8M – The great feminist strike
8M – Der große feministische Streik
8M – La gran huelga feminista
Isabell Lorey’s introduction to the book 8M - Der große feministische Streik. Konstellationen des 8. März connects the Latin American feminist strikes with the actual feminist movements in Europe.
Feminismus und neuer Internationalismus
El feminismo está reconceptualizando el internacionalismo desde la práctica
Interview von Juliana Hernández und Julià Martí mit Veronica Gago
Veronica Gago, argentinische Sozialwissenschafterin, Autorin von La razón neoliberal und Aktivistin des NiUnaMenos-Kollektivs diskutiert zentrale Aspekte der Konsolidierung der aktuellen feministischen Netzwerke auf globaler Ebene.
The Molecular-Feminist Strike
Der molekular-feministische Streik
La huelga molecular-feminista
Sublimity and Now-Time in Machinic Capitalism
In the last few decades, violence against women* has been escalating into a "war on women," as Rita Laura Segato calls it: all kinds of structural and sexual violence, including feminicide, brutal discursive tendencies of misogyny and transphobia, the devaluation of care and reproduction, and "anti-genderism". Since 2017, a movement has spread outwards from Latin America that builds on the 8th of March, the day of women's struggle, as the turning and boiling point of an intersectional and transversal struggle.