Marc Hatzfeld
Born in 1945. Spends his childhood in Madagascar. Studies law and political sciences in Paris in the 60ies. Travels around the world until the age of 35. Becomes a consultant, then a free lance researcher sociologist. Lives and works in Paris.
Published recently
- Quand la marge est créatrice, La Tour
d'Aigues, Editions de l'Aube, 1998
- Le petit traité de la banlieue, Dunod, 2004
- Les dézingués, parcours de SDF, Paris,
Autrement, 2006
- La culture des cités, une énergie positive,
Paris, Autrement, 2006
Co-directed two documentaries
- Pas de problèmes, 1999 (about young suburban
kids in search of jobs)
- Portes et passages, 2001 (about immigration in the heart of Paris)