Françoise Vergès
is a Reader at the Center for Cultural Studies,
Goldsmiths College, University of London. She obtained her Ph.D. in Political
Science from the University of California at Berkeley. Her thesis Monsters and
Revolutionaries. Colonial Family Romance and Métissage, received the 1995 Mark
Joseph Rozance Memorial Award and was published under the same title by Duke
University Press in 1999.
She is also the co-director with Carpanin Marimoutou of the Cultural
and Scientific Direction of a forthcoming museum, Maison des civilisations et
de l’unité réunionnaise , and the vice-president of the Comité pour la Mémoire
de l’Esclavage, in application of the 2001 law on slave trade and slavery.
She has worked
with filmmakers and artists. Recently she was a consultant for the documentary
Noirs, Arnaud Ngatcha, Director, 2006, and was a project advisor for Documenta
11, for the Platform 3 “Créolité and Creolization” in 2002.
Her most recent publications include:
La Mémoire enchaînée. Questions sur l’esclavage. Paris:
Albin Michel, 2006.
Nègre je suis, nègre je resterai. Entretiens avec Aimé
Césaire. Paris: Albin Michel, 2005.
Catalog, Isaac Julien’s Exhibition “Phantom Creole”,
Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2005.
La république coloniale: essai sur une
utopie, with Pascal Blanchard and Nicolas Bancel. Paris: Albin Michel, 2003.
Paris: Hachette Littérature, collection Pluriel, 2006.
Amarres. Creolisations India-océanes, with Carpanin
Marimoutou. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2004.
Formations : Creolization Processes and Practices,” in Paula Krüger and
Imke K. Meyer, eds. Transcultural
Studies. Inderdisciplinarität trifft Transkulturalität. Bremen :
Universitätsdruckerei, pp.131-136.
“A vos mangues ! “ Politique Africaine, 100, dec. 2005- janv. 2006, , pp.315-322,
trad. par Dominique Malaquais.
“Le Nègre n’est
pas, pas plus que le Blanc’. Frantz Fanon, esclavage, race et racisme, “
Actuel Marx, 38, 2005, pp.45-64.
“Les troubles de mémoire. Traite négrière, esclavage et
écriture de l’histoire,” Cahiers d’études africaines, December 2005.