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Arkzin, its Legacy and Contemporary Importance

In the first part of this discussion, we discuss both the historical and current importance of Zagreb-based journal Arkzin, from its origins in the anti-war campaign of the 1990s to its impact on the progressive scenes in Croatia and abroad. Against the backdrop of the legacy of the Non-Aligned Movement, unique approaches to solidarity were at the core of the work of Arkzin. In the discussion, we map out the challenges of the context of war, corruption, transition, and emerging new nationalisms while looking at how unconventional publishing subverted and blurred the lines between new media, experimental art and design, and radical approaches to writing, editing, and collaborating in a way that spurred numerous collaborations and actions to come.

These audio episodes are part of Peripheral Visions.

Arkzin, its Legacy and Contemporary Importance, Part I

In part II of this discussion on Arkzin, we look at the roles of feminism, historical revisionism, spatial vs. temporal peripherality, discontinuities, the lessons we can learn from war and from our blind spots, and the need for new forms of solidarity today.

Stay tuned until the end. After the discussion, there is a selection of experimental text to speech audio snippets from the Arkzin archives – courtesy of Dejan Kršić.

Arkzin, its Legacy and Contemporary Importance, Part II



'Peripheral Visions' is supported by the Creative Europe Programme (2021-27) of the European Union. The eipcp's participation is co-funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.