05 2022
Activist Urbanism for a Solidary City
Book presentations and discussion
How can we imagine and construct a solidary city, a city against the state, a soft city? How can an activist urbanism re-create the city as a space of multiplicity, of refuge, respite, reproduction, arrival, gathering?
These questions will be discussed on the base of two books recently published by transversal texts: Die sanfte Stadt ("Soft City") by Kike España and Die Stadt als Stätte der Solidarität ("The City as a Site of Solidarity"), edited by Niki Kubaczek and Monika Mokre.
Events in English
With Kike España, Niki Kubaczek, and Monika Mokre
23.05., 19:00, W23, Wipplingerstraße 23, A-1010 Wien
26.05., 19:00, Bellevue de Monaco, Müllerstraße 2, D-80469 München, https://bellevuedimonaco.de/veranstaltung/die-sanfte-stadt/
27.05., 19:00, Grand Hotel Cosmopolis, Springergässchen 5, D-86152 Augsburg
28.05., 19:00, Naturfreundehaus Köln-Kalk, Kapellenstr. 9a, D-51103 Köln-Kalk
31.05., 18:00, Urban Design Colloquium, Stuttgart
01.06, 19:30, pro qm, Almstadtstraße 48-50, D-10119 Berlin, https://www.pro-qm.de/activist-urbanism-solidary-city
03.06., 19:00, fux eG, Zeiseweg 9, D-22765 Hamburg