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Monika Mokre

Publications [external sites]
  • Critique of Creativity

    Gerald Raunig, Gene Ray and Ulf Wuggenig (eds)

  • Kritik der Kreativität

    Gerald Raunig, Ulf Wuggenig (Hg.) / republicart, Bd. 6, Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant 2007 / erweiterte Neuauflage: transversal texts Januar 2016


    Gerald Raunig (Hg.) / republicart, Bd. 1 / Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant 2003

ist Politikwissenschaftlerin an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Obfrau des eipcp und Aktivistin des Refugee Protest Camps Vienna. In ihrer Forschungstätigkeit und ihrer politischen Arbeit beschäftigt sie sich mit europäischer Demokratie, Migration und Kulturpolitik.


Research Fellow at the Institute for Cultural Studies and History of Theatre, Austrian Academy of Sciences (since March 2009)
Chairwoman of eipcp, european institute for progressive cultural policies
Board Member of FOKUS, the Austrian Association for Cultural Economics and Policy Studies
Board Member of Mediacult, International Research Institute for Media, Communication and Cultural Development
Deputy Chair of the Advisory Panel on Cultural Diversity of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO;
Lecturer at the Institute for Cultural Studies and Cultural Management, University of Music and Performing Arts  and Webster University Vienna;
Research Areas: European Democracy and Public Sphere, Cultural Politics and Financing of the Arts, Gender Studies