Showing 50 posts
from 01/2022
to 08/2024
Blog Issues
Toni Negri und das revolutionäre Vermögen
Mini-Review von Roberto Nigro, "Antonio Negri zur Einführung"
transversal audio season
Spring 2024
Peripheral Visions
Towards a trans(l)national publishing culture
Negri's conatus, constituent power, and maroon resistances
New text in transversal journal "Farewell to Toni Negri"
Open Letter: In Solidarity with Goldsmiths University
Goldsmiths as we know it will cease to exist if we do not protect it.
“We must find a common language that resonates across borders and experiences.”
"Wir müssen eine gemeinsame Sprache finden, die über Grenzen und Erfahrungen hinweg funktioniert."
“We moeten een gemeenschappelijke taal vinden die weerklank vindt over grenzen en ervaringen heen.”
« Nous devons trouver un langage commun qui résonne au-delà des frontières et des expériences. »
"Dobbiamo trovare un linguaggio comune che risuoni oltre i confini e le esperienze".
“Moramo pronaći zajednički jezik koji odjekuje preko granica i iskustava.”
"Necesitamos encontrar un lenguaje común que resuene más allá de fronteras y de las experiencias".
„Trebuie să găsim un limbaj comun care să rezoneze dincolo de granițe și experiențe.”
"Трябва да намерим общ език, който да резонира отвъд границите и опита."
"Precisamos de encontrar uma linguagem comum que ressoe além das fronteiras e das experiências"
“Мы должны найти общий язык, который бы могли понять люди в разных странах и с разным опытом”
A report about the “Allied Grounds” conference
"The Irrepressible Lightness and Joy of Being Communist"
Translocal Lecture Series on the Political Philosophy of Toni Negri
The Voice of the Iranian Revolution
Die Stimme der iranischen Revolution
La voix de la révolution iranienne
La voce della rivoluzione iraniana
Build a campaign to defend and raise the voice of the Iranian revolution
transversal audio season
March - July 2023
Dieser Krieg endet nicht in der Ukraine. Argumente für einen konstituierenden Frieden
Buchpräsentationen mit Raúl Sánchez Cedillo im Februar/März 2023 (in Kooperation mit medico international)
For the New Constitution in Chile
Por la Nueva Constitución en Chile
Für die neue Verfassung in Chile
"Apruebo" Internacional, due to its global significance
Transversal Sounds – Part I
Some ideas for thinking about audio publishing (and the auditory more broadly)
Now even more so: A double NO on May 15, for all those who can vote and those who should be allowed to
Jetzt um so mehr: Ein doppeltes NEIN am 15. Mai, für alle, die abstimmen dürfen und jene, die dürfen sollten
D'autant plus maintenant : Un double NON le 15 mai, pour tous ceux qui peuvent voter et ceux qui devraient pouvoir voter
On the resignation of Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri
Activist Urbanism for a Solidary City
Book presentations and discussion
Social Struggles in Spain
Wednesday, 25.5.2022, 16:00 – 21:00
A Review of Kuba Szreder’s The ABC of the Projectariat
Manchester University Press, 2021
International! Anti-War! Solidarity!
Call for donations
Patainstitutional inquiries: self-organised research in contemporary art & activism
New Issue of the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest
Showing 50 posts
from 01/2022
to 08/2024