Erika Doucette
Between Habermas and Rancière: The Democracy of Political Translation
Nicole Doerr
Cultural Studies – a Translational Perspective
Doris Bachmann-Medick / Boris Buden
Erase them! Eurodac and Digital Deportability
Brigitta Kuster / Vassilis S. Tsianos
Raimund Minichbauer
Rubia Salgado
Not Wanting To Be Governed Like That: On the Relationship between Anger and Critique
Patricia Purtschert
Gin Müller
Something Other Than Administrated “Quality.” Art Education and Protest 2009/1979
Tom Holert
Studying Theory/Theories at Art School?
Klaus Schönberger
The Languages of the "Banlieues"
Birgit Mennel / Stefan Nowotny
Marina Garcés
What we owe to the Sans-papiers
Etienne Balibar
Translations [external sites]
Felix Stalder
Martin Wassermair
Subordination and Self-Organization
Ljubomir Bratić
übersetzt, forscht, unterrichtet und denkt an den schnittstellen und in den zwischenräumen von kultur(arbeit/theorien), raum, gender, sexualitäten und darüber hinaus.
translates, researches, teaches and contemplates the points of conntections and the spaces between cultural work/theories, space/spatiality, gender, sexualities and beyond.