Gigi Roggero
(1973) is a movement militant: he is involved in the 'Atelier Occupato Esc' in Rome (, in the journal 'Posse', in the transnational projects 'edu-factory' ( and 'Precarity Webring' (, and he is a collaborator of the newspaper 'il manifesto'. He is co-author of the books: 'Futuro anteriore. Dai «Quaderni rossi» ai movimenti globali: ricchezze e limiti dell?operaismo italiano' (2002, Rome: DeriveApprodi), 'Precariopoli. Parole e pratiche delle nuove lotte sul lavoro' (2005, Rome: Manifestolibri), 'Gli operaisti' (2005, Rome: DeriveApprodi). He is author of 'Intelligenze fuggitive. Movimenti contro l?università-azienda' (2005, Rome: Manifestolibri). Among the essays, he is co-author of 'La coinvestigación como acción política', in AA.VV., 'Nociones comunes' (2004, Madrid: Traficantes de sueños), and 'Conricerca as Political Action', in M. Coté, R. J. F. Day e G. de Peuter (edited by), 'Utopian Pedagogy: Radical Experiments Against Neoliberal Globalization' (2007, Toronto: University of Toronto Press). Finally, he is also a Ph.D. student at the Department of Sociology and Political Science at the University of Calabria.