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05 2024

Peripheral Visions

Towards a trans(l)national publishing culture

eipcp activities: audio | books | Bildet Lesekreise | research lab

Through multilingual publishing, transdisciplinary cultural production, alternative distribution, exchange of knowledge, digital content, open source digital technologies and new game formats, Peripheral Visions creates international space for creation and experimentation in publishing. The core of the project is international exchange among small/er cultural and linguistic contexts in European semi-peripheries, whereby they support each other through co-production, co-creation, transfer of know-how and sharing of resources. It stimulates creativity and circulation of artists and works, facilitates the trans-national distribution of content and exchange of practices and builds capacities by taking advantage of new technologies. The project extends earlier collaborations and connects 8 organizations from 6 EU and non-EU countries to respond to the fragmentation of the cultural field and digital congestion caused by the current pandemic context. The partners are particularly suitable for this as they produce cutting edge cultural content, practices and knowledge, including in-depth research of new digital technologies, and reach large and diverse audiences.

The project has been co-ordinated by Kulturtreger (Zagreb)

Maska (Ljubljana)
eipcp (Vienna) (Novi Sad)
Kontrapunkt (Skopje)
Multimedijalni institut / mama (Zagreb)

Associated partners
Kulturföreningen Glänta (Göteborg)
Eurozine (Vienna)

eipcp team
Lina Dokuzovic
Bernhard Hummer
Isabell Lorey
Raimund Minichbauer
Gerald Raunig

Co-operation partners of eipcp's activities
Librería Suburbia
Academy of Media Arts Cologne

peripheral visions

The project is supported by the Creative Europe Programme (2021-27) of the European Union. The eipcp's participation is co-funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


eipcp activities



A Discussion on the Bulgarian Literary and Publishing Landscape

Ungefüge. Hörbuch, Chapters:
Die glatte Stadt
[: Ritornell 18, 2018. Taubenmöwentauben :]
Territorium und Sorge. Ökonomie der Subsistenz
[: Ritornell 19, 2020. Lob der Technökologie :]

Arkzin, its Legacy and Contemporary Importance
A Conversation with Boris Buden, Vesna Janković, Petar Milat, and Paul Stubbs

Experimenting with Networks, Technologies and Political Hurdles on their Origins and Current Challenges

Reflections on Care and Yugofuturism
The Publishing Practices of Theater Platform Maska

Queer Perspectives for Subverting Academic Writing on Former-Yugoslavia and Bosnia
A Conversation with Mišo Kapetanović

Navigating Dangerous Terrain
The Yard Movement and the Tactics of Publishing, Care, and Collectivity of the Belarusian Museum of Stones

Tactical In/Visibility and Deterritorialization
The Networked Practices of the Russian-Language Translation and Publishing Cooperative “Radical Theory and Praxis”

"Not only Producing Radical Content, but Producing it in a Radical Way"
The Practices of Suburbia and Subtextos and the Spanish Independent Publishing Ecosystem

Bojana Kunst Book Presentation: Das Leben der Kunst. Transversale Linien der Sorge



Capitalismo maquínico y revolución molecular. Vol. 2

Gerald Raunig
Subtextos 2023

Das Leben der Kunst
Transversale Linien der Sorge

Bojana Kunst
transversal texts 2023
In cooperation with Maska, Ljubljana


'Bildet Lesekreise'

grupo de lectura sobre
Teoría urbana
Librería Suburbia, Málaga
starting on 13 October 2022

Guerras Y Capital
Book presentation with Maurizio Lazzarato
Librería Suburbia, Málaga
22 June 2023, 19:00

grupo de lectura sobre (y contra)
El efecto clase media
Emmanuel Rodríguez López
Librería Suburbia, Málaga
starting on 14 September 2023

grupo de lectura transfeminista
Calibán y la bruja
Mujeres, cuerpo y acymulación originaria
Silvia Federici
Librería Suburbia, Málaga
starting on 26 September 2023

Publishing and Becoming-Public after Social Media
VBKÖ, Vienna
19 March 2024, 12:00 - open end

Das Leben der Kunst. Transversale Linien der Sorge
Book presentation with Bojana Kunst and Stefan Nowotny
(English / Deutsch)
Depot, Vienna
20 March 2024, 19:00


Research Lab

"And this apparatus is all the better, the more it leads consumers to production, the more it is able to turn readers or viewers into participants."
Casa Azul, Málaga
31 January - 12 February 2023, including a public workshop (31 Jan. - 5 Feb.)