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Gene Ray

a critic and theorist living in Berlin, is a member of the Radical Culture Research Collective (RCRC).  His essays at the intersections of art and radical politics have appeared frequently in Third Text and Left Curve; co-authored texts have been published in Analyse & Kritik, Monthly Review and Radical Philosophy.  Author of Terror and the Sublime in Art and Critical Theory ( 2005) and editor of Joseph Beuys: Mapping the Legacy ( 2001), he is the co-editor, with Gerald Raunig, of Art and Contemporary Critical Practice: Reinventing Institutional Critique (2008) and guest-editor, with Gregory Sholette, of a Third Text special issue on tactical media (2008).  He also contributed essays  to Territories: Islands, Camps and Other States of Utopia (2003), Signals in the Dark: Art in the Shadow of War (2008) and Handbook of Cultural Sociology (forthcoming 2009), as well as other edited volumes.   He has taught critical studies at New College of Florida, the University of Hawai’i and Geneva University of Art and Design.


je kritik in teoretik, ki živi v Berlinu in je član Radical Culture Research Collective (RCRC). Njegovi eseji, na presečišču med umetnostjo in radikalno politično mislijo, so bili pogosto objavljeni v Third Text in Left Curve; objavljal je tudi skupaj z drugimi avtorji v Analyse & Kritik, Monthly Review in Radical Philosophy. Je avtor dela Terror and the Sublime in Art and Critical Theory ( 2005) in urednik knjige Joseph Beuys: Mapping the Legacy ( 2001) ter sodelavec številnih zbornikov, med drugim Territories: Islands, Camps and Other States of Utopia (2003) in Signals in the Dark: Art in the Shadow of War (2008). Poučeval je na New College of Florida in University of Hawai’i at Manoa, kjer je predaval kritično teorijo umetnosti.