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01 2022

Patainstitutional inquiries: self-organised research in contemporary art & activism

New Issue of the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest

The term ‘patainstitutionalism’ is coined in relation to Alfred Jarry, a 19th century bohemian writer and proto-surrealist, who in his novel Exploits & Opinions of Doctor Faustroll, Pataphysician (1898 / 1996) describes pataphysics as a science of exception and uniqueness, of poetry and heightened stances of perception...However, this legacy is only of secondary importance to our current inquiries, as the very notion of patainstitutionalism, as proposed and used here, is a result of curatorial innovation and creative translation. ‘Patainstitutionalism’ is an English translation of the Polish term ‘patainstytutcjonalizm’, a neologism created to denote the plethora of ‘mock institutions’ (Sholette 2011), ‘institutions of exodus’ and ‘institutent practices’ (Raunig 2009), ‘monster institutions’ (Universidad Nomada 2009), ‘plausible art worlds’ (Basekamp Group & Friends 2013)... (Kuba Szreder: Editorial)