k invites all the realities, the associations, the indipendent unions, the groups and every single person that deals with themes regarding immigration policies or that believes in solidarity, to participate in the organization of the 14th of July mobilisation in Ventimiglia.

Blog post

For a constituent initiative in Europe

( Blog post , Antonio Negri / Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , April 27, 2015 )

The system of constitutional democracy in the most recent postwar era in Europe was organized around a model of rotating the exercise of government between left and right in all countries (and, after 1978, also in Spain, complemented by the nationalist and/or independentist forces). This took place within the framework of a capitalist system in evolution that was subject to reforms – but not subject to discussion of fundamental issues. The terms were those of Yalta. This model is in crisis. In fact, third forces have already emerged in the electoral fields of many European countries that disrupt this dual scheme. In this regard we must ask ourselves if the construction of the new constitutional structure of the European Union did not begin precisely from the moment of foreseeing the crisis of the postwar constitutional model – and, at any rate, from the moment of perceiving incontinence already visible in the classical democratic model.

Blog post

For a new experience of economic government: a call to Podemos

( Blog post , Antonio Negri / Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , March 20, 2015 )

Well, then, keynesianism or post-keynesianism? Once we have recognised the reactionary nature of ordoliberalism and the same constitution of the ECB under the command of the Bundesbank, what economic and business framework should be favoured? And who should be the fundamental actor of this economic revival, which is at the same time a democratic one? The problem is difficult, and this is because it is new.

Blog post

For a new political ecosophy

( Blog post , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 22, 2019 )

Gerald Raunig's introduction to the Russian translation of «Les trois écologies» by Félix Guattari published online by the independent platform

Blog post

For the New Constitution in Chile

"Apruebo" Internacional, due to its global significance

( Blog post , Aug. 30, 2022 )

The constitution that Chile will vote on in a referendum on 4 September is one of the most democratic and advanced in the world. Express your support for the approval of the New Constitution with your signature.

Blog post

For the union activists arrested in Italy

( Blog post , Aug. 4, 2022 )

On July 19 in Piacenza, Italy, six grassroots union activists have been put under house arrest. They are accused of having set up a criminal conspiracy disguised as labour union activity. This is the latest and most severe assault to the unions that since the early 2010s fight for the rights of workers in the logistics sector.

Journal text

Fortbestand durch Auflösung

( pre_public , Christian Höller , Jan. 11, 2002 )

Journal text

Fortified Knowledge: From Supranational Governance to Translocal Resistance

( knowledge production and its discontents , Lina Dokuzović and Eduard Freudmann , July 1, 2010 )

Journal text

Fotografie als Illegitime Kunst

Pierre Bourdieu und die Fotografie

( bourdieu in algeria , Christoph Behnke , Oct. 7, 2007 )

Journal text

Fotografien im Kontext

Pierre Bourdieus fotografische Dokumentationen in Algerien, 1957–1961

( bourdieu in algeria , Christine Frisinghelli , Dec. 24, 2007 )


Foucault jelenléte

Szexualitás – gondoskodás – forradalom

( book , Isabell Lorey / Gundula Ludwig / Ruth Sonderegger , June 3, 2021 )

Isabell Lorey / Gundula Ludwig / Ruth Sonderegger, TYPOTEX | 2021


Foucaults Gegenwart

Sexualität - Sorge - Revolution

( book , Isabell Lorey / Gundula Ludwig / Ruth Sonderegger , Sept. 2, 2016 )

Isabell Lorey / Gundula Ludwig / Ruth Sonderegger, transversal texts | 09 2016

Journal text

Fragmentacija i kooptacija

( hybrid?resistance , Ulf Wuggenig , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Fragmentation and Cooptation

( hybrid?resistance , Ulf Wuggenig , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Fragmentation et Cooptation

( hybrid?resistance , Ulf Wuggenig , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Fragmente queerer Mobilität

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Amir Hodžić , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Fragmented Collectives

On the Politics of “Collective Intelligence” in Electronic Networks

( unsettling knowledges , Raimund Minichbauer , Feb. 29, 2012 )

Journal text

Fragmenti queer pokretljivosti

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Amir Hodžić , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Fragmentierte Kollektive

Zu Politiken der ‚kollektiven Intelligenz’ in elektronischen Netzwerken

( unsettling knowledges , Raimund Minichbauer , Feb. 29, 2012 )

Journal text

Fragmentierung und Kooptation

( hybrid?resistance , Ulf Wuggenig , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Fragments of Queer Mobility

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Amir Hodžić , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Frankfurt’ta Lotta Continua, Köln’de Türklerin Terörü

Federal Almanya Tarihindeki Göçmen Mücadelesi

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Serhat Karakayali , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Free Cooperation

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Christoph Spehr , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Blog post

Freedom of movement and protection for Roma from Ukraine!

( Blog post , , March 31, 2022 )

Not all Roma leave Ukraine and not all are victims of discriminatory treatment. But reports of discrimination against Romnja* at the borders are increasing. They are not taken in cars, bus companies turn them away. In the places of arrival they are separated from the „white“ Ukrainians for unknown reasons. There are also difficulties in the places of arrival in Germany.

Journal text

Freibeuter im Zeichenmeer

Biopiraterie und Übersetzungspolitiken

( borders, nations, translations , Tom Waibel , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Freie Kooperation

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Christoph Spehr , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Freundinnen zur Welt!

Genealogie oder Konstruktion?

( on universalism , Birge Krondofer , Feb. 28, 2007 )

Journal text

From Criticism to Critique to Criticality

( kritik , Irit Rogoff , Jan. 18, 2003 )

Blog post

From Embros to Green Park

On continuous failures. On continuous struggles.

( Blog post , Gigi Argyropoulou , Sept. 7, 2015 )

On the 19th of June, 2015 a group of artists, theoreticians, and cultural workers occupied Green Park cafe in the Pedion tou Areos, one the two central parks of Athens. Almost 4 years after the occupation of Embros theatre in November 2011 this new occupation emerged from and sought to build on the failings of collective struggles during recent years; both failings in the face of mechanisms of repression and failings from within the emergent collective formations of resistance.

Journal text

From Guest Workers to Guest Consumers

A Disposable Labor Force in the Age of Cognitive Capitalism

( Remembering Gastarbeiters: Labour and Migration in the Age of Neoliberalism , Lina Dokuzović , July 23, 2018 )

Journal text

From Knowledge of Self-Management to the Self-Management of Knowledge

( instituent practices , Cátedra experimental sobre producción de subjetividad , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

From Knowledge to Belief, from Critique to the Production of Subjectivity

( the art of critique , Maurizio Lazzarato , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

From One Moment to the Next, Wisconsin to Wall Street

( #occupy and assemble∞ , Dan S. Wang , Oct. 4, 2011 )

Journal text

From Rap to Slam: Music and Speech Intertwined

( practices of transmuting signs , David Querrien / Kevin Vrolant / Anne Querrien , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

From Reason to Common Sense

Towards a Critique of Universalism

( on universalism , Hakan Gürses , Feb. 28, 2007 )

Blog post

From cooperation to black operation

A Conversation with Stefano Harney and Fred Moten on The Undercommons

( Blog post , Stefano Harney / Fred Moten , April 1, 2016 )

On the occasion of publishing the German edition of The Undercommons, transversal texts spoke with the authors about the book’s central concepts.

Journal text

From defects to effects

( ostwärts, kultur! , Iara Boubnova , Sept. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

From precariousness to risk management and beyond

( inventions , Angela Mitropoulos , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text


Versuch über Flucht und Recht und Sprache

( flee erase territorialize , Peter Waterhouse , Oct. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Für ein solidarisches Arbeitslosen- versicherungssystem

( precariat , Précaires Associés de Paris , June 10, 2003 )

Journal text

Für ein Österreich als Vorreiter des sozialen Europas

( experiment austria , Pierre Bourdieu , March 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Für eine Kritische Kunst-Theorie

( kritik , Gene Ray , May 3, 2007 )

Blog post

Für eine Zapatistische Delegation in Österreich

( Blog post , zapatouraustria , Feb. 1, 2021 )

Im Sommer dieses Jahres plant eine Delegation von 120 Zapatistas aus Mexiko, die meisten Frauen, begleitet von 40 Vertreter*innen des Indigenen Nationalkongresses und indigener Umweltorganisationen, Europa zu bereisen. Die Zapatistas wollen mit dem ›Europa von unten‹ zusammentreffen – also mit kapitalismuskritischen Menschen, Gruppen und Initiativen, die ebenfalls an einer anderen Welt mitbauen.


Für einen konstituierenden Prozess in Europa

( book , Antonio Negri / Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , June 2, 2015 )

Antonio Negri / Raúl Sánchez Cedillo, transversal texts | 06 2015

Blog post

GUATTARI+30 – Call for papers

( Blog post , , April 13, 2022 )

The Chaosmosemedia association, the Universite de Paris 8 and the Collège International de philosophie are co­-organizing a five half-day international conference with a view to promoting a transversal gathering of researchers in philosophy, educational science, gender studies, performance arts, music, dance, cinema, as well as practitioners and clinicians of mental health, students, teachers and activists, in order to address the numerous investments of desire which Guattari's textual and social practices have made possible. Deadline for proposals: 16 May 2022, conference: 20-22 October 2022

Journal text

Geboren in Babel

( talks on translation , Rada Iveković / Boris Buden , March 1, 2008 )

Blog post

Geflüchtete dokumentieren ihre Situation in Traiskirchen und ihren Alltag in Österreich

( Blog post , Freedom not Frontex Vienna , Aug. 18, 2015 )

For the last four weeks, asylum seekers have regularly met with human rights activists from Freedom not Frontex Vienna in order to call attention to their situation and their observations; these observations are documented by photos and videos. The asylum seekers have expressed the wish to make their difficult situation in the camp visible to the public so that improvements and more human living conditions will be implemented soon.

Journal text

Gefängnis und Schreiben

Ein Gespräch mit Abdel Hafed Benotman

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Abdel Hafed Benotman , Oct. 2, 2014 )

Blog post

Gegen Teilmobilisierung in Tschetschenien

( Blog post , Vertreter*innen der tschetschenischen Community in Österreich, Aktivist*innen und Unterstützer*innen , Sept. 27, 2022 )

Uns erreichen schreckliche Nachrichten aus Tschetschenien. Die von Putin angekündigte Teilmobilisierung trifft die Menschen in der totalitär regierten Teilrepublik besonders heftig: In einem Video letzte Woche hat Ramsan Kadyrov angekündigt, bis Samstag 24.09.2022, 9.000 Soldaten für Putin in den Krieg gegen die Ukraine zu schicken.

Journal text

Gegen den Krieg. Für eine europäische Versammlung

( disarm* , Collettivo Euronomade , March 27, 2022 )

Journal text

Gegen opportunistische Kritik

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Damir Arsenijević , Nov. 18, 2007 )

Journal text

Gegen-Kultur als Zurichtung

( cultura migrans , Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez , Oct. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Gelernte Lektionen. Kämpfe und Wissen des Dissens

( an-academy , Lina Dokuzović , Oct. 20, 2010 )

Journal text

Gemeinbegriffe, Teil 1: ArbeiterInnenbefragung und ArbeiterInnen-Mituntersuchung, Selbsterfahrung

( militante untersuchung , Marta Malo de Molina , April 26, 2004 )

Blog post

Gente Corriente

( Blog post , Aug. 6, 2021 )

Gente Corriente was an alternative magazine created in the middle of the municipalist movement of Málaga in 2017. Initiated with the purpose of critically analyzing topics usually avoided by mainstream politics, it was carried out by activists from different social movements of the city. transversal documents and archives the three issues of the magazine about gentrification, touristification and the commons of the city, as they were published in the years 2017 and 2018.

Journal text

Geopolitics of Sensing and Knowing

On (De)Coloniality, Border Thinking, and Epistemic Disobedience

( unsettling knowledges , Walter Mignolo , Sept. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Geopolitik der Zuhälterei

( machines and subjectivation , Suely Rolnik , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Geopolitik des Wahrnehmens und Erkennens

(De)Kolonialität, Grenzdenken und epistemischer Ungehorsam

( unsettling knowledges , Walter Mignolo , Sept. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Geopolítica da cafetinagem

( machines and subjectivation , Suely Rolnik , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Geopolítica de la sensibilidad y del conocimiento

Sobre (de)colonialidad, pensamiento fronterizo y desobediencia epistémica

( unsettling knowledges , Walter Mignolo , Sept. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Geopolítica del chuleo

( machines and subjectivation , Suely Rolnik , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Blog post

Geplante Räumung der Gerhart Hauptmann-Schule in Kreuzberg: Wir stellen uns quer!

( Blog post , Bündnis Zwangsräumung Verhindern , Oct. 30, 2014 )

Ein breites Bündnis von NachbarInnen, KünstlerInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen ruft zum zivilen Ungehorsam gegen die Räumung der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule auf.
Wir würden uns freuen wenn ihr diesen Aufruf mit unterzeichnet. Schreibt einfach an Die Zeit drängt, Solidarität jetzt!

Blog post

Gerald Raunig: Dissemblage / Ungefüge - book and audio

( Blog post , Sept. 26, 2022 )

Following Dividuum (2015), transversal texts and Minor Compositions present the second volume of “Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution”: Dissemblage unfolds a wild abundance of unruly material, from the multilingual translation machines of Al-Andalus to the queer mysticism of the High Middle Ages, from the minor voices of the falsetto in 20th century jazz and soul to today’s disjointures and subjunctures against the smooth city in machinic capitalism.

Blog post

Gerald Raunig: Ungefüge. Hörbuch

( Blog post , Dec. 15, 2023 )

Nach der Publikation von Ungefüge als zweitem Band von „Maschinischer Kapitalismus und molekulare Revolution“ und den beiden Übersetzungen des Buchs ins Englische (Minor Compositions) und ins Spanische (Subtextos / Cactus) präsentiert transversal texts nun auch das erste vollständige Hörbuch. Die Stimmen von Isabell Lorey, Antonio Negri, Stefan Nowotny, Suely Rolnik, Birgit Sauer und Ruth Sonderegger setzen Gerald Raunigs Experiment der theoretischen Form nun als Audiobook fort.
Streaming und Download:


Gesammeltes Deutsch

( book , Eran Schaerf , Aug. 8, 2023 )

Eran Schaerf | 09 2023


Geschichte(n) des Kunststreiks

( book , Sofia Bempeza , Nov. 11, 2019 )

Sofia Bempeza | 12 2019

Blog post

Geschichte(n) des Kunststreiks - Buchpräsentationen in Wien (30.9.) und Zürich (21.10.)

( Blog post , Sept. 22, 2020 )

Autorin Sofia Bempeza präsentiert das bei transversal texts erschienene Buch im Wiener Depot im Gespräch mit Tyna Fritschy. Im Zürcher Les Complices* diskutiert die Autorin mit Kerstin Schroedinger; im Anschluss findet ein Screening (She Said von Susan Stein) statt.

Aufgrund der Covid-19-Präventionsmaßnahmen und beschränkter Platzzahl ist für beide Präsentationen eine Anmeldung nötig.

Blog post

Gesellschaftlicher Antirassismus

( Blog post , Vassilis S. Tsianos , Oct. 25, 2023 )

Wenn wir Rassismus als soziales Verhältnis verstehen, dann gilt es, ein solches ebenso für den Antirassismus zu denken. Der vorliegende Beitrag zu einem "gesellschaftlichen Antirassismus" schlägt eine Analytik seiner globalen Kampfzyklen für antikoloniale Selbstbestimmung und Dekolonisierung, seiner Konjunkturen und seiner transversalen Konjunktionen vor. Hierbei gilt es vor allem, den verhängnisvollen Zusammenhang zwischen Vergessen, Verleugnen und rassistischer Gewalt zu ergründen. Gerade für die postgenozidalen Gesellschaften Europas ist eine solche Perspektive entscheidend: Rassistische Gewalt adressiert nicht zuletzt das Vergessen antirassistischer Kämpfe.

Journal text

Gespensterdinge und Kräfteverhältnisse

Was ist mit den Waren los?

( machines and subjectivation , Katja Diefenbach , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Gesten des Widerstands im Alltag

Die Bedeutung von Spiel und Begehren in der Politik kollektiver Aneignung von Umsonst

( practices of transmuting signs , Anja Kanngieser , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Gestos de resistencia cotidiana

la significación del juego y del deseo en las prácticas Umsonst de apropiación colectiva

( practices of transmuting signs , Anja Kanngieser , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Gestures of Everyday Resistance

The Significance of Play and Desire in the Umsonst Politics of Collective Appropriation

( practices of transmuting signs , Anja Kanngieser , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Get the Quacksalber!

Or the return of the infamous pillory in the time of digital quarantine

( Around the Crown , Laboratorio Occupato Morion , March 12, 2020 )

Blog post

Get the Quacksalber!

Or the return of the infamous pillory in the time of digital quarantine

( Blog post , Laboratorio Occupato Morion , March 12, 2020 )

First premise. We are not conspiracy theorists. Second premise, just to avoid misunderstanding. We are aware of the current medical emergency and convinced that we need to change our habits. With this in mind, we have decided to cancel events and concerts, to do our part to prevent the situation from worsening in the face of an already ailing health system. We are also organizing a relief action for the most affected people in the city, especially the elderly. All this is okay, we know it and we are doing it. And yet…

Journal text

Gibt es das wirklich? Ein Close Reading von Hito Steyerls In Free Fall

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , David Riff , Feb. 19, 2011 )

Journal text

Gibt es den Neoismus?

( art sabotage , Oliver Marchart , Dec. 5, 2002 )

Journal text

Gibt es eine Welt des Antiglobalismus?

( mundial , Stefan Nowotny , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Global Protests and Local Space

( hybrid?resistance , Marion Hamm , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Globale Proteste, lokaler Raum

( hybrid?resistance , Marion Hamm , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Globalism and the prison industrial complex

An Interview with Angela Davis conducted by Avery Gordon

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Angela Davis , Oct. 2, 2014 )

Journal text

Globalismus und der gefängnisindustrielle Komplex

Ein Interview mit Angela Davis geführt von Avery Gordon

( Das große Gefängnis. Geschichten von Harraga , Angela Davis , Oct. 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Globalni protesti, lokalni prostor

( hybrid?resistance , Marion Hamm , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Gobernar fronteras permeables. Country Europa – Un proyecto de Marcelo Expósito y Verónica Iglesia

Country Europa – Un proyecto de Marcelo Expósito y Verónica Iglesia

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Isabell Lorey , June 30, 2011 )

Journal text

Gouvernementale Prekarisierung

( inventions , Isabell Lorey , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Gouvernementalität und Selbst-Prekarisierung

Zur Normalisierung von KulturproduzentInnen

( machines and subjectivation , Isabell Lorey , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Blog post

Governing Affects

( Blog post , Feb. 11, 2020 )

A new monograph on neoliberalism, the state and affective labour by Otto Penz and Birgit Sauer. The book Governing affects explores the neoliberal transformation of state governance in Europe towards affective forms of dominance, exercised by customer oriented neo-bureaucracies and public service providers.

Journal text

Governing Permeable Borders. Country Europa – A Project by Marcelo Expósito and Verónica Iglesia

Country Europa – A Project by Marcelo Expósito and Verónica Iglesia

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Isabell Lorey , June 30, 2011 )

Journal text

Governmental Precarization

( inventions , Isabell Lorey , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Governmentality and Self-Precarization

On the normalization of cultural producers

( machines and subjectivation , Isabell Lorey , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Grandparents of Interventionist Art, or Intervention in the Form

( kunst 2.0 , Gerald Raunig , Dec. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Granicni kamp // Strasbourg // Od 19. do 28. Jula 2002.

( hybrid?resistance , Harald Kuemmer , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Granulare Teilhabe

( Technopolitics of Care , Sept. 3, 2023 )

Journal text

Grenzcamp // Strasbourg // 19. bis 28. Juli 2002

( hybrid?resistance , Harald Kuemmer , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Grenzen übersetzen

Schranken des Nationalismus, Transnationalismus und Translationismus

( borders, nations, translations , Rada Iveković , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Grosseltern der Interventionskunst, oder Intervention in die Form

( kunst 2.0 , Gerald Raunig , Dec. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Group Material: Abstraction as the Onset of the Real

( new productivisms , Doug Ashford , Sept. 27, 2010 )

Journal text

Group Material: Abstraktion als Einbruch des Realen

( new productivisms , Doug Ashford , Sept. 27, 2010 )

Journal text

Group Material: una memoria de la abstracción como matriz de lo real

( new productivisms , Doug Ashford , March 27, 2009 )

Journal text

Gubernamentalidad y precarización de sí

Sobre la normalización de los productores y las productoras culturales

( machines and subjectivation , Isabell Lorey , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Guvernmentalitet i samoprekarizacija

O normalizaciji kulturnih proizvođača

( machines and subjectivation , Isabell Lorey , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Guérilla de communication - Transversalité dans la vie de tous les jours ?

( art sabotage , autonome a.f.r.i.k.a. gruppe , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text


( precariat , Angela Mitropoulos , March 1, 2005 )

Journal text


( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Peter Waterhouse , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Hacia una ecología de la crítica institucional

( do you remember institutional critique? , Stephen Zepke , Sept. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Hacia una teoría crítica del arte

( kritik , Gene Ray , May 1, 2007 )

Blog post

Hafed s'est fait la belle

( Blog post , Mathieu Léonard (CQFD) , Aug. 13, 2015 )

Er war Dieb, Räuber, Krimischriftsteller, Drehbuchautor, Theatermensch, Dichter und Schauspieler. Abdel Hafed Benotmans Herzmaschine hat ihn am 20. Februar 2015 abends losgelassen und lässt uns in unendlicher Trauer zurück. Aber sein wirkliches Herz wird uns nie verlassen. ++ Il fut voleur, braqueur, écrivain de polars, auteur de scénarios de films, homme de théâtre, poète et acteur. La machine cardiaque d’Abdel-Hafed Benotman l’a lâché le 20 février 2015 au soir, nous laissant dans une infinie tristesse. Mais son vrai cœur ne nous lâchera jamais.

Journal text

Hegemonie und das Paradox von privat und öffentlich

( publicum , Alex Demirovic , June 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Hegemony and the Paradox of Public and Private

( publicum , Alex Demirovic , June 1, 2004 )

Blog post

Here at the Center: Jimmie Durham. In Europe. At NBK Berlin.

( Blog post , Teobaldo Lagos Preller , Aug. 16, 2015 )

Beginning to work in art is never a decision, says Jimmie Durham. The artist, poet and activist born 1940 in Arkansas began to work as a sculptor in 1964, while he was active since the early 1960s in the American civil rights movement. In 1973, he graduated in Fine Arts in Geneva and returned to the U.S. In the 1970s, he was a co-founder and chairman of the International Indian Treaty at the United Nations, where his work led to the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In 1987, Durham left the U.S., settled in Mexico and since 1994 in Europe, where he has lived in Dublin, Marseille, Rome and Berlin.

Journal text

Herrschaft, Konkurrenz und Ausbeutung

Eine Einführung in die Sozialisierung des Kapitals (und wie es uns gegenüber versagt)

( machines and subjectivation , Simon Sheikh , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Heterolingual and heterophonic intertextuality in a few texts written and performed by “rappers”

( the languages of the banlieues , Amina Bensalah / Myriam Suchet , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Heterolinguale Stickereien

( the languages of the banlieues , Anne Querrien , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Heterolinguale und heterophone Intertextualität in einigen von „Rapper_innen“ geschriebenen und performten Texten

( the languages of the banlieues , Amina Bensalah / Myriam Suchet , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Heterolinguality as Alternative Imaginary of “Self”: Voices, Democracy and Ethos

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Myriam Suchet , July 7, 2013 )

Journal text

Heterolingualität als alternative Vorstellung des „Selbst“: Stimmen, Demokratie und Ethos

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Myriam Suchet , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Heterolinguistic embroideries

( the languages of the banlieues , Anne Querrien , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

High sein. Frei sein.

( protest , Siegfried Mattl , June 1, 2001 )

Journal text


( institution , Beatrice von Bismarck , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Horizonte einer kulturellen Problematik

( precariat , Brian Holmes / Marion von Osten , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

How Many Histories of Labor? Towards a Theory of Postcolonial Capitalism

( unsettling knowledges , Sandro Mezzadra , Jan. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

How to Speak Precarious Histories from a Precarious Position?

From Guests to GUESTures

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Margareta Kern , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

How to Speak Precarious Histories from a Precarious Position?

Form(s) of knowledge. Nothing is given …

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Katja Kobolt , Oct. 4, 2017 )

Blog post

How to heal a depression?

( Blog post , Franco “Bifo” Berardi , Sept. 16, 2016 )

At the end of the year 2008 the global economy collapsed. It’s hard to say what will happen next, but it’s easy to guess that the recession is not going to go away anytime soon. The collapse of the global economy can be read as the comeback of the soul. The perfect machine of neoliberal ideology is falling to bits because it was based on the flawed assumption that soul can be reduced to mere rationality. The dark side of the soul, fear, anxiety, panic and depression has finally surfaced after looming for a decade in the shadow of the much-touted victory and promised eternity of capitalism. In this essay I want to consider two different meanings of the word depression. By this word we mean a special kind of mental suffering, but also the general shape of the global crisis that is darkening the historical horizon of our times. We are not dealing here with a linguistic trick; we are not dealing only with a metaphor, but with the interweaving and interacting of psychic flows and economic processes.

Journal text

Humanitarianism Destroys Politicality

An interview with Sandro Mezzadra by Davor Konjikušić

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Sandro Mezzadra / Davor Konjikušić , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Humanitarismus zerstört das Politische

Ein Gespräch mit Sandro Mezzadra von Davor Konjikušić

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Sandro Mezzadra / Davor Konjikušić , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Humanitarizam uništava političnost

Interview sa Sandrom Mezzadrom (Davor Konjikušić)

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Sandro Mezzadra / Davor Konjikušić , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Blog post

Hungerstreik in der JVA Butzbach für Koalitionsfreiheit, Mindestlohn und Rentenversicherung

( Blog post , Netzwerk für die Rechte inhaftierter Arbeiter_innen , Dec. 1, 2015 )

Seit heute dem 1. Dezember 2015 befinden sich Gefangene in der JVA Butzbach im Hunger- oder Bummelstreik, sie fordern für ihre Arbeit im Gefängnis unter anderem das Recht auf gewerkschaftliche Organisierung, den Mindestlohn und die Einzahlung in die Rentenversicherung.

Journal text

Hybridités ambivalentes

( hybrid?resistance , Stefan Nowotny , May 1, 2002 )



Dispositive eines Virus

( book , Jana Vanecek , May 31, 2022 )

Jana Vanecek | 06 2022

Journal text

Idea de un sistema red transdividual

Notas aproximativas

( Technecologies , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , Aug. 20, 2018 )

Journal text

Idee eines transdividuellen Netzwerksystems

Anmerkungen zur Annäherung

( Technecologies , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , Aug. 19, 2018 )

Journal text

Identitary Immunity and Strategic Immunization

Lépra and Leprosy from Biblical into Medieval Times

( translating violence , Isabell Lorey , Oct. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Identitäre Immunität und strategische Immunisierung

Lépra und Lepra von der Bibel bis ins Mittelalter

( translating violence , Isabell Lorey , Oct. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Identitätsspielchen im Netz

( art sabotage , The Yes Men , Sept. 2, 2002 )

Blog post

If you want Samba

( Blog post , Rubia Salgado , Oct. 9, 2018 )

After thousands demonstrated against the ÖVP-FPÖ government, we are back on the street: Every Thursday since October 4 we have met in a different place in Vienna to protest this neoliberal right-wing extremist government, but above all we assemble to exchange and to show: yes, there are alternatives, and yes, there are ways of doing things better for everyone.
Rubia Salgado was one of many who spoke at Ballhausplatz on the October 4 in front of thousands of people. Here is her speech.

Journal text

Il conatus di Negri, il potere costituente e le resistenze cimarrone

Un addio a Toni Negri

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Katja Diefenbach, Ruth Sonderegger, Pablo Valdivia , July 17, 2024 )

Journal text

Il mio amico matto che voleva cambiare il mondo

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Alisa del Re , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Il potere costituente. La doppia attenzione di Toni Negri

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Isabell Lorey , Jan. 2, 2024 )

Journal text

Im Modus der Modulation: Fabriken des Wissens

( knowledge production and its discontents , Gerald Raunig , Aug. 25, 2009 )

Journal text

Im Sommer des Protests. Fortschritt zwischen Gipfel und Grenzcamp

( protest , Gerald Raunig , July 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Im/Potential Politics

Political Ontologies of Negri, Agamben and Deleuze

( inventions , Katja Diefenbach , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Images contradictoires

( mundial , Christian Höller , Sept. 1, 2002 )


Immer Ärger mit dem Subjekt

Theoretische und politische Konsequenzen eines juridischen Machtmodells: Judith Butler

( book , Isabell Lorey , July 1, 2017 )

Isabell Lorey, transversal texts | 07 2017

Journal text

Immerwährender Neustart

( art sabotage , Ralf Homann , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Imágenes fílmicas biométricas

¿Una nueva manera de que las grabaciones audiovisuales toquen la realidad?

( Technecologies , Brigitta Kuster , March 5, 2018 )

Journal text

In Collaboration with gangart.

( pre_public , Eva Sturm , April 1, 2001 )

Journal text

In Modulation Mode: Factories of Knowledge

( knowledge production and its discontents , Gerald Raunig , Aug. 25, 2009 )

Blog post

In Support of the Persecuted Teachers by PUC-SP

( Blog post , Aug. 9, 2014 )

The Provost’s Office of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo opened an investigatory procedure against professors Peter Pál Pelbart, Yolanda Glória Gamboa Muñoz and Jonnefer Barbosa, under the allegation of having invited, envisaged, supported and advertised the theatre-performance staged in the University’s facilities in November 2012 by theatre director Zé Celso Martinez. The accusation being pursued is that the artistic performance acted against the “moral and cultural patrimony” of the institution and that in supporting it the three aforementioned professors stimulated indiscipline among the student population. Please support the persecuted teachers and oppose this attack on academic freedom by signing this online letter of support and circulating the link:
Update 18 August 2014: The local and international manifestations against the absurd trial against Peter Pelbart and two other professors of philosophy by the Provost of the PUC-SP and Arcepispo of São Paulo was victorious. The inquisitors retreated and decided to quash it.

Journal text

In Theorie vertiefen

Die Schule des ausstehenden Lehrers

( an-academy , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 5, 2010 )

Journal text

In Zusammenarbeit mit gangart.

( pre_public , Eva Sturm , April 1, 2001 )

Journal text

In der unendlichen Arbeit der Übersetzung nimmt eine unmögliche Karte Gestalt an

( translating violence , Anna Nadotti , April 2, 2007 )

Journal text

In die Information!

Die Umkehrung der Geschichte zugunsten der Gegenwart

( new productivisms , Brian Holmes , Nov. 27, 2009 )

Journal text

In die Institution eintreten und ihr entwischen: Selbstinwertsetzung und Montage in der Gegenwartskunst

( progressive institutions , Marcelo Expósito , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

In die Quarantäne aus der Quarantäne

Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe und „Ich“

( Around the Crown , Catherine Malabou , March 23, 2020 )

Journal text

In search of the Commonwealth

( inventions , Antonio Negri , Aug. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

In the Place of the Public Sphere?

( publicum , Simon Sheikh , June 1, 2004 )

Journal text

In the infinite labour of translation an impossible map emerges

( translating violence , Anna Nadotti , April 2, 2007 )

Journal text

In Österreich herrscht keine Normalität

( experiment austria , Kulturpolitische Kommission , June 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Inclusive Democracy

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Takis Fotopoulos , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Indymedia - Concatenations of Physical and Virtual Spaces

( publicum , Marion Hamm , Jan. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Indymedia - De l'enchaînement de publics physiques et virtuels

( publicum , Marion Hamm , Jan. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Indymedia - Zur Verkettung von physikalischen und virtuellen Öffentlichkeiten

( publicum , Marion Hamm , Jan. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Info-Labour and Precarisation

( precariat , Franco Berardi Bifo , April 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Inkluzivna demokratija

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Takis Fotopoulos , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Inside and Outside the Art Institution: Self-Valorisation and Montage in Contemporary Art

( progressive institutions , Marcelo Expósito , Oct. 15, 2006 )

Journal text

Instituent Practices

Fleeing, Instituting, Transforming

( do you remember institutional critique? , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Instituent Practices, No. 2

Institutional Critique, Constituent Power, and the Persistence of Instituting

( extradisciplinaire , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Blog post

Instituent Practices. New Introduction to the Revised Edition 2016

( Blog post , Stefan Nowotny / Gerald Raunig , May 12, 2016 )

On the occasion of the new edition of Instituierende Praxen transversal texts publishes the new introduction to the book.


Instituierende Praxen

Bruchlinien der Institutionskritik

( book , Stefan Nowotny / Gerald Raunig , April 1, 2016 )

S. Nowotny / G. Raunig, transversal texts | 04 2016

Journal text

Instituierende Praxen

Fliehen, Instituieren, Transformieren

( do you remember institutional critique? , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 16, 2006 )

Journal text

Instituierende Praxen, No.2

Institutionskritik, konstituierende Macht und der lange Atem der Instituierung

( extradisciplinaire , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Instituierung lokalisieren, Autonomie entwerfen

( instituent practices , Jens Kastner , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Instituierung und Verteilung

Zum Verhältnis von Politik und Polizei nach Rancière als Entwicklung des Verteilungsproblems bei Deleuze

( art and police , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 18, 2007 )

Journal text

Instituir en el umbral

( Municipalismos monstruo , Francesco Salvini , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

Instituir y distribuir

De la relación entre política y policía en Rancière como desarrollo del problema de la distribución en Deleuze

( art and police , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Instituting and Distributing

On the Relationship Between Politics and Police Following Rancière as a Development of the Problem of Distribution with Deleuze

( art and police , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 20, 2007 )

Journal text

Instituting on the threshold

( Municipalismos monstruo , Francesco Salvini , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

Institutional Racisms

( pre_public , Helmut Draxler , Jan. 11, 2002 )

Journal text

Institutionelle Rassismen

( pre_public , Helmut Draxler , Jan. 11, 2002 )

Journal text

Institutionen kritisieren?

( institution , Katya Sander , Feb. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Instituţia criticii

( do you remember institutional critique? , Hito Steyerl , Jan. 2, 2006 )

Blog post

Instructive cultural conflict in France

( Blog post , Robrecht Vanderbeeken , July 23, 2014 )

It promises to be an exciting cultural summer in France. Not so much due to the planned artistic activities, but rather because of the combativeness with which the French campaign for fair labour conditions in the cultural sector, and for everyone with discontinuous employment. Many French summer festivals receive an ‘adjusted’ programme. A plethora of actions are drawing attention to the precarious situation of cultural workers due to the downsizing and marketing policy that the French authorities wish to implement.

Journal text

Intensifying Theory Production

The School of the Missing Teacher

( an-academy , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 5, 2010 )

Blog post

Interlinked Struggles

( Blog post , April 16, 2021 )

Online events on the struggles for a free education:
April 20, 2021 - Interlinked Struggles: University Protests in Athens, Budapest and Munich
March 23, 2021 - Interlinked Struggles: University Protests in Austria, 2009 and Today

Journal text

Internacionalismo artístico y crítica institucional

( do you remember institutional critique? , Jens Kastner , Jan. 6, 2007 )

Journal text

Internalisation of the Discourse of Institutional Critique and its Unhappy Consciousness

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Suzana Milevska , Nov. 3, 2007 )

Blog post

International! Anti-War! Solidarity!

Call for donations

( Blog post , Rote Hilfe Wien , March 10, 2022 )

Dear comrades,
where there is resistance, there is repression. Where there is resistance, there is a need for money. It is our task not to leave the comrades of the social, left, socialist and anarchist movements all alone now!

Journal text

Intertextualité hétérolingues et hétérophones dans quelques textes écrits et performés par des « rappeurs »

( the languages of the banlieues , Amina Bensalah / Myriam Suchet , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Into Information!

Reversing History for the Present

( new productivisms , Brian Holmes , Nov. 27, 2009 )

Journal text

Inverse Türme

( art sabotage , Gerald Raunig , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Inverted Towers

( art sabotage , Gerald Raunig , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Inverterade torn

( art sabotage , Gerald Raunig , April 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Investigaciones extradisciplinares. Hacia una nueva crítica de las instituciones

( do you remember institutional critique? , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Investigations sociologiques

Du témoignage photographique à la description dense dans l’œuvre de Pierre Bourdieu

( bourdieu in algeria , Franz Schultheis , Oct. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Investigaţii extradisciplinare. Spre o nouæ criticæ a instituţiilor

( do you remember institutional critique? , Brian Holmes , Jan. 2, 2007 )

Journal text

Is There a World of Anti-Globalism?

( mundial , Stefan Nowotny , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Iskustvo i refleksija u laboratoriju nesigurnosti

Iskustvo i refleksija u laboratoriju nesigurnosti

( precariat , Klaus Neundlinger , July 3, 2004 )

Blog post

Islamisation ? Oh, la barbe !

( Blog post , Abdel Hafed Benotman , Aug. 15, 2015 )

Wir veröffentlichen hier einen Text von Abdel Hafed Benotman, Atheist, der im Februar 2015 viel zu früh verstorben ist. Er selbst veröffentlichte diesen Text im Jahr 2008 auf seinem Blog. Ebenso wie L’Envolée finden auch wir, dass er auf so manche gegenwärtige Diskussionen passt.

Blog post

It does not make sense to call this "peer-to-peer" anymore

An interview with Jaya Klara Brekke on the politics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies

( Blog post , Jaya Klara Brekke / Raimund Minichbauer , April 17, 2018 )

Almost ten years after it's initial release in January 2009, Bitcoin has generated two influential strands of traditions: the field of cryptocurrencies with a burgeoning number of very different kinds of projects ranging from ruthless speculation to grassroots economic experiments, and the technology of the blockchain, a decentralized database-system which was invented as a means for recording all Bitcoin-transactions that has since been developed far beyond the field of cryptocurrencies. It is used as an immutable storage for ‘contracts’, apps, organizational processes, etc. Both traditions are highly contested. Hopes for new emancipatory technological contexts stand vis-à-vis concerns regarding a possible neoliberal, right-wing and property-related bias and the evidently enormous environmental costs.

Journal text

It’s capitalism, stupid! Das Ende der Pandemie ...

... wird der Anfang heftiger Klassenkonfrontationen sein

( Around the Crown , Maurizio Lazzarato , March 29, 2020 )

Journal text

It’s the capitalism, stupid! La fine della pandemia ...

( Around the Crown , Maurizio Lazzarato , March 29, 2020 )

Journal text

Iugoslávia: Trabalhadores com Autogestão

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Todor Kuljic , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Blog post

Jay-Walker. How can it be that jay-walking has become punishable by death?

( Blog post , Stefano Harney , Sept. 1, 2015 )

Some months before transversal texts will release the German version of Stefano Harney’s and Fred Moten’s book The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study, we are publishing Stefano Harney’s poetico-philosophical piece “Jay-Walker” on the intertwining logics of logistics, consulting, and racism.

Journal text

Je vis comme ces animaux, les chiroptères … seulement pendant la nuit

Entretien avec Simo mené par Birgit Mennel

( flee erase territorialize , Simo Kader , Feb. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Jenseits des Zusammenbruchs

Drei Betrachtungen zu einer Zeit danach

( Around the Crown , Franco „Bifo“ Berardi , March 31, 2020 )

Journal text

Jugoslovensko radničko samoupravljanje

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Todor Kuljic , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

Jupitermonde: Netzwerk-Institutionen im Kontext des Wandels der Produktion in Europa

( monster institutions , Francesco Salvini , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Jupitrove lune: Mrežne ustanove v produktivnih evropskih transformacijah

( monster institutions , Francesco Salvini , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

KOLLEKTIVITÄT? Sie meinen Kooperation!

( artists as producers , Bojana Cvejic , Jan. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Ka pobuni objavljenih? Deset misli o krpeljima & drugovima

( aufstand der verlegten , Stevphen Shukaitis , June 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Kako govoriti o prekarnih zgodovinah iz prekarnega položaja?

Oblike znanja. Nič ni dano …

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Katja Kobolt , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Kako govoriti o prekarnoj povijesti iz prekarnog položaja?

Od gostiju do GOSTIkulacija

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Margareta Kern , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Blog post


Eine neue Zeitschrift zu sozialen Bewegungen, politischen Kunstpraxen und kritischer Intellektualität

( Blog post , June 30, 2014 )

Kamion ist eine Zeitschrift für politische Theorien und nützliche Nachrichten aus dem Alltag von Prekarisierung und Krise. Sie forciert den Verkehr, die Übersetzungen, die Vernähungen zwischen sozialen Bewegungen, Kunstpraxen und kritischer Intellektualität. Sie eröffnet Raum für entspannt theoretische, essayistische, nicht-akademische Schreibweisen und experimentelle Erzählformen. Sie entwickelt Taktiken und Strategien der Verkettung, Neuzusammensetzung und Bildung von Allianzen. Zentrale Themenfelder sind politische Kunstpraxen, Aktivismus, Medienkritik, Kulturpolitik, Wissensproduktion/Bildungspolitik. Die Redaktionen in Wien, Zürich und Berlin beleuchten transnational relevante Themen (nicht nur) aus europäischer Perspektive.

Journal text

Kampf der MigrantInnen um Repräsentation

( cultura migrans , Mark Terkessidis , Oct. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Kampf, Ereignis, Medien

( differences & representations , Maurizio Lazzarato , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Karten des Antirassismus

( cultura migrans , Stefan Nowotny , Oct. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Kartographie und Kriegsmaschine

Herausforderungen und Erfahrungen mit der militanten Untersuchung im Süden Europas

( militante untersuchung , Javier Toret / Nicolás Sguiglia , April 26, 2006 )

Blog post

Keep the Cultural Studies on the list of registered disciplines of science in Poland

( Blog post , Polish Association of Cultural Studies , Oct. 20, 2017 )

The Polish government plans to erase Cultural Studies from the list of registered disciplines of science in the country. We publish here a petition by the Polish Association of Cultural Studies (Polskie Towarzystwo Kulturoznawcze, PTK).

Journal text

Kein Abschied!

Der Aufbruch aus dem Süden und die neue transmediterrane Solidarität

( flee erase territorialize , Helmut Dietrich , Aug. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Kepler Salon - Der Aufstand der Verlegten

( aufstand der verlegten , Niki, Ruth Sonderegger, Stefan Nowotny, Host: Aileen Derieg , April 4, 2016 )

audio list

Kike España / Gerald Raunig, Multiplicity

Opening Lecture of the conference Multiplicity

( audio list , March 29, 2023, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

Kitlelerin Aldatılışı Olarak Yaratıcı Endüstriler

( creativity hypes , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Klandestine Öffentlichkeit

( publicum , Stefan Nowotny , March 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Knowledge production and new forms of political action

The experience of the intermittent workers in France

( militante untersuchung , Antonella Corsani , April 26, 2006 )

Journal text

Knowledge versus Creativity?

On Ways of Describing Art and How They Relate to Economic and Social Contexts

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Judith Siegmund , Feb. 1, 2011 )

Blog post

Knowledge: The New Frontier for Crisis Resolution and Creation

( Blog post , Lina Dokuzović , Nov. 29, 2016 )

In recent years, institutions of education have been transformed through an upsurge of policies and reforms. While such reforms have historically developed along various trajectories, more recent reforms have chiefly been advanced by two major aims. On the one hand, these reforms support the transformation of economies that have suffered from crisis. For instance, the OECD has declared that: “Knowledge is now recognised as the driver of productivity and economic growth” (1996, p. 3). On the other hand, the production of knowledge and research should tackle the “grand challenges” of our time posed by globalization – e.g. the energy crisis, limited resources, or climate change – essentially linking it to sustainability policy.

Journal text

Kolektywy robotnicze podczas rewolucji hiszpańskiej

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Salomé Moltó , Aug. 15, 2005 )

Journal text

Komentar na tekst Branke Ćurčić

( progressive institutions , Boris Buden , July 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Kommentare zum Text von Branka Ćurčić

( progressive institutions , Boris Buden , July 22, 2007 )

Journal text

Kommt der Aufstand der Verlegten?

Zehn Gedanken zu Zecken & Genoss_innen

( aufstand der verlegten , Stevphen Shukaitis , June 1, 2014 )

Journal text

Kommunikationsguerilla - Transversalität im Alltag?

( art sabotage , autonome a.f.r.i.k.a. gruppe , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Blog post

Kommunisierung der Kunst

( Blog post , Gerald Raunig , March 11, 2021 )

Mit Aesthetics of the Commons haben Cornelia Sollfrank, Felix Stalder und Shusha Niederberger einen Band herausgebracht, der eine spezifische Lücke in der reichhaltigen Literatur zu Commons schliesst.

Journal text

Komuna Paryska 1871 roku

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Alain Dalotel , Aug. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Komunalizm Libertariański

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Chaia Heller , Sept. 2, 2005 )

Journal text


Die molekular-revolutionäre Kraft der neuen Munizipalismen in Spanien

( Municipalismos monstruo , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

Konjunktion, Disjunktion, Gabe

( inventions , Brian Massumi , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Konserven des Kolonialismus: Die Welt im Museum

( postcolonial displays , Christian Kravagna , June 19, 2008 )

Journal text

Konstellation - Zerstreuung - Assoziation

( artists as producers , LIGNA , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Konstituierende Macht. Toni Negris doppelte Zugewandtheit

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Isabell Lorey , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Kosova’da Gizlilik Prensibi ve Kurumları Eleştirmekteki Zorluk

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Sezgin Boynik , Sept. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Krajolik posttranzicijskih institucija i njihovi politički učnici

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Leonardo Kovačević / Vesna Vuković , Feb. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Kreativindustrie als Massenbetrug

( creativity hypes , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Krieg der Worte: Anmerkungen im Rückblick auf Muhammadgate

( polture and culitics , Simon Sheikh , Nov. 1, 2006 )


Krieg und Gewalt

( book , Maurizio Lazzarato , Jan. 17, 2024 )

Maurizio Lazzarato | 12 2023

Journal text

Kriegerische Männlichkeit und autoritärer Populismus

( disarm* , Isabell Lorey , March 29, 2022 )

Journal text

Kriegsmaschine gegen das Empire.

( hybrid?resistance , Gerald Raunig , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Krisenalltag im Empire

( precariat , Beat Weber , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Kritik als gegenhegemoniale Intervention

( the art of critique , Chantal Mouffe , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Kritik als Überwindung der Donquichoterie

Zur Entfaltung der Kritik bei Marx

( the art of critique , Karl Reitter , April 2, 2008 )


Kritik der Kreativität

( book , Gerald Raunig / Ulf Wuggenig (Hg.) , Jan. 1, 2016 )

Gerald Raunig / Ulf Wuggenig (Hg.), transversal texts | 01 2016

Journal text

Kritik ohne Krise: Krise ohne Kritik

( do you remember institutional critique? , Boris Buden , Jan. 3, 2006 )

Journal text

Kritik und Kategorie

Zur Begrenzung politischer Praxis durch neuere Theoreme der Intersektionalität, Interdependenz und Kritischen Weißseinsforschung

( kritik , Isabell Lorey , Oct. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Kritik und Wahrheit

Für einen neuen Modus der Kritik

( the art of critique , Alex Demirović , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Kritisches Denken: die Doxa auflösen

Interview mit Loïc Wacquant

( kritik , Loïc Wacquant , Jan. 20, 2001 )

Journal text

Kritisieren, kassieren, Dankbarkeit genießen

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Ana Dević , Feb. 10, 2008 )

Journal text

Kritizirati, naplatiti, uživati zahvalnost

( the post-yugoslavian condition of institutional critique , Ana Dević , Nov. 4, 2007 )

Journal text

Krizsiz Eleştiri: Eleştirisiz Kriz

( do you remember institutional critique? , Boris Buden , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Kultegration und Grenzverhängnis: Neue Grenzen der Demokratie in der EU

( polture and culitics , Yann Moulier Boutang , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Kultur und Verbrechen

( cultura migrans , Hito Steyerl , Oct. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Kultura demonstriranja

( hybrid?resistance , Robert Foltin , May 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Kulturelle Übersetzung: Warum sie wichtig ist, und wo damit anzufangen ist

( under translation , Boris Buden , June 5, 2006 )

Journal text

Kulturwissenschaften - eine Übersetzungsperspektive

( talks on translation , Doris Bachmann-Medick / Boris Buden , June 19, 2008 )

Journal text

Kunst & Ekel

( kunst 2.0 , F.E. Rakuschan , Feb. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Kunst als radikales politisches Vorstellungsvermögen

( do you remember institutional critique? , brumaria , May 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Kunst des Sehens und Ethik des Blicks

Zur Debatte um Georges Didi-Hubermans Buch Bilder trotz allem

( zeugenschaften , Karoline Feyertag , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Kunst in Zeiten der Globalisierung

( mundial , Georg Schöllhammer , Jan. 1, 1999 )

Journal text

Kunst und Politik in Moskau: eine ambivalente Stadt

( hybrid?resistance , Oleg Kireev , July 1, 2002 )


Kunst und Revolution

Künstlerischer Aktivismus im langen 20. Jahrhundert

( book , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 1, 2017 )

Gerald Raunig, transversal texts | 09 2017

Journal text

Kunst und Wissen: Ansätze für eine dekoloniale Perspektive

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Therese Kaufmann , March 1, 2011 )

Journal text

Kunst, Raum und Öffentlichkeit(en)

Einige grundsätzliche Anmerkungen zum schwierigen Verhältnis von Public Art, Urbanismus und politischer Theorie

( pre_public , Oliver Marchart , Jan. 11, 2002 )

Journal text

Können Zeugen sprechen?

Zur Philosophie des Interviews

( zeugenschaften , Hito Steyerl , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Körper, Dinge und soziale Maschinen

( the language of things , Gerald Raunig , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Kültürel Tercüme: Niçin Önemli ve Nerede Ne İşe Yarar?

( under translation , Boris Buden , June 2, 2006 )

Journal text

KünstlerInnen als öffentliche Intellektuelle

( artists as producers , Simon Sheikh , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

KünstlerInnen in den Vereinigten Staaten suchen ihren Platz auf dem Campus

KünstlerInnen in den Vereinigten Staaten suchen ihren Platz auf dem Campus

( an-academy , Dan S. Wang , Sept. 2, 2010 )

Journal text

Künstlerischer Internationalismus und Institutionskritik

( do you remember institutional critique? , Jens Kastner , Nov. 22, 2006 )

Journal text

L'Ambassade Universelle: un lieu ouvert au monde

( real public spaces , Tristan Wibault , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

L'Empire, le Nord Ouest et le reste du monde

( mundial , Ulf Wuggenig , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

L'art de se rendre coupable est la politique de résistance

( hybrid?resistance , Boris Buden , July 1, 2002 )

Journal text

L'arte di creare altri mondi

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Giovanna Zapperi , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

L'articulation de la contestation

( mundial , Hito Steyerl , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

L'auteur comme traître

( artists as producers , Gerald Raunig , Oct. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

L'espace public en tant que processus de traduction

( real public spaces , Boris Buden , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

La 'losangelización' de Londres

tres breves olas de microeconomía juvenil de la cultura y la creatividad en Gran Bretaña

( creativity hypes , Angela McRobbie , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

La Comuna de Paris 1871

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Alain Dalotel , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Blog post

La Electrodoméstica, a new associative project and working space in Barcelona

( Blog post , Sept. 15, 2014 )

La Electrodoméstica is an associative project that comprises a working space bringing together research and self-education through feminist trajectories, the production of situated knowledges and the desire to experiment with composition and organization based on embodied practices of reproduction, work and the material conditions of life in common.

audio list

La Filosofía del exilio de Toni Negri

( audio list , May 17, 2023, 6 p.m. )

audio list

La Forma Stato. A Tribute to Toni Negri

( audio list , April 19, 2023, 3 p.m. )

Journal text

La Perspectiva de Subsistencia

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Maria Mies , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Journal text

La Plaza: Espace public comme espace de négociation

( real public spaces , Kathrin Wildner , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

La Plaza: Public Space as Space of Negotiation

( real public spaces , Kathrin Wildner , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

La Plaza: Öffentlicher Raum als Verhandlungsraum

( real public spaces , Kathrin Wildner , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

La Sagesse à Fabriquer des Mondes

Réalité Stratégique & l'Art des Souscommuns

( art/knowledge: overlaps and neighboring zones , Stevphen Shukaitis , Feb. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

La Sorbona contro i Centauri

( knowledge production and its discontents , Elsa Dorlin , April 1, 2009 )

Journal text

La Sorbonne contre les Centaures

( knowledge production and its discontents , Elsa Dorlin , April 1, 2009 )

Journal text

La articulación de la protesta

( mundial , Hito Steyerl , Sept. 9, 2002 )

Journal text

La autonomía del conocimiento vivo en la universidad-metrópolis

( instituent practices , Gigi Roggero , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

La condition du devenir-public

( real public spaces , Stefan Nowotny , Sept. 1, 2003 )

Journal text

La contre-information cinématographique

( differences & representations , Thomas Tode , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

La crítica como superación del quijotismo

El desarrollo de la crítica en Marx

( the art of critique , Karl Reitter , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

La doble crítica de la parrhesia

( institution , Gerald Raunig , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

La double critique de la parrhesia

( institution , Gerald Raunig , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

La dynamique de l’événement politique

Processus de subjectivation et micropolitique

( inventions , Maurizio Lazzarato , Jan. 1, 2011 )

Journal text

La empresa de la institución artística en el capitalismo tardío

( do you remember institutional critique? , Nina Möntmann , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

La escritura científica más allá del peer review

( aufstand der verlegten , Felix Stalder , June 1, 2014 )

Journal text

La forma política de la coordinación

( instituent practices , Maurizio Lazzarato , June 10, 2004 )

Journal text

La forme politique de la coordination

( instituent practices , Maurizio Lazzarato , June 10, 2004 )

Journal text

La heterolingualidad como imaginario alternativo del “sí mismo”: voces, democracia y ethos

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Myriam Suchet , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

La imaginación política radical

El arte, entre la ejecución virtuosa y las nuevas clases de luchas

( extradisciplinaire , Marcelo Expósito , Jan. 1, 2008 )

Journal text

La industria creativa como engaño de masas

( creativity hypes , Gerald Raunig , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

La institución de la crítica

( do you remember institutional critique? , Hito Steyerl , Jan. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

La lucha por el cambio social llega a las instituciones

( Municipalismos monstruo , Montserrat Galcerán Huguet , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

La machine

( machines and subjectivation , Maurizio Lazzarato , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

La memoria del cuerpo contamina el museo

( extradisciplinaire , Suely Rolnik , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

La metropoli e la cosiddetta crisi della politica

L’esperienza di Esc

( monster institutions , Atelier Occupato ESC (Rome) , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

La metrópoli y la llamada crisis de la política

La experiencia de ESC

( monster institutions , Atelier Occupato ESC (Rome) , April 2, 2008 )

Blog post

La mirada alternativa sobre la realidad.

Nota sobre el rol del periodismo y el cine independiente en las luchas cívicas recientes de Guatemala.

( Blog post , Sergio Valdés Pedroni , June 17, 2019 )

A nivel social existen al menos dos grandes tipos de comunicación: una vertical, concentrada en minorías y caracterizada por el monólogo, que responde al ideal de preeminencia del emisor sobre el receptor y ofrece pocas o nulas oportunidades de diálogo y respuesta crítica. Es la comunicación que ejercen políticos corruptos, empresarios antidemocráticos, medios de comunicación corporativos y hegemónicos, voceros de grandes potencias frente los países pobres, etcétera. Por otro lado está la comunicación participativa e incluyente, que reconoce las diferencias, favorece el diálogo, la construcción de consensos y los procesos de cambio en favor del bien común. Es una comunicación horizontal, donde los emisores y los receptores sostienen una relación de reciprocidad.

Journal text

La máquina

( machines and subjectivation , Maurizio Lazzarato , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

La mémoire du corps contamine le musée

( extradisciplinaire , Suely Rolnik , Jan. 5, 2007 )

Journal text

La pensée critique comme dissolvant de la doxa

Entretien avec Loïc Wacquant

( kritik , Loïc Wacquant , Jan. 20, 2001 )

Journal text

La performance especulativa

los futuros financieros del arte

( extradisciplinaire , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

La performance spéculative

Art et économie financière

( extradisciplinaire , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

La personalidad flexible

Por una nueva crítica cultural

( machines and subjectivation , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

La photographie comme art illégitime

Pierre Bourdieu et la photographie

( bourdieu in algeria , Christoph Behnke , Oct. 7, 2007 )

Journal text

La política de la condividualidad

( Technecologies , Marco Deseriis , March 5, 2018 )

Journal text

La potenza del sapere vivo

Crisi dell’università globale, composizione di classe e istituzioni del comune

( knowledge production and its discontents , Gigi Roggero , June 1, 2009 )

Journal text

La reconquête de la subjectivité

( institution , Marius Babias , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

La sphère publique et les missions de l'institution artistique "progressiste"

( institution , Simon Sheikh , Feb. 1, 2004 )

Journal text

La traduction culturelle: pourquoi elle est importante et par où commencer

( under translation , Boris Buden , June 5, 2006 )

Journal text

La traduction dans le champ des luttes idéologiques

( under translation , Rastko Močnik , June 5, 2006 )

Journal text

La traduction est impossible, vive la traduction

( polture and culitics , Boris Buden , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

La transnationalisation de la sphère publique

( publicum , Nancy Fraser , March 1, 2005 )

Journal text

La verdad deshecha

Productivismo y factografía

( new productivisms , Hito Steyerl , March 27, 2009 )

Journal text

La vie pas tout a fait nue: les ruines de la représentation

( polture and culitics , Suzana Milevska , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

La “buena nueva” de la precarización

Por una simbología de superhéroes y superheroínas en tiempos de la marea de signos posfordista

( practices of transmuting signs , Efthimia Panagiotidis , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Labor der Unsicherheit

( precariat , Klaus Neundlinger , July 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Laboratoire de l'insécurité

( precariat , Klaus Neundlinger , July 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Laboratory of Insecurity

( precariat , Klaus Neundlinger , July 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Land mit Opposition

( experiment austria , Karl A. Duffek , April 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Language Running Wild. Liberation of the Expression.

On the Project of a "Degenerate Language" with Ernst Jandl

( practices of transmuting signs , Helmut Neundlinger , Feb. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Las cosas pueden romperse

Mujeres tekis que desguazan ordenadores e ideas preconcebidas

( instituent practices , Aileen Derieg , Aug. 14, 2007 )

Journal text

Las desdichas de la “crítica artista” y del empleo cultural

( creativity hypes , Maurizio Lazzarato , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Las feministas de Rusia están en las calles manifestándose contra la guerra

( disarm* , Feminist Anti-War Resistance , April 1, 2022 )

Journal text

Las imágenes en movimiento del PublixTheatreCaravan

( hybrid?resistance , Gini Müller , Oct. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Las lunas de Júpiter: Instituciones en red en las transformaciones productivas de Europa

( monster institutions , Francesco Salvini , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Las oficinas de derechos sociales: experiencias de organización y enunciación política en el tiempo de la precariedad

( monster institutions , Silvia López, Xavier Martínez, Javier Toret , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Las reservas del colonialismo: el mundo en el museo

( postcolonial displays , Christian Kravagna , June 19, 2008 )

Journal text

Lavoro Sapere Precarietà

( precariat , Franco Berardi Bifo , April 1, 2005 )

Blog post

Le bruit des avions

( Blog post , Faïza Guène , Nov. 4, 2016 )

Neuf ans sur le territoire français. Neuf ans pour rien. C’est ce qu’il répète souvent. Neuf ans dans l’air, comme les avions. ---- Neun Jahre auf französischem Territorium. Neun Jahre für nichts. Das wiederholt er oft. Neun Jahre verpuffen in der Luft, wie die Flugzeuge. ----

Journal text

Le documentarisme en tant que politique de la vérité

( differences & representations , Hito Steyerl , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Le double sens de la destitution

( extradisciplinaire , Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Le ecologie che curano

( Technecologies , Francesco Salvini , April 10, 2019 )

Journal text

Le langage des choses

( under translation , Hito Steyerl , June 5, 2006 )

Journal text

Le lieu barré du parti

( space of empire , Oliver Marchart , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Le lune di Giove: Istituzioni in rete nelle trasformazioni produttive dell’Europa

( monster institutions , Francesco Salvini , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Le quotidien de la crise au sein de l'Empire

( precariat , Beat Weber , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Le « pluralisme sémiotique » et le nouveau gouvernement des signes

Hommage à Félix Guattari

( the language of things , Maurizio Lazzarato , June 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Leben im Übergang

Zu einer heterolingualen Theorie der Multitude

( translating violence , Sandro Mezzadra , June 19, 2007 )

Journal text

Leistung ruinieren

( precariat , Katja Diefenbach , March 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Lenguaje de las cosas y magia del lenguaje

Sobre la idea de efectividad latente en Walter Benjamin

( the language of things , Kathrin Busch , Dec. 2, 2006 )

Journal text

Les enjeux de la traduction

( under translation , Stefan Nowotny , June 5, 2006 )

Journal text

Les langages des « banlieues »

( the languages of the banlieues , Birgit Mennel / Stefan Nowotny , Jan. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Les leçons à tirer : Luttes et savoirs de la rébellion

( an-academy , Lina Dokuzović , Oct. 11, 2010 )

Journal text

Les malheurs de la «critique artiste» et de l’emploi culturel

( creativity hypes , Maurizio Lazzarato , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Les multiples visages du « civis »

La citoyenneté est-elle traduisible ?

( borders, nations, translations , Stefan Nowotny , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Les nouvelles souffrances du jeune TC [Travailleur culturel]

Ou: La responsabilité en matière de politique culturelle à l'époque du néolibéralisme globalisé

( mundial , Elisabeth Mayerhofer / Monika Mokre / Paul Stepan , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Les racines africaines des luttes étudiantes aux Etats-Unis

Du mouvement d’occupation à la campagne contre la dette des étudiants

( unsettling knowledges , Silvia Federici , Jan. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Lessons Learned: Struggles and Knowledges of Dissent

( an-academy , Lina Dokuzović , Oct. 20, 2010 )

Journal text

Let's play? Citizenship, subjectivity and becoming in municipalism

( Municipalismos monstruo , Manuela Zechner , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Blog post

Letter from Students in Iran

( Blog post , Oct. 5, 2022 )

We are students from Iran and we are addressing you with this letter because we need your help and don't know what to do anymore. You study, lecture and research at universities without being oppressed by the violence of a state. We, too, dream of one day being able to study and work in a free, democratic country - a country that is no longer an Islamic republic, that no longer suffers from the mullahs' reign of terror, where we, as women can wear to a lecture whatever we want to wear.

Blog post

Letter in Support of Elvira Espejo Ayca and Max Jorge Hinderer in Bolivia

( Blog post , June 27, 2020 )

We are extremely upset and concerned by the recent news about the arbitrary dismissal of the artist, researcher and weaver Elvira Espejo Ayca as the Director of the Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore (MUSEF) and the writer, curator and philosopher Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz from his position as Director of the Museo Nacional de Arte (MNA), both in La Paz, Bolivia. We would like to publicly express our disagreement with this decision, taken by the current Bolivian government and executed through the Fundación Cultural del Banco Central de Bolivia and its newly appointed President, the scholar Guillermo Mariaca. We would like to point out that this decision undoes and interrupts the remarkable work both institutions have been developing under the leadership of Espejo and Hinderer, who are celebrated nationally and internationally for their work with programming, research, conservation and education, and for their defence of the museum as a tool for the transformation of society, and as a platform for public service.

Blog post

Letter in Support of Manuel Borja-Villel

( Blog post , Institute of Radical Imagination , Feb. 6, 2023 )

We give our full support to Manuel Borja-Villel, until a few days ago director of Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid, and who in the recent weeks has been the subject of a defamatory and violent campaign by some right-wing Spanish media.
Sign the letter: Institute of Radical Imagination

Blog post

Letter of Solidarity with Iranian women and protesters

( Blog post , Sept. 28, 2022 )

We the undersigned, academics and researchers across the globe, stand in solidarity with Iranian people in recognition of increasing waves of political protests sparked across Iran after the killing of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini at the hands of Iran’s so-called “morality police”.

Journal text

Let’s play? Bürgerschaft, Subjektivität und Kollektivität im Munizipalismus

( Municipalismos monstruo , Manuela Zechner , Sept. 9, 2016 )

Journal text

Liberare i fantasmi collettivi.

( art sabotage , Brian Holmes , Jan. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Libertarian Municipalism

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Chaia Heller , Sept. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Liberty Plaza. A "Message" Entangled with its Form

( #occupy and assemble∞ , Nicole Demby , Oct. 4, 2011 )

Blog post

Listen to the Voices of a Feminist Revolution in Iran

( Blog post , Sept. 23, 2022 )

On 16 September, Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman, was brutally murdered by the morality police of the Islamic Republic of Iran. She was beaten several times on the head after her arrest for wearing so-called ‘improper’ hijab. This was among many other state murders committed systemically and purposefully by the gender-apartheid regime of Iran. Since this state murder, people have been protesting in many cities in Iran.

Journal text

Living in Transition

Toward a Heterolingual Theory of the Multitude

( translating violence , Sandro Mezzadra , June 1, 2007 )

audio list

Living through the End of the World (as We Know It)

Stefan Nowotny at the conference QUEER TOSQUELLES

( audio list , Nov. 20, 2024, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

Livre Cooperação

( alternative economics, alternative societies , Christoph Spehr , Aug. 10, 2005 )

Blog post

Ljubljana: Call for support for Autonomous Factory ROG

( Blog post , Autonomous Factory ROG , May 25, 2016 )

The autonomous factory Rog is under threat of being evicted and destroyed by the municipal authorities which are pursuing their project of renovating the area into a centre for creative industries.


Lo absoluto de la democracia

Contrapoderes, cuerpos-máquina, sistema red transdividual

( book , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , May 2, 2021 )

Raúl Sánchez Cedillo | 05 2021

Journal text

Local Pandemics: a mosaic of voices in a sudden present

( Around the Crown , Chopin , April 2, 2020 )

Blog post

Local Pandemics: a mosaic of voices in a sudden present

( Blog post , Chopin , April 2, 2020 )

#PandemieLocali is a collection of short videos about the pandemic #Covid19 made in the distance, in order to connect points of view, places, experiences and perspectives on the edge of this sudden present. The idea comes from the need and desire to share doubts and questions in order to compose a collective reflection capable of showing the ambivalences, complexities and possibilities of this moment. We share here the first interviews, to which others will be added, and some reflections on our work.

Journal text

Logic and Theory of Inquiry

militant praxis as subject and as episteme

( militante untersuchung , Antonio Negri , April 26, 2003 )

Journal text

Logics of Ethos and the translations of Unheimlich

Wu Tianzhang and the Post-Martial Law Era in Taiwan

( translating violence , Joyce Chi-Hui Liu , May 15, 2007 )

Journal text

Logik und Theorie der Befragung

Die militante Praxis als Subjekt und als Episteme

( militante untersuchung , Antonio Negri , April 26, 2003 )

Journal text

Logiken des Ethos und Übersetzungen des Unheimlichen

Wu Tianzhang und die Nach-Kriegsrechtsära in Taiwan

( translating violence , Joyce Chi-Hui Liu , May 15, 2007 )

Journal text

Logique de l’ethos et traductions de unheimlich

Wu Tianzhang et l’ère postérieure à la loi martiale à Taïwan

( translating violence , Joyce Chi-Hui Liu , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text


Pandemie und Unplanbarkeit

( Around the Crown , Isabell Lorey , Sept. 24, 2021 )

Blog post


Pandemie und Unplanbarkeit

( Blog post , Isabell Lorey , Sept. 24, 2021 )

Neoliberale Prävention ist mit der Corona-Pandemie an ihre Grenzen gestoßen: Niemand war vorbereitet. Isabell Lorey zeigt, dass mangelnde Prävention kein Versäumnis ist: In der Covid-19-Pandemie werden gerade in einer enormen Verdichtung und Geschwindigkeit Verhalten und Sehnsüchte für eine neue kapitalistische Phase eingeübt, die wesentlich davon abhängt, dass jede*r Einzelne lernt, mit extremer Unplanbarkeit und steigender Unsicherheit umzugehen. Logistik und Digitalisierung treiben die Normalisierung von extrem prekären Just-in-time-Jobs weiter voran. Pandemiebekämpfung geht einher mit enormen Digitalisierungsschüben, oft gepaart mit der Ausweitung von Überwachungstechnologien. Das Home-Office setzt sich durch, was die gesamte Person mitsamt sozialem Umfeld im eigenen Zuhause kapitalisiert, ohne wenigstens Sorgearbeit neu zu verteilen. Die Begrenzung von Kontakten korrespondiert mit Renationalisierungen in Europa. – Wie lässt sich vermeiden, dass Bedürfnisse nach Kontrolle und Planbarkeit Autoritarismen in die Hände spielen? Wie lässt sich emanzipatorisch mit Kontingenz leben?

Journal text

Lokale Pandemien. Ein Mosaik von Stimmen in einer unvorhersehbaren Gegenwart

( Around the Crown , Chopin , April 2, 2020 )

audio list

Lorey liest DIVIDUUM

( audio list , March 31, 2016, 6:52 p.m. )


Los abajocomunes

Planear fugitivo y estudio negro

( book , Stefano Harney / Fred Moten , Jan. 1, 2017 )

Stefano Harney / Fred Moten, Campechana Mental y El Cráter Invertido | 2017

Journal text

Los futuros del municipalismo

Feminización de la política y radicalización democrática

( Municipalismos monstruo , Montserrat Galcerán Huguet / Pablo Carmona Pascual (Ahora Madrid) , Jan. 19, 2017 )

Journal text

Los nuevos productivismos

( new productivisms , Marcelo Expósito , Sept. 27, 2010 )

Journal text

Los retos de la traducción

( under translation , Stefan Nowotny , June 4, 2006 )

Journal text

Lotta Continua in Frankfurt, Terror of Turks in Cologne

Migrant Struggles in the History of the Federal Republic of Germany

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Serhat Karakayali , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Lotta Continua in Frankfurt, Türken-Terror in Köln

Migrantische Kämpfe in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik

( The Gastarbeiter: In Search of an Afterlife , Serhat Karakayali , Oct. 1, 2017 )

Journal text

Louise Lawlers Rude Museum

( do you remember institutional critique? , Rosalyn Deutsche , June 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Louise Lawler’s Rude Museum

( do you remember institutional critique? , Rosalyn Deutsche , June 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Lucha, acontecimiento, media

( differences & representations , Maurizio Lazzarato , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Lutte, événement, médias

( differences & representations , Maurizio Lazzarato , May 1, 2003 )

Journal text

Là où l’Europe actuellement se fissure et là où elle pourrait renaître

( flee erase territorialize , Monika Mokre , Feb. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Líneas nomádicas de invención

( practices of transmuting signs , Gerald Raunig , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

L’Europe, chantier de la traduction

( talks on translation , Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes / Boris Buden , March 1, 2008 )

Journal text

L’eternità ci abbracci

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Toni Negri , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

L’homme qui n’a pas de chance

Entretien avec Amine mené par Lisbeth Kovacic et Birgit Mennel

( flee erase territorialize , Amine Germaine , Feb. 1, 2013 )

Journal text

L’imaginaire hétérolingue : une alternative à la conception homogénéisante des identités (voix , démocratie et ethos)

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Myriam Suchet , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

L’universalisme stratégique : Dead concept walking

De la subalternité de la critique aujourd’hui

( on universalism , Boris Buden , Feb. 28, 2007 )

Journal text

MAYDAY MAYDAY! euro flex workers, time to get a move on!

( precariat , Alex Foti , April 1, 2005 )

Journal text

MAYDAY, MAYDAY! Flex Workers, PreCogs und das europäische Prekariat

( precariat , Alex Foti , April 1, 2005 )

Blog post

MULTIPLICITY. A Conference on the Future of Cultural Politics in Europe

( Blog post , Feb. 21, 2022 )

25-27 February
Casa Invisible, Casa Azul, Málaga

Blog post

Macao Calls Future

( Blog post , Oct. 14, 2018 )

MACAO, an autonomous center for art, culture and research is now in danger.
In recent days the alt-right Salvini government decided to foster the repression against migrants and squatters with a new extremely fascist decree.
Meanwhile the local government of Milano is going to vote in the municipal council to privatize the building in which Macao is based, conferring the property to BNL, a real estate fund. The bank will auction the building, resulting in the eviction of Macao.

Journal text

Macchine radicali contro il tecnoimpero

( space of empire , Matteo Pasquinelli , Feb. 1, 2004 )

Blog post

Macherey lesen. „Ewigkeit ist die Abwesenheit von Enden”

( Blog post , Michael Hardt & Colectivo Situaciones , July 15, 2019 )

Über 40 Jahre nach dem französischen Original erscheint im Herbst Pierre Machereys Klassiker „Hegel oder Spinoza“ in deutscher Übersetzung. transversal veröffentlicht das 2007 erschienene Vorwort für die argentinische Ausgabe von Michael Hardt und Colectivo Situaciones.

Blog post

Madrid is not for sale: La Ingobernable is born

( Blog post , Kike España Naveira , June 12, 2017 )

On May 6, 2017, neighbors filled the building at Calle Gobernador 39 in Madrid in an act of disobedience, following a multitudinous demonstration composed of a great variety of collectives that denounced the process of gentrification endured by the city of Madrid in recent years with the slogan “Madrid is not for sale.” This was the birth of the social center La Ingobernable, The Ungovernable, a territory conquered in the “gold district” of (the) capital in order to reverse the process of expropriation.

Blog post

Manifeste pour un antiracisme politique

( Blog post , Colléctif , May 26, 2016 )

Sollten die Kouachi-Brüder und Amedy Coulibaly posthum doch noch die Schlacht der Ideen gewonnen haben? Die öffentliche Debatte richtet sich seit dem 7. Jänner 2015 an falschen Alternativen aus.

Blog post

Manifiesto 27 November 2021

( Blog post , Casa Invisible , Nov. 27, 2021 )

Today, November 27, the Casa Invisible has shown once again that it is not only more alive than ever: it is also gaining increasing support from the Malagueñian citizenry. Up to 7000 people took to the streets of Malaga’s city center to protest the eviction of the Casa Invisible and to defend free culture, citizens’ management, and life in common.
We publish here the manifesto that we read at the end of the march, at the door of the Malaga City Hall, aspiring towards a happy city where spaces of encounter and happiness grow and reproduce.
Casa Invisible is unevictable, and today, once again, we have proven so.


Marcel Duchamp und die Verweigerung der Arbeit

( book , Maurizio Lazzarato , July 1, 2017 )

Maurizio Lazzarato, transversal texts | 07 2017

Journal text

Martial masculinity and authoritarian populism

( disarm* , Isabell Lorey , April 1, 2022 )


Maschinen Fabriken Industrien

( book , Gerald Raunig , Nov. 4, 2019 )

Gerald Raunig | 12 2019


Maschinen | Gefüge | Karten

( book , Anne Querrien , April 9, 2024 )

Anne Querrien | 04 2024

Journal text

Masculinidad marcial y populismo autoritario

( disarm* , Isabell Lorey , April 1, 2022 )

Journal text

Massenproteste und Repression

( protest , Klaus Neundlinger , Aug. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Materiality of Knowledge

( unsettling knowledges , Therese Kaufmann , Feb. 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Materialität des Wissens

( unsettling knowledges , Therese Kaufmann , Feb. 1, 2012 )

audio list

May See Dreams More Queerly

Gerald Raunig at the conference QUEER TOSQUELLES

( audio list , Dec. 25, 2024, 6 p.m. )

Journal text

May eternity embrace us

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Toni Negri , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Mediación y construcción de públicos

( institution , Jorge Ribalta , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Mediation and Construction of Publics

( institution , Jorge Ribalta , April 1, 2004 )

Journal text

Mediation und Herstellung von Öffentlichkeiten

( institution , Jorge Ribalta , April 1, 2004 )

Blog post

Meditations on Grief

( Blog post , Nida Paracha , Nov. 3, 2021 )

The tremors of grief and the ways in which it remains a starker reality for some more than others echo the rampant injustice, and unequal world we have created, however at this moment, albeit layered through differing levels of depth and experience, grief is also collective. And while grief splits each of us apart, it also holds promise, as Maulana Rumi writes...

Journal text

Mehr Wert für die Inhalte: Die Verwertung der Kultur heute

( creativity hypes , Esther Leslie , Nov. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Mehr als Grundeinkommen: Ein Einkommen zur Emanzipation

( Around the Crown , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , April 5, 2020 )

Journal text

Mehrsprachig, aber monolingual?

Ansprüche und Widersprüche der pädagogischen Praxis im Fach Deutsch als Zweitsprache in der Erwachsenenbildung

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Rubia Salgado , July 7, 2012 )

Journal text

Mein verrückter Freund, der die Welt verändern wollte

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Alisa del Re , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Memoari video aktiviste

( practices of transmuting signs , Joanne Richardson , Oct. 25, 2006 )

Journal text

Memoiren einer Video-Aktivistin

( practices of transmuting signs , Joanne Richardson , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Memoirs of a Video Activist

( practices of transmuting signs , Joanne Richardson , Oct. 1, 2006 )

Journal text

Memorias de una vídeoactivista

( practices of transmuting signs , Joanne Richardson , Oct. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Memória do corpo contamina museu

( extradisciplinaire , Suely Rolnik , Jan. 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Mental Prototypes and Monster Institutions. Some Notes by Way of an Introduction

( monster institutions , Universidad Nómada , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Mentale Prototypen und Monster-Institutionen. Einige Anmerkungen in Form einer Einleitung

( monster institutions , Universidad Nómada , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Metafísica de Causa

Acerca las Verdades de Otros

( zeugenschaften , Tom Waibel , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Metaphysical Assertions

On the Truths of Others

( zeugenschaften , Tom Waibel , May 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Mi amigo loco que quería cambiar el mundo

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Alisa del Re , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Micropolitics and Hegemony

Contra the New Para-Universalisms: Pro Anti-Passive Politics

( on universalism , Stephan Adolphs / Serhat Karakayalı , Sept. 2, 2007 )

Journal text

Micropolítica y hegemonía

En contra de los nuevos parauniversalismos; a favor de las políticas antipasivas

( on universalism , Stephan Adolphs / Serhat Karakayalı , Sept. 4, 2007 )

Journal text

Migracija i integracija

Prema genealogiji centralnog dispozitiva u migracijskom društvu

( Remembering Gastarbeiters: Labour and Migration in the Age of Neoliberalism , Manuela Bojadžijev , July 23, 2018 )

Journal text

MigrantInnen in Italien. Rechtliche und politische Grundlagen

( cultura migrans , Laura di Martino , Oct. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

MigrantInnenorganisationen: Einblick und Ausblick

( cultura migrans , Ljubomir Bratic , Oct. 1, 2000 )

Journal text

Migration and Integration

On the Genealogy of the Central Dispositif in Migration Society

( Remembering Gastarbeiters: Labour and Migration in the Age of Neoliberalism , Manuela Bojadžijev , July 23, 2018 )

Journal text

Migration und Integration

Zur Genealogie des zentralen Dispositivs in der Migrationsgesellschaft

( Remembering Gastarbeiters: Labour and Migration in the Age of Neoliberalism , Manuela Bojadžijev , July 23, 2018 )

Journal text

Mikropolitik und Hegemonie

Wider die neuen Para-Universalismen: Für eine anti-passive Politik

( on universalism , Stephan Adolphs / Serhat Karakayalı , Sept. 1, 2007 )


Mil máquinas

Breve filosofía de las máquinas como movimiento social

( book , Gerald Raunig , June 1, 2008 )

Gerald Raunig / Traficantes de Sueños | 2008

Blog post

Militant Research in the Post-Truth Era

( Blog post , Lina Dokuzović , Sept. 16, 2019 )

When right-wing politicians increasingly use populist strategies and social media as a platform, seeking to discredit established researchers, scientists, and journalists in order to shake the public's belief in media content, many people end up relying on dubious information sources and no longer know how to distinguish the difference. Facebook and Twitter are viewed by many as legitimate news platforms, whereas news sources that were trusted for decades are being viewed as “fake news” when they do not support populist ideals.

Journal text

Misafir İşçilikten Misafir Tüketiciliğe

Bilişsel Kapitalizm Çağında Kullanılıp Atılabilir Emek Gücü

( Remembering Gastarbeiters: Labour and Migration in the Age of Neoliberalism , Lina Dokuzović , July 23, 2018 )

Journal text

Mission Imbpossible - Intervista di Hito Steyerl a Jon Solomon sul progetto da lei realizzato “DeriVeD”

( talks on translation , Jon Solomon / Hito Steyerl , June 18, 2008 )

Journal text

Mission Imbpossible - Jon Solomon im Gespräch mit Hito Steyerl über das Projekt „DeriVeD“

( talks on translation , Jon Solomon / Hito Steyerl , June 19, 2008 )

Journal text

Momente der Umfunktionierung in der Popularkultur

( artists as producers , Rosa Reitsamer , Feb. 1, 2005 )

Journal text

More Thoughts on Cultural Translation

( borders, nations, translations , Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak , April 2, 2008 )

Blog post

More World. Berliner Gazette’s 20th anniversary initiative on communal tools for planetary challenges

#climate change #migration #digitalization

( Blog post , / Krystian Woznicki , Jan. 17, 2019 )

Climate change, migration and digitalization: these are the greatest challenges in the current phase of globalization. How can we meet them? In its 20th year, the Berliner Gazette, under the motto MORE WORLD, is highlighting communal practices that confront these planetary challenges. In this text, Berliner Gazette founding editor Krystian Woznicki describes the ideas of the project and how you as readers can contribute.

Journal text

More than basic income. An income of emancipation

( Around the Crown , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , April 5, 2020 )

Blog post

More than basic income. An income of emancipation

( Blog post , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , April 5, 2020 )

I am not sure that the best approach to analyzing the current state of liberties and rights in Spain, Europe, and increasingly the rest of the world is that of the rule of law and its enforcement during this pandemic and after it. In the first place, because we immediately arrive at an impasse: the state of alarm (and increasingly, of exception) has been declared in conformity with the constitutional procedure set out in the corresponding organic law. The same could happen with the legal declaration of the state of siege or of exception if there is an absolute parliamentary majority that approves it.

Journal text

Motto di spirito e azione innovativa

( creativity hypes , Paolo Virno , June 1, 2005 )

Journal text

Movements, Institutions, New Militancy

( instituent practices , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Movimientos, instituciones, nueva militancia

( instituent practices , Raúl Sánchez Cedillo , May 1, 2007 )

Journal text

Multikulti, Lenin Style

( kunst 2.0 , Hito Steyerl , Jan. 1, 2001 )

Journal text

Multilingual But Monolingual

Claims and Contradicitons in the Practice of Pedagogy within Adult Education in the Field of German as a Second Language

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , Rubia Salgado , June 1, 2013 )

Journal text

Multitudes Transversales

( mundial , Gerald Raunig , Sept. 1, 2002 )

Journal text

Museo. Espacio. Historia: nuevos lugares de arquitectura política

( postcolonial displays , Belinda Kazeem / Nicola Lauré al-Samarai / Peggy Piesche , July 1, 2008 )

Journal text

Museum. Raum. Geschichte: Neue Orte politischer Tektonik

Ein virtueller Gedankenaustausch zwischen Belinda Kazeem, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai und Peggy Piesche

( postcolonial displays , Belinda Kazeem / Nicola Lauré al-Samarai / Peggy Piesche , June 19, 2008 )

Journal text

Museum. Space. History: New Sites of Political Tectonics

A virtual exchange between Belinda Kazeem, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai, and Peggy Piesche

( postcolonial displays , Belinda Kazeem / Nicola Lauré al-Samarai / Peggy Piesche , June 19, 2008 )

Journal text

My Mad Friend who Wanted to Change the World

( Farewell to Toni Negri , Alisa del Re , Dec. 29, 2023 )

Journal text

Máquinas bicicleta

( machines and subjectivation , Gerald Raunig , April 2, 2008 )

Journal text

Március 1-én nyelvsztrájkot beszélünk!

( a communality that cannot speak: europe in translation , 1. März - Transnationaler Migrant_innenstreik , March 1, 2012 )

Journal text

Más allá del colapso

Tres meditaciones sobre las condiciones resultantes posibles

( Around the Crown , Franco „Bifo“ Berardi , March 31, 2020 )

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