Marion Hamm
Studied history and cultural studies in Tübingen (Ludwig Uhland Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft) and Birmingham (CCCS). Since 1999 contributions to Indymedia UK and the european noborder network. Practical need for IT-collaboration tools led to a theoretical interest in the appropriation of virtual and physical spaces. Presently works as a researcher at Lucerne University (CH).
Some publications:
Indymedia London at the Halloween Critical Mass: Reclaiming Virtual and Physical Spaces. Open 11 (2006) [en | ne]
With Katharina Eisch (Hg): Die Poesie des Feldes. Beiträge zur ethnographischen Kulturanalyse. Tübingen 2001
With Michael Zaiser: com.une.farce und - zwei Modi oppositioneller Netznutzung. In: Das Argument 238 (2000) 5/6, S. 755-764