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  • No sabemos lo que pueden las luchas
  • Wir wissen nicht, was die Kämpfe vermögen
  • We do not know what the struggles can do
  • Non sappiamo cosa possono le lotte
  • L'arte di creare altri mondi
  • Die Kunst, andere Welten zu schaffen
  • The Art of Creating Other Worlds
  • El arte de crear otros mundos
  • Sans titre
  • Negri's conatus, constituent power, and maroon resistances
  • Il conatus di Negri, il potere costituente e le resistenze cimarrone
  • Il mio amico matto che voleva cambiare il mondo
  • Mein verrückter Freund, der die Welt verändern wollte
  • My Mad Friend who Wanted to Change the World
  • Mi amigo loco que quería cambiar el mundo
  • Konstituierende Macht. Toni Negris doppelte Zugewandtheit
  • Constituent Power. Toni Negri's Double Attentiveness
  • El poder constituyente. La doble atención de Toni Negri
  • Il potere costituente. La doppia attenzione di Toni Negri
  • L’eternità ci abbracci
  • Auf dass die Ewigkeit uns umarme
  • May eternity embrace us
  • Que la eternidad nos abrace
  • Que a eternidade nos abrace

Anlässlich der Neuauflage von Gerald Raunigs Buch Wien Feber Null veröffentlicht transversal texts diesen aktualisierenden Dialog zwischen Hito Steyerl und Ari Joskowicz.

Ari Joskowicz und Hito Steyerl 24 09 24

Die Idee, ein Buch über die Widerstandsformen zwischen September 1999 und Februar 2000 zu schreiben, entstand in den Treffen von gettoattack im Frühling und Frühsommer 2000, als die Frage aufkam, wie in der beginnenden Depression der Bewegung gegen Schwarzblau und im alltäglich werdenden Regieren von FPÖ und ÖVP neue Wunschenergien angefacht werden könnten. Es war also weniger die historische Archivfunktion der Erinnerung an ein paar starke Wochen des Widerstands in Wien, die den Schreibprozess leitete, sondern die Vorstellung, dass durch die gemeinsame Einschätzung, in Präsentationen und Diskussionen neue Kräfte entstehen würden und gebündelt werden könnten.

Gerald Raunig 24 09 24

-1/0/1 gettoattack

Taktik, Hyperaktivität und Hülse

Isabell Lorey liest das erste Kapitel aus der Neuauflage von: Gerald Raunig, Wien Feber Null, transversal texts 2024:

23 09 24

Toni Negri und das revolutionäre Vermögen

Mini-Review von Roberto Nigro, "Antonio Negri zur Einführung"

Heute wäre Antonio Negri 91 Jahre geworden. Die Trauer um ihn nach seinem Tod am 16. Dezember des letzten Jahres klingt nach und sie wird uns noch lange begleiten. Zu gewichtig war Tonis Rolle in Praxis und Theorie der sozialen Bewegungen der letzten 60 Jahre, zu unvergessen bleibt seine Kraft, seine Energie und seine Potenz der Affirmation selbst im hohen Alter.

Gerald Raunig 01 08 24

The coming transversal audio season will center around discussions on non-traditional or even clandestine publishing practices from the peripheries, as part of the Peripheral Visions project. The notion of “peripherality” is critically approached and often subverted within these discussions, but serves as a sort of central theme in understanding the challenges and commonalities between these very unique practices.
New episodes will be published on Wednesdays at 18:00 CEST.

Jetzt online:
Ökologien des Prekären
Buchpräsentation und Diskussion
mit Stephan Trinkaus, Jan Niggemann und Ruth Sonderegger

Edited by: Lina Dokuzović 29 05 24

Peripheral Visions

Towards a trans(l)national publishing culture

The eipcp has participated in the Creative Europe project Peripheral Visions – towards a trans(l)national publishing culture. The project was launched in June 2022 and completed in May 2024.

19 05 24

Negri's conatus, constituent power, and maroon resistances

New text in transversal journal "Farewell to Toni Negri"

This paper is a slightly revised version of a talk we gave in honor of Toni Negri’s 90th birthday. The changes are minor and are not necessarily in keeping with the spirit of an (ever-unsatisfying) revision. Instead, they express a further deepening of our initial tribute, now from the perspective of those left behind who wish to continue, if not rebuild, the resistances against the reactionary threats of our time.

Katja Diefenbach, Ruth Sonderegger, Pablo Valdivia 08 04 24

Open Letter: In Solidarity with Goldsmiths University

Goldsmiths as we know it will cease to exist if we do not protect it.

Goldsmiths University’s Senior Management Team intends to carry out another significant restructure to be implemented by October 2024. This comes at a worrying speed, and without information and consultation with those affected, including staff, students and researchers.

Students at Goldsmiths University 01 04 24

Dass Twitter/X nun seit mehr als einem Jahr nicht mehr aus den Schlagzeilen der Tech-News kommt und die Zerstörung des Netzwerks immer weiter fortschreitet, ist nur die Spitze des Eisberges einer tiefgreifenden Krise der Social Media Monopole. Während sie trotz jahrelanger Kritik weder ernsthaft daran arbeiten, Hass, Missinformation und Manipulation auf ihren Plattformen einzuschränken, noch daran, die verheerenden Auswirkungen ihrer Aufmerksamkeitsökonomien zumindest abzumildern, wird ein Setting immer deutlicher, das außer dem eigenen Konzern und dessen Investor:innen nur mehr Verlierer:innen kennt. Doch die Machtpositionen sind fest zementiert und man sollte nicht zu optimistisch ein baldiges Ende erwarten. Was die Zerstörung von Twitter allerdings gezeigt und auch als konkrete Chance eröffnet hat, ist, dass alternative Projekte wie im konkreten Fall der Kurznachrichtendienst Mastodon, aber auch dessen breiteres, als 'Fediverse' bezeichnetes Umfeld, zumindest zu einer stabilen Nische werden können, in der sich die Entwicklungen von Medien und Technologien wieder mit sozialer Fantasie und emanzipatorischen Begehren verknüpfen und damit Zusammenhänge entstehen können, die eine Phase nach Social Media antizipieren.

Raimund Minichbauer 18 01 24

We mourn the loss of Toni Negri, who passed away on the night of December 15-16, 2023, and publish here an obituary of his friend Sandro Mezzadra.

Sandro Mezzadra 16 12 23

Nach der Publikation von Ungefüge als zweitem Band von „Maschinischer Kapitalismus und molekulare Revolution“ und den beiden Übersetzungen des Buchs ins Englische (Minor Compositions) und ins Spanische (Subtextos / Cactus) präsentiert transversal texts nun auch das erste vollständige Hörbuch. Die Stimmen von Isabell Lorey, Antonio Negri, Stefan Nowotny, Suely Rolnik, Birgit Sauer und Ruth Sonderegger setzen Gerald Raunigs Experiment der theoretischen Form nun als Audiobook fort.
Streaming und Download:

15 12 23

Isabell Lorey liest das erste Kapitel aus Eran Schaerfs Gesammeltes Deutsch

04 12 23

Suburbia presenta el Programa de Estudios Radicales (PER). Una experiencia de estudio centrada en la interacción entre prácticas teóricas, producción social e imaginación política. Este programa va más allá de la investigación académica tradicional y entra en el terreno de la investigación radical y militante, con el objetivo de investigar, profundizar y producir conceptos y prácticas que muevan la imaginación política existente.
Viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023, 19h, Casa Azul, Málaga
Presentación con aportaciones de Suburbia, Marta Malo, Gerald Raunig y Ruth Sonderegger
Más información aquí:

13 11 23

“Allied Grounds,” an international conference on the social question of the climate crisis, took place in early October in Berlin. The conference was the culmination of an annual project of the Berliner Gazette (BG) that explored two related, but rarely linked, constellations: “In the Global South, environmental concerns have been an integral part of working-class struggles against expropriation, exploitation, and extractivism literally since the colonial-capitalist conquest of the New World. In the Global North, on the other hand, working-class environmentalism emerged in the 19th century as a response to industrialization and urbanization, while labor and environmental movements have only in recent years reclaimed their potential for alliance.”

Stephen Bouquin 09 11 23

Wenn wir Rassismus als soziales Verhältnis verstehen, dann gilt es, ein solches ebenso für den Antirassismus zu denken. Der vorliegende Beitrag zu einem "gesellschaftlichen Antirassismus" schlägt eine Analytik seiner globalen Kampfzyklen für antikoloniale Selbstbestimmung und Dekolonisierung, seiner Konjunkturen und seiner transversalen Konjunktionen vor. Hierbei gilt es vor allem, den verhängnisvollen Zusammenhang zwischen Vergessen, Verleugnen und rassistischer Gewalt zu ergründen. Gerade für die postgenozidalen Gesellschaften Europas ist eine solche Perspektive entscheidend: Rassistische Gewalt adressiert nicht zuletzt das Vergessen antirassistischer Kämpfe.

Vassilis S. Tsianos 25 10 23

"The Irrepressible Lightness and Joy of Being Communist"

Translocal Lecture Series on the Political Philosophy of Toni Negri

The audio-archive of the lecture series is online. The links to the recordings can be found in this blog-post or via

01 08 23

La Villana de Vallekases un *centro social autónomo y autogestionado* basado en el apoyo mutuo, el sindicalismo social y la acción directa.

HOY comienza la #CuentaAtrasVillana y tenemos 10 días llegar al OPTIMO, ¿nos ayudas?


26 07 23

Loukia Kotronaki ist Dozentin und Postdoktorandin an der Fakultät für Politikwissenschaft und Geschichte der Panteion Universität. Sie untersucht kollektives Handeln und soziale Bewegungen auf der ganzen Welt, ausgehend von der Bewegung gegen die neoliberale Globalisierung in Griechenland in den Jahren 2000-2006. Wir sprechen mit ihr über die aktuelle Protestwelle, die das Land nach dem Verbrechen von Tempi erfasst hat.

Loukia Kotronaki 17 03 23

The following appeal for international solidarity has come from inside Iran and we the undersigned declare our support for this call, and hope you will join us by adding your name to it.

07 03 23

transversal audio season

March - July 2023

The transversal audio season presents livestreams, book presentations, interviews, discussions, lecture performances, sound pieces and features. At the centre of this spring’s audio season is a Tribute to Toni Negri: “The Irrepressible Lightness and Joy of Being Communist” celebrates the 90th birthday of one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th and 21st century with a translocal series of lectures and a four-part interview with Toni Negri, conducted by Gerald Raunig. Beyond this, the season includes audios created in connection with eipcp projects and transversal books, starting with the most recent releases, The Household as Laboratory by Verónica Gago and Luci Cavallero, and Raúl Sanchez Cedillo's This War Does Not End in Ukraine.

Livestreams and new episodes will be published on Wednesdays at 18:00 CET. Please check the program here at for possible short-term changes.
Default language: English, with multilingual interventions.

28 02 23

Dieser Krieg endet nicht in der Ukraine. Argumente für einen konstituierenden Frieden

Buchpräsentationen mit Raúl Sánchez Cedillo im Februar/März 2023 (in Kooperation mit medico international)

Raúl Sánchez Cedillo präsentiert sein neues, gerade bei transversal texts in deutscher Übersetzung erscheinendes Buch Dieser Krieg endet nicht in der Ukraine. Argumente für einen konstituierenden Frieden ( in einer Reihe von Veranstaltungen in Deutschland und Österreich.

18 02 23

80 researchers, cultural workers, journalists, and activists from 25 countries call on event organizers throughout “Europe” and beyond: Stand together against the EU border regime and publicize the occasions when borders sabotage our efforts to build spaces of transnational conversation and cooperation!

Berliner Gazette 17 02 23

We give our full support to Manuel Borja-Villel, until a few days ago director of Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid, and who in the recent weeks has been the subject of a defamatory and violent campaign by some right-wing Spanish media.
Sign the letter: Institute of Radical Imagination

Institute of Radical Imagination 06 02 23

How can institutions change and open up towards the work ethics and themes of the “exhibited” activism—despite the imposed institutional imperative of non-partisanship? How might funding structures and budgets be reinterpreted and shifted, to allow new things to emerge outside the logics and funding lines conceived in cultural ministries continuing to pay lip service only to contemporary conflicts? How might institutional resources be redistributed towards initiatives without requiring that initiatives tacitly adopt and accept—through cooperation with the institutions—those structures that are, in principle, being fought against?

Sonja Hornung / Ülkü Süngün 04 01 23

Acid Horizon publishes a podcast with Gerald Raunig on themes from his new book Dissemblage.

22 12 22

This discussion looks at Bulgarian literature, publishing, its challenges, how it exists as a peripheral space and how people resist those challenges through new forms of inventive publishing. Departing from an anecdote about a pivotal shift in the Bulgarian literary context that took place in 2016, the authors reflect on the historical context to elaborate how this came to be and highlight the significance of numerous contemporary experimental, resistant, and non-traditional publishing practices.

Lina Dokuzović (ed.), Todor Hristov, Tsvetelina Hristova, Stanimir Panayotov 21 12 22

Seit Anfang November müssen Geflüchtete am steirischen Grenzübergang Spielfeld in Zelten ausharren, bei eisiger Kälte und häufigem Ausfall der Heizungen, mit ungenügender Kleidung, zu dünnen Decken und zeitweise auch zu wenig Verpflegung. Es ist ebenso unerträglich wie inakzeptabel, dass Geflüchtete in einem der reichsten Länder der Welt in Zelten überleben müssen. Als Wissenschafter*innen im Bereich Menschenrechte und Migration protestieren wir gegen diese unmenschliche und rechtswidrige Situation.
Update, 22.12.: Seit Mittwoch, dem 21.12., befinden sich etwa 30 Geflüchtete in Spielfeld im Hungerstreik, nachdem seit Tagen niemand in ein festes Quartier gebracht wurde. Sie fürchten, im Zeltlager vergessen zu werden.

13 12 22

The humanitarian organisation medico international has published an interview with Raúl Sánchez Cedillo based on his new book Esta guerra no termina in Ucraina (This War Will Not End in Ukraine). The German translation of the book is forthcoming with transversal texts in cooperation with medico international in February 2023.

12 12 22

Our issue #10 is devoted to the Refugee Movement from O-Platz/Ohlauer School (Berlin) and all movements around the world. With activists*, who were part of the protest camp and the occupation of Ohlauer School, we spoke about the 10th anniversary of the O-Platz occupation and reflect on this particular time, its forthcomings as well as current and future activism. Since it’s also the 10th issue (the first was delivered in March 2016) of DAILY RESISTANCE, we brought together old and new comrades to talk about the beginnings of the newspaper, the importance of own media for the Refugee Movement, collaborations and future plans.

Daily Resistance 09 11 22

There have been multiple film manifestos, such as ones for an imperfect or militant cinema, or for a women’s cinema as a counter-cinema. They have all been formulated by filmmakers not only with a theoretical-reflective, but also formal-practical and directly cinematographically transformative claiim. What does not yet exist, however,––and what we are currently working on––is the postulate for a cinema of care, or a healing cinema, or of a cinema that sees to things and looks after them, not least with regard to the contexts of films, cinematic experiments and those actors’ networks that belong to it.

Brigitta Kuster 29 10 22

We are students from Iran and we are addressing you with this letter because we need your help and don't know what to do anymore. You study, lecture and research at universities without being oppressed by the violence of a state. We, too, dream of one day being able to study and work in a free, democratic country - a country that is no longer an Islamic republic, that no longer suffers from the mullahs' reign of terror, where we, as women can wear to a lecture whatever we want to wear.

05 10 22

We the undersigned, academics and researchers across the globe, stand in solidarity with Iranian people in recognition of increasing waves of political protests sparked across Iran after the killing of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini at the hands of Iran’s so-called “morality police”.

28 09 22

Uns erreichen schreckliche Nachrichten aus Tschetschenien. Die von Putin angekündigte Teilmobilisierung trifft die Menschen in der totalitär regierten Teilrepublik besonders heftig: In einem Video letzte Woche hat Ramsan Kadyrov angekündigt, bis Samstag 24.09.2022, 9.000 Soldaten für Putin in den Krieg gegen die Ukraine zu schicken.

Vertreter*innen der tschetschenischen Community in Österreich, Aktivist*innen und Unterstützer*innen 27 09 22

Following Dividuum (2015), transversal texts and Minor Compositions present the second volume of “Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution”: Dissemblage unfolds a wild abundance of unruly material, from the multilingual translation machines of Al-Andalus to the queer mysticism of the High Middle Ages, from the minor voices of the falsetto in 20th century jazz and soul to today’s disjointures and subjunctures against the smooth city in machinic capitalism.

26 09 22

On 16 September, Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman, was brutally murdered by the morality police of the Islamic Republic of Iran. She was beaten several times on the head after her arrest for wearing so-called ‘improper’ hijab. This was among many other state murders committed systemically and purposefully by the gender-apartheid regime of Iran. Since this state murder, people have been protesting in many cities in Iran.

23 09 22

The constitution that Chile will vote on in a referendum on 4 September is one of the most democratic and advanced in the world. Express your support for the approval of the New Constitution with your signature.

30 08 22

On July 19 in Piacenza, Italy, six grassroots union activists have been put under house arrest. They are accused of having set up a criminal conspiracy disguised as labour union activity. This is the latest and most severe assault to the unions that since the early 2010s fight for the rights of workers in the logistics sector.

04 08 22

Transversal Sounds – Part I

Some ideas for thinking about audio publishing (and the auditory more broadly)

Seemingly without prior consultation, it became clear around a year ago that several people involved in transversal texts had become curious about expanding the work of the little nonpublisher-machine of books and blog and multilingual webjournal into sound. Surely in the bigger picture, the timing was no coincidence—the pandemic, not least, comes immediately to mind. Nor were the personal interests in sound necessarily new. And yet there was something delightful to the apparent coincidence.

Kelly Mulvaney 11 05 22

Now he is finally gone. The resignation of the Executive Director of the European border management agency Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri, was long overdue and yet a surprise. After all, since the first allegations against the agency became public in autumn 2020, Leggeri had clung to his post, showed neither awareness of the problem nor of wrongdoing, and could apparently rely on the fact that neither the EU member states nor the European Commission were interested in weakening the agency by toppling its executive director. For: the Agency is currently in a decisive phase of its transformation into the first uniformed European police force.

Bernd Kasparek 10 05 22

Activist Urbanism for a Solidary City

Book presentations and discussion

Vienna (23.05.) - München (26.05.) - Augsburg (27.05.) - Köln (28.05.) - Stuttgart (31.05.) - Berlin (01.06.) - Hamburg (03.06.)

09 05 22

Social Struggles in Spain

Wednesday, 25.5.2022, 16:00 – 21:00

Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna

09 05 22

On the jacket quote of Kuba Szreder’s The ABC of the Projectariat, theorist/video artist Hito Steyerl says that the book creates “an alphabetical list– trusting that this mess will be easier to sort out once articulated aloud.” The mess that Szreder effectively sorts out is that pile of contradictions that appear when aiming to make art through the work of institutions. Specifically, to Szreder’s interests, this is the mess that appears when dialing in on how political or socially transformative artwork does and does not function through the current neo-liberal cultural order.

Marc Herbst 05 05 22

The Chaosmosemedia association, the Universite de Paris 8 and the Collège International de philosophie are co­-organizing a five half-day international conference with a view to promoting a transversal gathering of researchers in philosophy, educational science, gender studies, performance arts, music, dance, cinema, as well as practitioners and clinicians of mental health, students, teachers and activists, in order to address the numerous investments of desire which Guattari's textual and social practices have made possible. Deadline for proposals: 16 May 2022, conference: 20-22 October 2022 13 04 22

Not all Roma leave Ukraine and not all are victims of discriminatory treatment. But reports of discrimination against Romnja* at the borders are increasing. They are not taken in cars, bus companies turn them away. In the places of arrival they are separated from the „white“ Ukrainians for unknown reasons. There are also difficulties in the places of arrival in Germany. 31 03 22

Heute, am Jahrestag der Pariser Commune, haben wir in Wien ein Haus besetzt. Wir haben damit bewusst die kapitalistische Eigentumsordnung angegriffen, die die allermeisten Menschen vom gesellschaftlichen Reichtum ausschließt.

en-commun 18 03 22

Der österreichische Immobilienmogul René Benko will den Untergang Neuköllns. Die SPD macht ihm den Weg frei. Stellen wir uns entgegen!

#DieReichenKommen 14 03 22

Dear comrades,
where there is resistance, there is repression. Where there is resistance, there is a need for money. It is our task not to leave the comrades of the social, left, socialist and anarchist movements all alone now!

Rote Hilfe Wien 10 03 22

This is a manifesto by Russian feminists who have united against the occupation and war in Ukraine. Feminism is one of the few opposition movements in contemporary Russia that has not been destroyed by the waves of persecution launched by Vladimir Putin’s government. At the moment, several dozen grassroots feminist groups are operating in at least thirty Russian cities. In this text, feminists taking part in antiwar demonstrations around the country call on feminists around the world to unite in opposing the military aggression launched by Putin’s government.

Feminist Anti-War Resistance 27 02 22

We are alarmed that the City of Berlin and its officials have allowed themselves to be instrumentalized by private associations, companies, and individuals around the “cultural manager” Walter Smerling, by providing infrastructural and financial support to the so-called “Kunsthalle Berlin.”
To sign the open letter, go here.

Jörg Heiser, Hito Steyerl, Clemens von Wedemeyer 17 02 22