Pecuni(versitas) non olet: The Jeffrey Epstein Ranking of university funding
Pecuni(versitas) non olet: El Ranking Jeffrey Epstein de financiación universitaria
I will dedicate the following lines to introduce my own ranking of universities, the JER™ (Jeffrey Epstein Ranking) of university funding. It is a classification based on my monitoring of the donations that several universities accepted from the financial circle nurtured by Jeffrey Epstein since the early 90s until the end of 2017. I will start explaining where the JER™ comes from, what it is and how it is calculated; then I will present the capital findings extracted from it and I will conclude with some recommendations for university public policies.
Die edu-factory war ein translokales Projekt zur Krise der Universität und zu neuen Praxen selbstorganisierter Wissensarbeit. Anfangs als Mailinglist gegründet, entwickelte sie sich inmitten der Universitätsbesetzungen der Jahre 2008 und 2009 zu einer Diskursmaschine mit zahlreichen internationalen Meetings, mit Buchpublikationen und einem eigenen Webjournal. Alle Macht der selbstorganisierten Wissensproduktion versammelt Dokumente der Bewegungsgeschichte eines transnational organisierten Netzwerks für Forschung, Bildung und Wissensproduktion am Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts.
When right-wing politicians increasingly use populist strategies and social media as a platform, seeking to discredit established researchers, scientists, and journalists in order to shake the public's belief in media content, many people end up relying on dubious information sources and no longer know how to distinguish the difference. Facebook and Twitter are viewed by many as legitimate news platforms, whereas news sources that were trusted for decades are being viewed as “fake news” when they do not support populist ideals.